[symbiflow-examples] rodrigomelo9 opened issue #126: Question about constraints - https://git.io/Jt5GS
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[symbiflow-arch-defs] the-centry opened issue #2047: Had anyone tried to make it supporting two kinds of iopads ? - https://git.io/Jt5WQ
(https://github.com/YosysHQ/yosys) install methods (`make` and `sudo make install`) after finding the same commit as the conda package (Yosys 0.9+3710 (git sha1 2116c585). However, I seem to be getting an abc error (ERROR: Assert `cell->parameters.empty()' failed in passes/techmap/abc9_ops.cc:781.) when I attempt to then build the counter test. Is there some flags I should be setting when I attempt to build yosys and the
corresponding plugins before using them with the rest of the toolchain?
You might have run into one of those issues
<kgugala> @arvindsrinivasan you should actually use yosys from https://github.com/symbiflow/yosys (Symbiflow's fork) as it has features required for symbiflow (some are not merged upstream yet)
<kgugala> there might have been a rebase in the mean time
<kgugala> and since this particular commit is a merge commit it may have been removed
<arvindsrinivasan> I’m still encountering the error
<arvindsrinivasan> Despite having switched to using that exact commit from the symbiflow repo
<arvindsrinivasan> ERROR: Assert `cell->parameters.empty()' failed in passes/techmap/abc9_ops.cc:781. Is there something missing from either repo to have this example work?
<kgugala> the examples are built in the CI in examples repo, so everything must be there
<arvindsrinivasan> Is there something specific to how the conda packages are built theN
<arvindsrinivasan> I feel like locally building yosys should still produce something that works
<arvindsrinivasan> From there I found the 2116c585 commit on both the yosysHQ repo and the symbiflow repo and so I used the yosysHQ one first then the symbiflow repo
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Are you condident that you are actually running the yosys compiled from that version?
<arvindsrinivasan> Yes I’m saying it builds a binary with the following version Yosys 0.9+3710 (git sha1 UNKNOWN, gcc 10.2.0-13ubuntu1 -fPIC -Os
<arvindsrinivasan> Which I confirmed is the binary that is installed systemwide on my path
Why is git sha1 UNKNOWN? It should reflect the hash of the git repo it was built from, for your own sanity
<arvindsrinivasan> Not sure of that, but the only yosys binary in the folder has this `./yosys --version`
<arvindsrinivasan> I did that and I still build a binary (Yosys 0.9+3710 (git sha1 2116c585, clang 11.0.0-2 -fPIC -Os)) that causes an issue ERROR: Assert `cell->parameters.empty()' failed in passes/techmap/abc9_ops.cc:781.
<kgugala> which example do you try to build?
<arvindsrinivasan> counter_test
<arvindsrinivasan> Specifically for the basys3
<arvindsrinivasan> I apologize if this is stupid, but like, given the conda packages are just built versions of the repo with nothing special, I feel like this should be a supported workflow since the versions of yosys and ABC is the exact same
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Kinda wish I'd got pinged for the ABC9 assert ^^;
arvindsrinivasen: are you still around?
arvindsrinivasan even
<arvindsrinivasan> Hi
<arvindsrinivasan> Whats up Lofty
I'm...de facto ABC9 maintainer at the moment :P
So asserts in ABC9 are my domain
I'll open up the code in a bit, but here's my assumption: a cell with parameters is making its way to ABC9, but ABC9 expects monomorphised cells and can't really deal with it here
<arvindsrinivasan> Cool, that sounds good. I guess the issue I’m having is trying to build yosys locally (not even master) but the specific commit conda package uses for the symbiflow-examples, but the issue I”m having is that the example (which works with the conda package and its install of ABC9) doesn’t work with my own built copy
litghost: did you file a bug for that parser issue?
The parser issue was a long standing whole in the parser that was fixed
Yosys accepted or interped something that was not allowed, but accepted it
This is the localparam scoping fix
And 'your own built copy' gives the ABC9 assert?
I'm not sure what arvind's running into, I've not seen it locally
I recently-ish made a change which exposes bugs in ABC9
<arvindsrinivasan> Yes
But *this particular* bug is new to me
<arvindsrinivasan> So while I agree this potentially could be a my system issue, I can explain the exact process I followed if anyone wants to try to replicate it on their system
<arvindsrinivasan> I then cloned and installed https://github.com/SymbiFlow/yosys, particularly, commit 2116c585810cddb73777b46ea9aad0d6d511d82b by checking it out and then running `make clean` then `make config-gcc` then `make` and finally `sudo make install`
<arvindsrinivasan> Finally I cloned and installed https://github.com/SymbiFlow/yosys-symbiflow-plugins, particularly, commit 40efa517423c54119440733f34dbd4e0eb14f983 by checking it out and then running `make clean` `make plugins` and finally `sudo make install`
That made it across, though...you mentioned it was ABC9 and there's no mention of it in the log?
<arvindsrinivasan> Sorry if I was mistaken, but is > ERROR: Assert `cell->parameters.empty()' failed in passes/techmap/abc9_ops.cc:781. Not related to ABC9?
Oh, I misread it because it wrapped across messages
My apologies.
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Ugh, I'm struggling to find the source of symbiflow_synth
<arvindsrinivasan> I believe that is the tar files that are unzipped in the second stage of installation