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[fasm] mithro opened issue #56: Publish to PyPi step should be skipped if no authentication secrets are found - https://git.io/JtMiP
[fasm] Mattia9875 opened issue #57: Broken installation due to probable circular import - https://git.io/JtMXe
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litghost: I'm wondering if we should use https://pypi.org/project/setuptools-scm/ -- I tried to use it a few years ago and was unhappy with it then but it seems to have improved since then....
Title: setuptools-scm · PyPI (at pypi.org)
I know very little about it. I'm inclined to not add a external dependency to the project itself for this. I just wish python would provide an answer without use having to re-invent the wheel
litghost: Well, if we are about to make an "external dependency" by moving update_version into its own thing....
I meant managed outside
I'm conflicted
Same :-)
I'd say give it a shot
litghost: nmigen seems to use setuptools_scm....
If you can make it work, I'd say let'
let's use it
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