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<_whitenotifier-5> [sv-tests] mithro opened issue #1346: Pull request "Compared test results" small feature requests -
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<_whitenotifier-5> [fasm] mithro opened issue #50: Remove `add_flags` method in by fixing cmake config file -
<_whitenotifier-5> [fasm] mithro opened issue #51: Improve the cmake flag configuration -
<_whitenotifier-5> [fasm] mithro opened issue #52: Get the antlr / cython binaries building on Windows -
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<sf-slack4> <sdamghan> Hi all, Is there anyway to specify .input and .output for a sub-circuit in Yosys BLIF output ?
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<litghost> Can you rephrase your question?
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<_whitenotifier-5> [sv-tests] MikePopoloski opened issue #1347: Ibex core test passes verilator-specific files to other tools -
<_whitenotifier-5> [sv-tests] MikePopoloski opened issue #1348: SweRV core has possible syntax errors -
<sf-slack4> <sdamghan> Example: assign q = a + b After "proc; opt; memory; write_blif $PATH;" Yosys generates the following information for the add operation: .names $undef .subckt $add A=a B=b Y=q .end I'm wondering is it possible to generate the corresponding .model record for the above mentioned sub-circuit in Yosys, for instance something like this:
<sf-slack4> .model $undef .inputs A B
<sf-slack4> <litghost> FYI, the model in that case would be $add, not $undef
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<litghost> It can and should do the right thing
<sf-slack4> <sdamghan> Yes, my bad. You are right. Anyway, is there any possibility?
<sf-slack4> <sdamghan> Thank you! I have just checked, however, Yosys does not generate the *.model* record related to the sub-circuit in the BLIF file. I have checked for addition, multiplication and memory. it should be noted that I achieved the same results with and without *-blackbox* flag for write_blif.
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<_whitenotifier-5> [symbiflow-arch-defs] eljuligallego opened issue #2032: efinix FPGAs? -
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<_whitenotifier-5> [python-fpga-interchange] litghost opened issue #21: FPGA interchange logical netlist GND/VCC cell references should come from device database -