fche changed the topic of #systemtap to: http://sourceware.org/systemtap; email systemtap@sourceware.org if answers here not timely, conversations may be logged
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<lkthomas> folks, I am still trying stap
<lkthomas> stap -L 'kernel.function("*")'
<lkthomas> I got nothing return
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<agentzh> lkthomas: i got a ton of output on my side.
<agentzh> $ stap -L 'kernel.function("*")'|wc -l
<agentzh> 70907
<agentzh> lkthomas: maybe you didn't install the kernel debuginfo?
<lkthomas> yeah that should be the problem
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<lkthomas> actually I have a question about debuginfo, why developers always saying I have to compile debug symbols into program while linux could split debug info with the actual binary package?
<agentzh> lkthomas: separate debug info is very common.
<agentzh> though kernel deubginfo packages tend to include the full vmlinux file.
<agentzh> i'm not sure about the "developers always saying" part.
<agentzh> i'm not hearing such things myself.
<lkthomas> I see
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<irker814> systemtap: smakarov systemtap.git:master * release-4.3-95-gc71391b24 / buildrun.cxx runtime/linux/autoconf-kernel_read_file_from_path-offset.c runtime/transport/symbols.c: stapconf: adapt to kernel_read_file_from_path API change for v5.10-rc1
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<irker814> systemtap: scox systemtap.git:scox/tls * release-4.3-80-g875469f9e / NEWS runtime/linux/stp_tls.h tapset/linux/errno.stpm tapset/linux/tls.stp testsuite/systemtap.base/tls.exp: Support tls variables on s390
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<irker814> systemtap: amerey systemtap.git:PR26015 * release-4.3-51-g472f8d074 / : Add aarch64 arg-writing support, testsuite, unquoted string args
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<irker814> systemtap: alizhang systemtap.git:azhang/pr13838 * release-4.3-97-g7b2aa09bf / main.cxx testsuite/buildok/floatingpoint.stp: added extracting floating point demo
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<kerneltoast> hiya fche
<fche> duuuuuuuude
<kerneltoast> dudedudedudedude
<kerneltoast> agentzh was telling me about stat variables
<fche> don't trust him
<fche> read the man page for yourself
<kerneltoast> but i read your messages in here!
<fche> don't trust me
<kerneltoast> but if i can't trust you then who's flying the plane?
<fche> interesting shift of topics ... emmmmmm
<kerneltoast> i was wondering why you'd suggest stats variables instead of just plain atomics
<fche> they fulfill different purposes
<kerneltoast> agentzh was asking about a boolean var it seems
<kerneltoast> that'd be perfect for an atomic
<kerneltoast> as well as global numerical values... sounds like a clear atomic usecase
<fche> stap's concurrency model is not at the individual variable access level but probe handler level
<kerneltoast> so the stats variable will only bother with locking inter-probe access, and intra-probe access will be lock-free and barrier free? something like that?
<fche> consider probe handlers that modify/read multiple globals
<fche> we ensure one critical section that wraps around all access to globals, for each probe handler
<fche> individual atomic accesses would not give the same guarantee
<fche> at least not in the most general case
<fche> now given that the stap translator has the entire program visible to it when translating, it could recognize special cases
<fche> like ... "this global is the only global used in all probe handlers ... it's only read/written-to once ... so represent that one as an atomic_t"
<fche> maybe
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<kerneltoast> hmm so the single critical section is essentially to guarantee ordering?
<fche> well, it provides a very simple programming model
<fche> and we like simple
<kerneltoast> but we wanna go fasssssssst
<fche> SORRY
<fche> but hey
<fche> we do have the embedded-c escape hatch
<fche> if you know what you're doing
<fche> use that
<fche> heck, you could add it to our tapset library
<kerneltoast> yeah i was thinking about either embedding c or adding a tapset for it
<kerneltoast> atomics can get quirky really fast and it'd be difficult to provide a generic tapset library for every strange usecase
<kerneltoast> such as the usecase in my rcu patch that got merged ;)
<fche> starting to see why we're not exposing them :)
<kerneltoast> they're the backbone of lockless code though
<kerneltoast> especially in the kernel
<kerneltoast> at least, the linux kernel
<fche> yes, that's awesome, just not for a high level programming language that tries to be SIMPLE :)
<fche> anyway a tapset that uses atomics in embedded-c would be definitely considered
<agentzh> re "we ensure one critical section that wraps around all access to globals, for each probe handler", wow, that's a quite strong requirement.
<fche> that's a strong promise, an out-held hand of friendship, to a stap script writer who doesn't want to think about such things
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<agentzh> can we provide a FAST mode with a weaker guarentee?
<fche> called "tapset function set xyz" :-)
<agentzh> but it will make the scripts quickly unreadable?
<fche> well it's not that easy e.g. considering associative arrays that need protection for metadata stuff
<agentzh> consider that the numerical global vars are so common.
<fche> scripts quickly unreadable? well dunno, you tell me, you can have pretty short function names, macros
<fche> heck, kernel atomic fn names are not that short, just dupe them?