<arvindsrinivasan> So how does the conda package version avoid this issue Lofy
<arvindsrinivasan> Cause I’m curious now if I can diff the ilang files for using the specific versions that the examples use by default and see the source of teh error
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[symbiflow-arch-defs] the-centry opened issue #2056: Packing problem - https://git.io/JtblZ
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<arvindsrinivasan> > ERROR: Module `FDRE' is used with parameters but is not parametric! @lofty, where did you actually see this error btw?
<arvindsrinivasan> Its not in the ilang file is it?
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[symbiflow-arch-defs] andrewb1999 opened issue #2058: Trade-off pnr time and performance - https://git.io/JtNIg
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<arvindsrinivasan> Yea its the same issue
<timo.callahan> Symbiflow-LiteX questions: I got a SymbiFlow build working for a LiteX-based project I'm working on, using simply --toolchain=symbiflow. Arty A735T board. I first tried at 80MHz since I saw that on a Zephyr webpage; the bitstream kind of worked (I got the lightchaser and LiteX prompt) but there were memory errors reported (address and data), and the firmware hung at `Liftoff!`. I then tried building at
100MHz, and it all worked perfectly! I remember a long time ago (months!) building LiteX at 50MHz, which was too slow for the memory, but then I thought it worked at 60MHz. So are the errors I'm seeing at 80MHz unexpected?
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<timo.callahan> This is the webpage that recommended an 80MHz clk: https://docs.zephyrproject.org/latest/boards/riscv/litex_vexriscv/doc/index.html : `cd litex/litex/boards/targets && ./arty.py --toolchain symbiflow --cpu-type vexriscv --sys-clk-freq 80e6 --build`, which again, didn't work for me due to memory errors reported from LiteX BIOS.
What's the timing report say at 80 MHz and 100 MHz?
If the timing report shows slack violations at both speeds, the fact that it appears to work at 100 MHz might just be luck
It is also possible that the solution at 100 MHz has less of a slack violation than the design at 80 MHz, which means that it has a high change of working
Another thing to try is multiple seeds into VPR
It is possible that 9/10 designs close timing at 80 MHz, but you got unlucky, and 5/10 designs close timing at 100 MHz, and you happened to get luck reversed
<timo.callahan> Hmm yeah, there are some pretty large negative slacks reported at 100MHz.
Then I expect that it isn't really working at 100 MHz, you are just getting luck
<timo.callahan> Yep
One thing to double check is run the design through the Vivado timing analysis as a sanity check and see if the VPR slack analysis was wrong
We've had some bugs in the timing model that resulted in invalid timing analysis in both directions
But it is believed that the remaining errors are small
<timo.callahan> I see some paths involving the PLL that have data required time of 0.479, not the usual 10.0+delta. xilinxasyncresetsyncronizer? Is that false path?
Possible? I don't have enough information from that statement, but it is possible
timo.callahan: I remember someone mentioning there were issues with the liteDRAM core itself. In the past I have tried the liteDRAM core on Vivado and it only worked properly at 100 MHz.
andrewb1999: We've tested it successfully at 60 and 80 MHz
I believe
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litghost: Ah ok maybe it is fixed since when I was testing it.
litghost: andrewb1999: thanks for the info! If I figure out any more I'll post it.
<pgielda> those repos are not interchangable
pgielda: correct, I believe I also tested it with the vendored version though
<pgielda> what is vendored version?
the symbiflow fork
<pgielda> this is what interests me -- it would be an issue
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<pgielda> if it failed against symbiflow/yosys
<pgielda> its kinda expected to fail with YosysHQ/yosys
alright, I hope I can go back to nextpnr soon to avoid all this, the fpga-interchange frontend seems to be making huge progress :)
<arvindsrinivasan> @pgielda I can reproduce that issue with the symbiflow fork as well, it only works with the conda packaged versions
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<pgielda> @arvindsrinivasan, I've talked to @kgugala and he wrote to me that he plans to try to reproduce this issue and see whats going on. If you have some additional info -- just paste it to this issue that @lambda opened: https://github.com/SymbiFlow/symbiflow-examples/issues/120
<pgielda> And lets track progress there.
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