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<mister-dj> hi all
<mister-dj> i have a question about the latest cm10 nightly build
<mister-dj> i just installed it and i found out it runs very slow after install so i went back to the 1st oct release anyone els has the slowdown in 2nd oct build ?
<mister-dj> anyone active or all afk ??
<bbqbot> derp
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<mister-dj> anyone active ??
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<charlsbar> Friends, i have ICS in my SG note, the official, and i want CM9! only flash from CWM_
<charlsbar> ?
<frankdrey-g1> google "cm wiki"
<frankdrey-g1> Find your device
<frankdrey-g1> Find the full update guide
<charlsbar> thx
<ibrahima> hmm trying to build cm10 for n8013 and i get this weird error
<ibrahima> Import includes file: out/target/product/n8013/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/libmedia_intermediates/import_includes
<ibrahima> Import includes file: out/target/product/n8013/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/libui_intermediates/import_includes
<ibrahima> target thumb C: libhardware <= hardware/libhardware/hardware.c
<ibrahima> make: *** No rule to make target `out/target/product/n8013/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/libsecion_intermediates/export_includes', needed by `out/target/product/n8013/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/libbinder_intermediates/import_includes'. Stop.
<ibrahima> any ideas anyone?
<ibrahima> synced an hour ago or so
<frankdrey-g1> IbrahimA, probably should go in #teamhacksung
<ibrahima> ah i need to run extract files huh
<frankdrey-g1> This is end-user support
<ibrahima> ah
<ibrahima> well i figure im not really a rom developer so best not to bother them ;)
<ibrahima> i think i figured it out though, grep is a good thing
<frankdrey-g1> Ah:P
<frankdrey-g1> Okay
<ibrahima> i usually see entropy and espen respond here when it's relevant, usually at a slower pace, so im fine asking less time sensitive questions here anyway
<Espenfjo> :))
<ibrahima> hallo there
<Espenfjo> You are using blobs pulled with, or have you found the blobs somewhere else?
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<ibrahima> well i just pulled them now, i had forgotten to do so
<Espenfjo> ah
<sugni> hey guys
<Espenfjo> That explains it ;)
<ibrahima> yeah, cant do much without blobs sadly
<ibrahima> thankfully by grepping for that lib i found the extract script and remembered to do that, been a while since i built anything so i just forgot
<ibrahima> actually
<ibrahima> what's /sbin/cbd?
<ibrahima> i dont seem to have it on my tablet
<Espenfjo> It is related to the n8000
<ibrahima> ah
<Espenfjo> Some modem/ril stuff
<ibrahima> that's what i thought, but then why does n8013 need it
<Espenfjo> magic blob :)
<Espenfjo> It doesnt ;)
<ibrahima> hmm
<ibrahima> k
<ibrahima> i'll see if i can fix it
<Espenfjo> You will get rild and cbd on the n8013 altough you do not need it, but we felt that was OK as everything else is similar, and we do not want to maintain two different repos of blobs,scripts
<sugni> dudes what jb rom do you suggest?
<ibrahima> ah
<Espenfjo> sugni: Seeing that this is a cyanogenmod channel I would say CM10.
<frankdrey-g1> sugni, cm10 xD
<sugni> maybe link please?
<bbqbot> derp
<ibrahima> but for someone trying to build it themself it becomes hard to acquire such a file :P
<Espenfjo> true
<ibrahima> wow bbqbot is becoming sentient
<Espenfjo> sugni:
<ibrahima> sugni: it may help if you tell us your phone
<ibrahima> or other device
<sugni> sgs2
<sugni> there no cm10 in cyanogenmod for gt i9100
<Espenfjo> IbrahimA: So.. it fails hard when trying to extract cbd and rild? If it does we have to fix that ;)
<ibrahima> Espenfjo: is there some mystic github repo that has props that i need?
<Espenfjo> If it just prints some ugly warnings I guess that is something one could live with
<ibrahima> no, it just fails when building
<ibrahima> but im not sure why
<ibrahima> i guess it's listed as an output target, trying to find the right makefile
<Espenfjo> hmm.. yeah.. I will have to create some magic in the makefile there I guess
<Espenfjo> vendor/samsung/n80xx-common/*
<ibrahima> oh yeah
<frankdrey-g1> @downloads i9100
<bbqbot> Device is not supported!
<frankdrey-g1> :|
<frankdrey-g1> Wait
<ibrahima> lolol
<ibrahima> ack
<frankdrey-g1> sugni:
<frankdrey-g1> Bbqbot lies
<ibrahima> the file is generated by
<Espenfjo> IbrahimA: yes
<ibrahima> perhaps i can bash together some nonsense and make it build
<frankdrey-g1> sugni: note, its nightly, so it might not be stable
<sugni> ah nightly build
<Espenfjo> the 10/02 build very not stable ;)
<Espenfjo> It will run at max 10 fps
<sugni> well maybe stay on cm9
<Espenfjo> - This is the same as the nightly, but it will run at full speed :)
<Espenfjo> IbrahimA: If you just want it to build now you can just remove the references to rild and cbd from the makefile
<ibrahima> yeah
<Espenfjo> Ill have a look at it some time later today (morning here, and I am at work :) )
<ibrahima> yeah haha
<ibrahima> im just slightly annoyed by my work and somehow this is more interesting
<ibrahima> although its night here, i just work odd hours as a research assistant lol
<Espenfjo> :)
<ibrahima> i take it the nightly bot just has all the blobs so it just works?
<Espenfjo> yes
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<frankdrey-g1> doesn't have them. Its just magical :D
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<ibrahima> hehe, the thing i hate most whenever a cpu is involved is magic
<frankdrey-g1> :p
* frankdrey-g1 would build roms...
<frankdrey-g1> But I once built a g1 rom
<frankdrey-g1> Aosp froyo
<frankdrey-g1> 5 hours to download
<frankdrey-g1> 7ish to build
<frankdrey-g1> XD
<ibrahima> lol :/
<ibrahima> luckily i have fast internet, and i guess a slightly less ancient computer XD
<frankdrey-g1> :p
* frankdrey-g1 has a P4 :3
<ibrahima> last time i built ICS it only took about an hour
<ibrahima> oh you poor soul
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<frankdrey-g1> But I was also running in a vm :p
<ibrahima> why...
<ibrahima> :P
<frankdrey-g1> I had stuff I needed to do :p
<frankdrey-g1> (Minecraft)
<frankdrey-g1> Heheheh
<ibrahima> haha
<frankdrey-g1> Probably could be why...
<frankdrey-g1> It took so long
<frankdrey-g1> :p
<ibrahima> actually it seems like, if you get amazon's beefiest EC2 instance you can also build ICS in under an hour and it would cost about a dollar or something
<ibrahima> yeah that could be it
<frankdrey-g1> Nice
<frankdrey-g1> Cpus should run lua
<frankdrey-g1> XD
<frankdrey-g1> No compiling :p
<ibrahima> actually the machines in the research lab where i work have 6 core i7s and SSDs so if i abuse them to build i can do it in half an hour, but i would feel bad
<frankdrey-g1> Lol
<ibrahima> but then no one uses that power most of the time anyway
<frankdrey-g1> Sounds like my friends
<frankdrey-g1> Got a new expensive i7 pc
<frankdrey-g1> To watch youtube and whatnot
<frankdrey-g1> :p
<ibrahima> missing props from my n8013 for future reference
<ibrahima> remote object '/system/lib/' does not exist
<ibrahima> remote object '/system/bin/gps.cer' does not exist
<ibrahima> remote object '/sbin/cbd' does not exist
<ibrahima> remote object '/system/bin/rild' does not exist
<frankdrey-g1> Id kill for an i3 xD
<frankdrey-g1> But first, a new gpu :p
<Espenfjo> i3? :)
<ibrahima> to play minecraft?
<bbqbot> derp
<ibrahima> :P
<frankdrey-g1> Lol nahh...
<Espenfjo> IbrahimA: hm
<frankdrey-g1> I /almost/ got a job doing aftereffects
<Espenfjo> Odd that yo do not have, and gps.cer
<ibrahima> yeah those sound important
<frankdrey-g1> The guy was gonna give me a computer and all the adobe shit
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<ibrahima> im already running cm10, pre nightly
<Espenfjo> Try the nightly ;)
<ibrahima> mm ok
<frankdrey-g1> IbrahimA, the solution is to comment out the code that does not work
<ibrahima> yes
<ibrahima> that's always the solution
<ibrahima> but try telling your boss that
<ibrahima> :P
<frankdrey-g1> Hehe
<ibrahima> incidentally does anyone else here hate C++? i hope im not alone in this
<frankdrey-g1> I love C++
<frankdrey-g1> I hate Java
<ibrahima> ack
<frankdrey-g1> But actually C>C++
<ibrahima> i guess perhaps most c++ code is better written than research code written by a grad student, but meh
<ibrahima> yeah i like C
<frankdrey-g1> C is my all time fav
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<ibrahima> i just dont like templates and i have a deep suspicion of boost
<ibrahima> mostly im just procrastinating though
<frankdrey-g1> I don't like OOP :P
<frankdrey-g1> Its just so...*shiver*
<frankdrey-g1> Inefficient...
<ibrahima> i think c++ just does oop wrong
<frankdrey-g1> Sure, easier on the programmer...
<ibrahima> well, i like java
<frankdrey-g1> Eh...I wouldn't know :p
<frankdrey-g1> Ew, java...
<ibrahima> so lol, my opinion might be invalid
* frankdrey-g1 <- the guy who considered writing a 3d engine in assembly
<frankdrey-g1> :p
<ibrahima> lol nice
<frankdrey-g1> But then I ended up coding a psp game in LUA with a friend xD
<ibrahima> i actually like mips assembly at least, it makes sense
<Espenfjo> Oh my
<ibrahima> haha nice
<ibrahima> havent tried any other assembly though
<frankdrey-g1> It f*ed us over for anti-alias...
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<ibrahima> i've seen people do 3d engines on hardware using fpgas, that sounds like a fun project for a time when i have free time (i.e. never)
<frankdrey-g1> Heh
<frankdrey-g1> I had free time in the summer...
<frankdrey-g1> Lots of it
<frankdrey-g1> I did random useless crap all the time :p
<frankdrey-g1> Like spend a day recording a ding sound because I didn't like the one we found online :p
<frankdrey-g1> Hmm, yeah...I need to start learning java
<ibrahima> Espenfjo: should the nightly have and gps.cer?
<ibrahima> or if i dont have it is my tab just screwed
<Espenfjo> hm.. it has been renamed to I see
<Espenfjo> Dunno where gps.cer has gone
<Espenfjo> Guess it isnt needed anymore :D
<frankdrey-g1> Comment it out in the script or wherever :D
<ibrahima> ah
<ibrahima> surprising
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<ibrahima> but if you didnt change the makefile how does the nightly not have it o_O
<Espenfjo> hm.. wonder what gps.cer is
<ibrahima> probably some sort of certificate?
<Espenfjo> yes
<ibrahima> what is libion anyway
<frankdrey-g1> Its for the built-in ionizer
<Espenfjo> ION is a type of memory management
<Espenfjo> It superseded PMEM
<frankdrey-g1> (Ok, ill stop goofin around :P)
<ibrahima> haha
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<frankdrey-g1> Shoot. I spent 2 hours on one calculus problem...
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<The_Pot> i am planning to ... not use cm10 anymore
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<frankdrey-g1> The_Pot
<frankdrey-g1> Why not?
<frankdrey-g1> *shrug*
<frankdrey-g1> Kthxbai
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<The_Pot> oops..i was afk ..
<The_Pot> getting way too many FCs
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<tokography> mornings
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<Espenfjo> ah
<Espenfjo> 03 built.. finally.. whining may stop
<The_Pot> @changelog i9300
<ibrahima> lol
<ibrahima> whining never stops
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<ibrahima> i still hate C++ sigh
<bealtine> why?
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<ibrahima> lol im just whining about silly things, but at the moment i wish it was more functional. i might just be using C++0x lambdas wrong though
<ibrahima> completely not related to android, i just need someplace to vent
<bealtine> lambda are a bit clunky but great
<ibrahima> i just want to remove things from a list that match a predicate, and it's not working :(
<ibrahima> i need a variable local to this method so a lambda seems natural
<ibrahima> but remove_if doesnt think the lambda is a proper predicate
<ibrahima> i guess i should make sure im compiling with c++0x enabled though
<bealtine> lambda are c++11
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<iKillCypher> Hello Guys
<iKillCypher> what is Open Galaxy?
<iKillCypher> and is it true that memory leaks for SGS2 is finally Fixed cause it seems there are rumours going around
<ibrahima> yeah
<iKillCypher> sorry yeah?
<bbqbot> derp
<Espenfjo> main memory leak is fixed, yes.
<ibrahima> oh sorry i was talking to someone else
<iKillCypher> the one with the hal ?
<Espenfjo> hal -> gpu drivers, yes
<iKillCypher> gralloc if Im right :) ?
<iKillCypher> was leakin
<Espenfjo> Yes
<iKillCypher> peter was saying something they were needing to await a leak by samsung
<Espenfjo> i9300 got JB, so we used their GPU drivers and their gralloc
<iKillCypher> or did you guys used 9305 to fixed it
<iKillCypher> oh lol
<iKillCypher> is it commited or is there a changelog so I can see the code :)
<bealtine> that samsung code looks like a 4 year old wrote it
<iKillCypher> thanks mate
<iKillCypher> bealtine,sorry?
<iKillCypher> pastie :D ?
<Espenfjo> bealtine: Most of the mali code is stock ARM actually
<iKillCypher> bealtine:pastie?
<iKillCypher> Espen Fjellvær Olsen
<iKillCypher> lol
<iKillCypher> you are that guy
<Espenfjo> Yes
<Espenfjo> Thats me..
<iKillCypher> good job mate grats :( and did cody quit or anything those noobs at xda thread are saying otherwise
<bealtine> i looked at the exynos code...its horrid
<iKillCypher> and holysmoke how long did you took to fix it Espenfjo :S so much editing you did
<Espenfjo> iKillCypher: He got rid of his i9300. He still have his tabs, i9100, i9100g etc.
<bealtine> with no docs there not much anybody can do
<iKillCypher> blamesamsung :)
<iKillCypher> how long did you took to port it Espenfjo ?
<Espenfjo> Took me one day for the i9100. A few more weeks to verify and make it work for the various tabs that use the same kernel
<Espenfjo> That code is mostly just a copy of the new drivers from the i9300
<Espenfjo> just some small edits here and there
<ibrahima> one full day? how do you balance work and android stuff?
<bbqbot> derp
<iKillCypher> well there was some effect causing the gt i9100 to be slow right
<ibrahima> curse you bbqbot
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<iKillCypher> Espenfjo, if you could or any teamhacksung update this would be greatful :)
<iKillCypher> cause Im a SGS2 user and I was waiting for the Memory leak to be fixed looks like I will finally flash CM10 soon ;) and kiss CM9 goodbye
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<samit> zzzz
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<limitless> been reading the thread for some time, was wondering if anyone else was having the problem of loosing battery life while the phone is switched off
<limitless> over 2 days i lost 20% while the phone was stone cold off
<iKillCypher> anyone know if there is anymore memory leaks in CM10 SGS2 ?
<limitless> last i read it was fixed in the nightly ikill
<limitless> downloading the newest nightly now
<iKillCypher> yeah so no more memory leak?
<bealtine> didnt Espenfjo just explain all that to you?
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<limitless> some people need things explainded twice :P
<iKillCypher> he said something about main memory being fixed I just wanna confirm if there is anymore leaks ?
<limitless> their will almost certainly be mem leaks in the builds, but the killer one that had the biggest effect has been fixed acording to statments on the forum
<limitless> go ahead and try it yourself
<iKillCypher> :) cool
<iKillCypher> Hardware Composer: doesn't support all JellyBean features :(
<limitless> so anyone experiance battery loss when the phone is powered down, while the phone is on standby i loose ~2-3% an hour
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<whitequark> limitless: by "standby" you mean "short press of the power button"?
<whitequark> well, that's kinda normal.
<limitless> yeah but long press and shutdown i loose 10% a night
<whitequark> oh, that isn't
<limitless> 20% over two days
<whitequark> I would suggest using airplane mode, and then putting the phone into standby.
<limitless> I'll give that a try tonight
<whitequark> If you don't have any apps that regularly wake it up, it would be much better. It was for me, at least
<whitequark> practically no battery loss, and definitely less than 10% a night
<limitless> well 10% when the phone is off
<limitless> that was suprising
<limitless> i thought it was just a battery calibration thing
<limitless> but i recalibrated left it for 2 days and lost 20% when it was fully of
<whitequark> limitless: there is no such thing as battery calibration.
<limitless> what du mean?
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<whitequark> limitless: well, there is no action you can perform to do "battery calibration" on modern gadgets, whatever would you mean by those words
<limitless> well i mean wiping battery stats in cwm
<whitequark> that doesn't affect anything.
<whitequark> limitless: you could also try going to airplane mode and then powering down your phone.
<limitless> ok, either way its weird that i was loosing battery life with the phone off. My brother has exactly the same problem
<whitequark> i9100?
<limitless> ok ill give that a shot
<limitless> yeah i have the i9100p and he has the i9100
<whitequark> yup, I'm fairly certain it'll help
<tokography> lol battery stats
<tokography> what a load of shite
<limitless> lol
<whitequark> tokography: what's funnier, the only thing you do by charging to 100% and then discharging is spending the cycles of your battery
<whitequark> for last 5 years or so fuel gauges are clever enough to figure out the correct statistics without complete cycles
<limitless> whitequark why is it that i have to put the phone in airplane mode before switching it of?
<whitequark> limitless: I assume that while the main CPU is turned off, the GSM module isn't, as that's the most probable reason of such behavior
<whitequark> by putting it in airplane mode, you turn off the GSM module preventively
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<limitless> i see thanks whiequark, will be sure to test it in a few days
<whitequark> you're welcome
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<iKillCypher> well wait till afew days to flash nightly
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<iKillCypher> lol
<iKillCypher> anyway :3 Im gtg now
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<Entropy512> <whitequark> for last 5 years or so fuel gauges are clever enough to figure out the correct statistics without complete cycles - some coulomb counters still get thrown off. However, all GS2-family and GS1-family devices don't have coulomb counter fuel gauges
<Entropy512> the only thing to do if fuel gauge wonks out - use device normally and wait. (MAX17040/42 frequently reports low after a reboot)
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<Hayri> hi all
<Hayri> Im having issues with wifi
<Hayri> Cannot connect to any wifi AP's at all
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<Hayri> I had JellyBean official firmware and then flashed it to cyanogenmod10 nightly
<Hayri> but now my wifi won't work anymore
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<iKillCypher> Hayri, Phone Model
<iKillCypher> ?
<bbqbot> derp
<Hayri> GT-i9300
<ascent> I believe there was this one situation where you need to flash an ics-based rom first before cm10 nightly
<iKillCypher> sorry no idea Im using GT-I9100 :( sorry
<Hayri> im screwed
<iKillCypher> well try flashing a stock rom
<ascent> I don't think you are
<Hayri> I already tried flashing it back to the stock rom 4.1.1 with ODIN
<Hayri> and then I wiped data etc factory reset
<Hayri> and then flashed CM10 with GAPPS
<iKillCypher> ? what happened ?
<ascent> try back to ics-based rom.. I read that somewhere.
<iKillCypher> flash CM9
<iKillCypher> then try see if it works
<ascent> right.
<ascent> that should work
<Hayri> owh
<Hayri> allright then
<Hayri> I should try that
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<Radioactdarf> yo
<Radioactdarf> I'm about to flash CM10 onto my I9000, what is the best ROM to do that from? Any old Gingerbread will do
<Radioactdarf> ?
<iKillCypher> try it
<iKillCypher> CM10
<Radioactdarf> would you recommend to fully charge the phone before? I'm at 57% currently
<ascent> just connect it to usb to be sure
<iKillCypher> nah flashing wont take less then 15 mins
<ascent> tru.
<ascent> Dragon's ROM is 1.2 GB o.o ... wow.
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<iKillCypher> wtf
<slainer6_> what app should i use to track apps/services that drains my battery ? betterbatterystats ?
<iKillCypher> uh
<iKillCypher> could try
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<ascent> slainer6_: for me it's just "screen" always..
<ascent> 35% of my battery goes to screen :/
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<slainer6_> when
<ascent> pretty much every day
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<slainer6_> ascent: i've switched from a debloated touchwiz rom to cm10 and it seems like my battery really lasts shorter with the exact same set of applications and services. so i'd like to find why.
<slainer6_> maybe with betterbatterystats
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<Radioactdarf> CWM Recovery v5 tells me there are "No files found." when I want to apply the .zip for CM10 installation. Why?
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<Radioactdarf> Oh wait, I still need SU.
<Radioactdarf> What can I do?
<Radioactdarf> Still no files found, but i installed SU and have the nightly zip on my SD
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<Radioactdarf> anyone?
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<Radioactdarf> Here's what worked: Reboot into recovery, wipe, reboot recovery, and then it would show me the zip fiels...installing now
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<Radioactdarf> *files
<jero> @changelog galaxys2
<Radioactdarf> @changelog galaxys1
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<lolwat> Radioactdarf, @changelog i9100 not galaxys2
<lolwat> @changelog i9100
<Radioactdarf> @changelog i9000
<Radioactdarf> aaaargh, I'm having that roaming thing again. My CM10 I9000 thinks I'm in roaming and won't connect data.
raXuz is now known as raXuz|Away
<akSeya> hi folks :)
<akSeya> guys, can someone tell if i9100 20121003 nightly is working with siyah kernel? looks like problems ocurred after mali based on i9350
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<Espenfjo> it isnt
<akSeya> hum
<akSeya> ok :)
<Radioactdarf> Why does my phone think it's in roaming? I'm connected to my usual carrier...
<bbqbot> derp
<Xello> anywhere i rooooooooooam
<Radioactdarf> lol, sort of
<Xello> where i set my gps position is home yeah
* Xello headbangs
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<Radioactderf> Why does my CM10 I9000 think I'm roaming, even though I' connected to my usualy carrier?
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<Assid> okay.. im taking a hint from what cody says.. and am considering moving away from samesung/ exynos
<Assid> any suggestion for devices available ?
<Assid> i currently have an i9100
raXuz is now known as raXuz|Away
<Radioactderf> Did anyone encounter the problem with the phone stuck in roaming before?
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<jero> on i9100, what can cause first boot to not display initian]l setup and then no ability to link the google account ?
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<jero> on cm9.1
<bealtine> you didnt wipe first?
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<jero> bealtine: yes, wiped data, cache, dalvik
<jero> i dont understand
<jero> at 1st boot the initial setup did not happen
<bealtine> dunno but then i know nothing about i9100
<jero> oh forgot gapps :]
<bealtine> that'll do it ok
<Radioactderf> Problem solved: Toggling between 2G/3G ("Use only "G networks") made it work, the phone is out of roaming mode.
<Radioactderf> is there any reason why there is no faq or is this something no one talks about?
<bealtine> it was kind of obvious no?
<bbqbot> derp
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<Radioactderf> what was obvious?
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<Radioactderf> the roaming issue and toggling 2G/3G?
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<icetwy> hola
<akSeya> hola, ¿que tal!?
<icetwy> err
<icetwy> soy buen
<akSeya> XD
<icetwy> am I right? :p
<akSeya> almost
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<icetwy> oh well
<akSeya> estoy bien
<akSeya> ;)
<icetwy> I'm studying German
<icetwy> and that was a bad choice lmao
<icetwy> are you Spanish?
<akSeya> nope, i'm brazilian
<Radioactderf> Deutsch ist scheiß schwer zu lernen.
<akSeya> spanish and portuguese are a bit alike
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<Radioactderf> Deutsch and Dutch are alike, but that's it. Learning German does very little for other lanuages.
<icetwy> Radioactderf: I had a crappy German teacher for like, 4 years.
<akSeya> Ich spreche Deutsch
<icetwy> now that I'm in my fifth year of studying German, I've got another teacher, who is a native German.
<icetwy> but yeah, I've picked up bad habits and I suck badly at speaking German, lmao
<Radioactderf> why german?
<icetwy> cuz I had the choice at school
<icetwy> chose German cause my brother did it, so I thought I'd do it
<icetwy> sticked it up with it so far, but I find my German classes extremely boring tbh
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<icetwy> not that the language itself is bad, but the classes are meh.
<akSeya> what were the options?
<bbqbot> derp
<icetwy> Spanish or German
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<Radioactderf> where do i turn on usb debugging in cm10?
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<akSeya> System Settings > Developer Options > USB Debugging
<akSeya> something like that
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<Radioactderf> thanks, bye!
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<Assid> Espenfjo: you around ?
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<Assid> my stupid ril keeps crashing
<Assid> im strongly considering changing my phone
<bealtine> try getril from play
<Assid> this is stupid
<Assid> bealtine: didnt help
<Assid> still crashes
<Assid> tried various modems
<Assid> also.. i cant use google hangouts .. cause of the hwcomposer or whatever else is causing it to fail
<Assid> whats a decent other device to go for
<Assid> the xperia t isnt out yet
<codeworkx> new nexus
<Assid> whens the next one expected?
<Assid> and they really dont make them available in india :(
<Devourz> lol
<Assid> to be honest, maybe im jkust losing my patience but come on, a phone should atleast behave like a freaking phone and not crash.. and i know theres only so much someone can do without sources.. and i like CM too much to want to give it up
<Devourz> bitch at codeworkx he will help you xD
<Assid> sorry.. i shouldnt vent.. but 3rd drop call took place 5 mins ago
<Assid> nah.. im surprised the guy lasted this long.. hes got way more patience than i
<Assid> i actually put a DND board at my desk when i cant take it anymore
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<codeworkx> buy an iphone
<Devourz> yeah man
<Devourz> get iphone 5
<Assid> no no no.. im shifting people away from that crap.. and you want me to go there
<Devourz> shits so cash
<Devourz> literaly
<codeworkx> nah, wait for iphone 6, has another icon row more
<Devourz> i have iphone
<Assid> hahaha
<Devourz> best phone ever
<Devourz> codeworkx got iphone 4
<Assid> no seriously tho.. what else do you suggest. i was thinking of the xperia t .. since its got the a15 or whatever dual kraits
<Devourz> nig needs to update
<codeworkx> what's the difference between buying an iphone and going to jail?
<Assid> but its still not available
<Devourz> what
<Assid> iphone you have apple telling you what to do.. jail you got the cops telling you what to do
<codeworkx> so it's the same
pier|znc is now known as pier
<Devourz> iphone > *
<Devourz> deal with it
pier is now known as pier|afk
<codeworkx> lol
<Assid> cmon.. seriously.. what else can i go for
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<codeworkx> going iphone is going back
<EgoElf> you can usually make phone calls with an iphone, in jail you only get one
<Devourz> once you go iphone theres no turing back
<Devourz> :P
<Devourz> lol
<Devourz> anyhow fuck apple
<Assid> my office needs a phone anywyas.. and im planning to roll back to the default software.. and giving this.. and buying myself another one
<Devourz> get S2
<Devourz> or S3
<Assid> so will get a good price on mine
<Assid> Devourz: i have the s2
<codeworkx> cm10 for xperia t isn't ready. so you'll loose cm anways
<Devourz> best phone ever
* Assid is confused
<Fissurez> >.<
<Fissurez> cody
<codeworkx> Assid: patience is the key
<Fissurez> on a scale of 1 - 10 how sad are you about TI giving up?
<codeworkx> 10
<Fissurez> or is it measured in rage
<codeworkx> wait
<codeworkx> 12
<Fissurez> :C
* Fissurez comforts cody
<Assid> codeworkx: you arent supporting exynos no more! chances of us getting is pretty darn slim
<Fissurez> it's ok, we still have exynos.... (lol)
<codeworkx> Assid: chances we're never good and you bought it
<Assid> codeworkx: i just got everyone to start using g+ hangouts and i cant join in :(
<codeworkx> haha
<Fissurez> iphone is more a phone and a toy than a phone an a computer.
<Assid> my cuz etc were using facetme cause some of them are still on iOS devices...
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<Assid> i really am not gonna get this same offer again.. so i have to make a decision in the next day or so MAX
<Assid> cody: also .. if the nexus was available. i store alot of media.. for when i travel.. so i need microsd
<Assid> my bro has the xperia s .. personally the screen is ok.. and it keeps facing issues with keyboard alignment and bt
<RoBz> codeworkx: did you get your xperia t yet?
<bbqbot> derp
<Assid> yeah he did
<RoBz> how is it?
<RoBz> theyre still not available where i live for some reason...
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<Assid> here neither
<brinsjt> Hello.#Hi Codeworkx ------Hi. I signed up for the wiki. The Name was brintaylor, i wasnt sure if i should ping.
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<Assid> hows the one x
<Assid> hmm is the one x worth it ?
<Assid> crap no microsd on that either
<Assid> ok htc is out.. no microsd
<Fissurez> sounds like GS3 if you want a microsd
<Fissurez> did lg release their S4 pro phone btw?
<Assid> Fissurez: would be stuck with the same problem of exynos
<Fissurez> s3 seems to be getting a bunch of roms
<Assid> is the S3 fully supported ?
<Fissurez> supported for what?
<Fissurez> you can always wait for the next nexus
<Assid> you know like full video/bt/wifi/hw accel .. etc
<Assid> Fissurez: if i could.. i would.. the offer may not be around till then
<Fissurez> supported with what?
<Fissurez> Cyanogenmod?
<bbqbot> derp
<Assid> yes.. like bluetooth? hw acceleration .. etc.. is eveyrthing working fine on it.. with cm10 ?
<Fissurez> probably not.
<Fissurez> i dunno, got on the xda forums and take a look
<Fissurez> or go on the cyanogenmod wiki
<Fissurez> or google it
<Fissurez> @changelog i9300
<Assid> you would think motorola would be doing something by now
<Fissurez> and Assid, it depends on which S3
<Fissurez> not really
<Fissurez> google said they wouldn't interfere
<Assid> err the intl version i guess
<Fissurez> there you go Assid
<Assid> yeah was searching other stuff too
<Assid> hmm so basically you start off knowing you will never get tv out .. maybe not radio either
<brinsjt> Is anyone here a member of the wiki
<brinsjt> that can aprove my member ship
<Fissurez> Assid: i don't know why you'd ever need either of those
<brinsjt> approve
<Assid> radio.. i kinda would use..
<Fissurez> radio -> internet radio
<Assid> tv out.. maybe not..
<Fissurez> tv out i'd never use
<Assid> Fissurez: nah theres one channel i wanna listen to on FM .. and they dont have an internet feed
<Fissurez> really?
<Fissurez> find a different one then
<Assid> morning talk show.. etc. discuss some stuff..
<Fissurez> use an old school radio then
<Assid> there is only 1 channel that takes up all the good stuff with proper international music
<Assid> else iend up with hindi music :(
<Fissurez> Assid: there are a tonne of internet radios
<Assid> Fissurez: no no.. i mean they talk about other stuff.. shit that goes on in / around the city.. new tech stuff.. shows .. pubs.. initiatives.. business.. everything
<Assid> its on during my drive to work.. and i end up missing on it when iend up at work
<Fissurez> use a radio then
<Assid> bah
<Fissurez> they're like £2
Lenny is now known as lenny|offline
<Assid> technically would like it to work on the phone.. considering im buyhing one now.. so would like to choose something
<Assid> tbh..i dont find my phone slow or anything.. i jsut am pissed with broken rils.. bad updates.. overheating battery.. etc
<Fissurez> go for a nexus then
<Fissurez> rils?
<Assid> yeah.. network dies
<Assid> merci neb :P
<Assid> have to reboot the phone most of the time to get it back
<Fissurez> get a nexus then
<beer> who do I owe voice to?
<Fissurez> voice?
<brinsjt> me?
<bbqbot> derp
<brinsjt> im speaking
<Assid> i only get voice like 1 day a month :P
<Fissurez> oh, he means ops
<brinsjt> is that actual voice
<beer> brinsjt: the voice means nothing
<beer> it just shows you know shit in a channel of idiots :P
<Assid> Fissurez: a> not really avalable where i am.. B> no microsd.. see my dilema
<Fissurez> well that sucks then :|
<Assid> i know
<Assid> i liked the xperia t. and it was supposed to be cheaper than the xperia S
<Assid> then i realized its not out yet
<Fissurez> wait then?
<Assid> office needs a phone by tomorrow/day after
<Assid> thats my deadline
<Fissurez> they're paying?
<Assid> im gonna get a good deal on my phone
<Fissurez> then go as expensive as possible
<Assid> no no
<Assid> i mean they gonna buy mine
<Assid> and i'll get a good deal on it /buy back value
<Fissurez> buy a cheap temp dumbphone
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<Assid> hmm hows the s3 otherwise
<Fissurez> i hear good things about it
<Fissurez> typical sammy
<Fissurez> good overall, touchwiz has gotten less crap
<Fissurez> fast, cheap plastic
<Fissurez> doesn't look too nice imo
<Fissurez> but it's supposed to be a good phone
<limitless> whats it like compared to the one x when you put a custom rom on it?
<Fissurez> no idea
<Fissurez> better? worse?
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<Fissurez> one x has a nicer build feel imo
<limitless> Because from what i've heard many people have the s3 (want something diffrent for a phone) and the build quality isnt as good as the one x
<limitless> Hardware wise i think they are similar but the screen on the one x is aparently great
<Fissurez> i dunno whether they still have S on on the one x
<Fissurez> because iir the htcs are less hack friendly
<Fissurez> htc hardware is good though
<limitless> they brought out the one x+ reading about it now
<Fissurez> yah
<Fissurez> one x 4s
beer is now known as nebkat
<limitless> are they as bad as sammy with hack unfriendly attitude?
<Fissurez> sammy aren't hack unfriendly
<Fissurez> they just aren't friendly
<Assid> hehehe
<limitless> hehe
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<bealtine> wy samsung iphone she is borked why?
<Jiangyi> Cause it's a bastard child.
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<NicoJuicy> question :) i once rooted my s2 and now there's a yellow triangle on boot
<NicoJuicy> didn't install any custom rom yet
<Assid> ok.. im considering the nexus
<NicoJuicy> but last week there was a samsung update
<Assid> too bad i cant wait for the updated nexus
<NicoJuicy> which failed to install
<NicoJuicy> could it be because of that?
<NicoJuicy> i know a upgraded my firmware using odin
<NicoJuicy> (everything on my phone still works fine as usual though)
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<NicoJuicy> samsung s2 gt-i9100 by the way (european version)
<Hurdur> Hello again!
<Hurdur> Quick question; how do I updatye to the latest nightly?
<Hurdur> Can I just throw it on the SD card and run it via recovery?
<Hurdur> Or do I have to do a factory reset?
<NicoJuicy> gonna flash it once again though, sorry for the trouble :)
<Hurdur> Talking to me :)?
<bbqbot> derp
<Hurdur> Or answering someone else?
<NicoJuicy> dropped some lines before you came in Hurdur :)
<Hurdur> Alright :)
<Hurdur> But does anyone know if I have to factory reset to add a new nightly?
<bealtine> from same version then no
<Hurdur> Same version?
<Hurdur> You mean CM10 to CM10?
<bealtine> cm10 ->cm10
<bealtine> any other you need to wipe
<Hurdur> awesome, this is a lot easier than I thought :)
<Assid> you know what
<Assid> im done with > $450 phones
<Assid> im asking someone to source me the galaxy nexus
<Assid> screw it
<Assid> i shouldnt be spending soo much on phones
<Assid> and i really shouldnt be dying for my updates..
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raXuz|Away is now known as raXuz
<icetwy> how so Assid
<icetwy> what happened
<Assid> crashing ril.. or whatever i donnt know.. 4 dropped calls today now
<icetwy> my calls were bugging earlier today with Espenfjo's build
<icetwy> so I flashed the official 03 nightly
<Assid> mines been doing it for last 2 weeks now
<icetwy> ah :/
<NicoJuicy> whats the difference between XXLPQ, ... in firmware?
<icetwy> the country for which the firmware was built
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<icetwy> I'm not sure but I think LPQ is for nordic countries, noted as NEE
<NicoJuicy> i have SG-I9100 and one blog says it should be XXLPQ and another one said it should be XWLPD
<NicoJuicy> europe - belgium?
<NicoJuicy> last time i booted it with a yellow triangle, so i'd like to avoid that this time :P
raXuz is now known as raXuz|Away
<akSeya> NicoJuicy, afaik you will get yellow triangle whenever you change kernel via download mode
<akSeya> but you can always use Chainfire's TriangleAway
<NicoJuicy> ow lol, thx for the info :p
<NicoJuicy> but i thought something was wrong to because an official update couldn't install, or it could be just because the firmware was flashed. Don't know for sure
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<frankdrey-tab> I haz teh bug
<frankdrey-tab> So cm updater has stopped randomly pops up every once in a while
<nebkat> frankdrey-tab: its a fail
<frankdrey-tab> Approximatelly when it checks
<frankdrey-tab> Hmm?
<akSeya> it's a feature
<nebkat> frankdrey-tab: cmupdater
<nebkat> its a fail
<nebkat> and as akSeya says
<nebkat> the fail is actually a feature
<frankdrey-tab> But i like it :(
<nebkat> we deliberately added crash support
<frankdrey-tab> Lol
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<frankdrey-tab> But seriously, it works fine. Except the automtic check
<frankdrey-tab> nebkat, are you pro-rom manager?:-P
<nebkat> frankdrey-tab: kuushiks rom manager?
raXuz|Away is now known as raXuz
<frankdrey-tab> Yes
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<nov1kk> hi, i've just installed cm10 on my sgs2, but its veeery laggy, do you guys know what could be happening? (im using nightly 02-10)
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<Dood243> download the latest nightly
<frankdrey-tab> nov1kk, wait forbthe next nightly or get the fixed 02 from Espenfjo
<frankdrey-tab> Or if theres a new nightly do that
<frankdrey-tab> Lol
<nov1kk> ok ty, is it a memory leak or what?
<Espenfjo> The 03 nightly is OK, nov1kk
<frankdrey-tab> Kernel patch wasnt merged or some shit like that
<frankdrey-tab> Ask ^^
<frankdrey-tab> :-P
<nov1kk> ok thanks guys :)
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* frankdrey-tab is at college right now
<Jiangyi> frankdrey-tab: Mine does that too. :-|
<frankdrey-tab> Jiangyi, yeah and nebkat is too lazy to fix it :-P
<nebkat> frankdrey-tab: dud
<frankdrey-tab> Im kidding xD
<nebkat> real devs dont use apps like rom-manager
<frankdrey-tab> ... i dont like rom manager
<frankdrey-tab> I do like cm updater:-P
<nebkat> @bomb frankdrey-tab go take some meth ktnx
UndrWater has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
<bbqbot> frankdrey-tab, you have been challenged!
<bbqbot> Answer (red, blue, green, orange, brown) before time runs out!
<bbqbot> 10
<bbqbot> 9
<bbqbot> 8
<bbqbot> 7
<bbqbot> 6
<bbqbot> 5
<bbqbot> 4
<frankdrey-tab> Red
<bbqbot> Wrong wire!
<bbqbot> BOOM!
frankdrey-tab was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [You failed to disarm the bomb! Correct wire was red]
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<frankdrey-tab> Lol
<nebkat> frankdrey-tab: we forgot the .toLowerCase() xD
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<frankdrey-tab> XD
<nebkat> let me do that one again
<nebkat> @bomb frankdrey-tab go take some meth ktnx
<bbqbot> frankdrey-tab, you have been challenged!
<bbqbot> Answer (red, blue, green, orange, brown) before time runs out!
<bbqbot> 10
<bbqbot> 9
<bbqbot> 8
<bbqbot> 7
<frankdrey-tab> Green
<bbqbot> Wrong wire!
<bbqbot> BOOM!
frankdrey-tab was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [You failed to disarm the bomb! Correct wire was blue]
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<nebkat> frankdrey-tab: dud
<frankdrey-tab> :-\
<nebkat> LOWER CASE
<frankdrey-tab> I cant
<frankdrey-tab> In tiam lol
<frankdrey-tab> Stupid auto cap
<nebkat> WHAT?!?!?!?!
<bbqbot> derp
<frankdrey-tab> Im ready this time
<nebkat> @bomb frankdrey-tab go take some meth ktnx
<bbqbot> frankdrey-tab, you have been challenged!
<bbqbot> Answer (red, blue, green, orange, brown) before time runs out!
<bbqbot> 10
<bbqbot> 9
<bbqbot> 8
<bbqbot> 7
<bbqbot> 6
<frankdrey-tab> blue
<bbqbot> Wrong wire!
<bbqbot> BOOM!
frankdrey-tab was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [You failed to disarm the bomb! Correct wire was green]
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<nebkat> @bomb frankdrey-tab go take some meth ktnx
<bbqbot> frankdrey-tab, you have been challenged!
<bbqbot> Answer (red, blue, green, orange, brown) before time runs out!
<bbqbot> 10
<frankdrey-tab> Fu
<bbqbot> Wrong wire!
<bbqbot> BOOM!
frankdrey-tab was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [You failed to disarm the bomb! Correct wire was green]
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<nebkat> @bomb frankdrey-tab go take some meth ktnx
<bbqbot> frankdrey-tab, you have been challenged!
<bbqbot> Answer (red, blue, green, orange, brown) before time runs out!
<bbqbot> 10
<bbqbot> 9
<bbqbot> 8
<bbqbot> 7
<bbqbot> 6
<frankdrey-tab> red
<bbqbot> 5
<bbqbot> Wrong wire!
<bbqbot> BOOM!
frankdrey-tab was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [You failed to disarm the bomb! Correct wire was blue]
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<nebkat> @bomb frankdrey-tab go take some meth ktnx
<bbqbot> frankdrey-tab, you have been challenged!
<bbqbot> Answer (red, blue, green, orange, brown) before time runs out!
<bbqbot> 10
<bbqbot> 9
<bbqbot> 8
<bbqbot> 7
<bbqbot> 6
<bbqbot> 5
<bbqbot> 4
<frankdrey-tab> green
<bbqbot> Wrong wire!
<bbqbot> BOOM!
frankdrey-tab was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [You failed to disarm the bomb! Correct wire was blue]
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<nebkat> @bomb frankdrey-tab go take some meth ktnx
<bbqbot> frankdrey-tab, you have been challenged!
<bbqbot> Answer (red, blue, green, orange, brown) before time runs out!
<Dood243> LOL
<bbqbot> 10
<bbqbot> 9
<bbqbot> 8
<bbqbot> 7
<bbqbot> 6
<bbqbot> 5
<bbqbot> 4
<bbqbot> 3
<frankdrey-tab> brown
<bbqbot> 2
<bbqbot> Wrong wire!
<bbqbot> BOOM!
frankdrey-tab was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [You failed to disarm the bomb! Correct wire was green]
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<nebkat> @bomb frankdrey-tab go take some meth ktnx
<bbqbot> frankdrey-tab, you have been challenged!
<bbqbot> Answer (red, blue, green, orange, brown) before time runs out!
<bbqbot> 10
<bbqbot> 9
<bbqbot> 8
<bbqbot> 7
<bbqbot> 6
<bbqbot> 5
<frankdrey-tab> orange
<bbqbot> Correct wire!
<bbqbot> Bomb disarmed!
<frankdrey-tab> :-D
<nebkat> frankdrey-tab: yay
<nebkat> good luck with this one
<nebkat> @nuclearbomb frankdrey-tab go take some meth ktnx
<bbqbot> frankdrey-tab, you have been challenged!
<bbqbot> Answer (red, blue, green, orange, brown) before time runs out!
<bbqbot> 10
<bbqbot> 9
<bbqbot> 8
<bbqbot> 7
<bbqbot> 6
<frankdrey-tab> red
<bbqbot> Wrong wire!
<bbqbot> BOOM!
frankdrey-tab was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [You failed to disarm the bomb! Correct wire was blue]
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<frankdrey-tab> :-P
<frankdrey-tab> @bomb nebkat
<bbqbot> frankdrey-tab: You are not allowed to run that command!
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<frankdrey-tab> bomb Hellcat for me next time hes around kthxbai calculus time
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<frankdrey-g1> Ohey, there's wifi EVERYWHERE :D
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<Jiangyi> frankdrey-g1: My school only has wifi outside of it, not the inside. Ironic eh?
<logcat> by ironic you mean stupid ?
<frankdrey-g1> Lol
<Jiangyi> Yeah sure.
<Jiangyi> :P
<Jiangyi> To this day, I still am not sure where the wifi is exactly coming from tbh
<Jiangyi> My school technically isn't supposed to have wifi :-P
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<Hurdur> So if I install a new nightly ROM, I will have all of my stuff left, right?
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<Hurdur> So if I install a new nightly ROM, I will have all of my stuff left, right?
<bbqbot> derp
<Diftraku> Dumb question: what can I do if SIM Toolkit is not appearing on my app drawer on CM10?
<foggyb> i have CM9 stable 9.1 - i cannot send text messages with picture attachments - there is a [sending] notice perpetually until I delete the text message
<foggyb> text only mms works fine
<foggyb> any ideas?
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<Hurdur> Are there anyone here who actually knows the answer to questions :)?
<pr3fatum> hey guys, just a quick question about the new partition layout for CM10 on the i9000: do i need to do a seperate data wipe (factory settings) before i flash the new layout and end up with data wiped anyway?
<Jiangyi> foggyb: Check your APNs.
<Jiangyi> Hurdur: If you're upgrading CM10, then it'll be there if you don't wipe.
<Hurdur> Jiangyi: Awesome.
<Hurdur> Jiangyi: Also, it seems it forgets my SIM pin sometimes, do you knoiw anything babout that?
<Jiangyi> Hurdur: Nope, sorry. :-|
<Hurdur> Jiangyi: Oh, sucks.
<foggyb> Jiangyi: where do i find APN to edit?
<pr3fatum> hey guys, just a quick question about the new partition layout for CM10 on the i9000: do i need to do a seperate data wipe (factory settings) before i flash the new layout and end up with data wiped anyway?
<bbqbot> derp
<Hurdur> Does anyone else have problems with USB?
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<Hurdur> Does anyone else have problems with USB?
<Jiangyi> foggyb: Try HiAPN.
<Hurdur> Jiangyi: Do you know anything about having trouble getting into usb storage mode?
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<Jiangyi> Never had trouble myself.
<ascent> derp
<Diftraku> Anyone with trouble using STK stuff like mobile identity and such? Can't get the thing to show up in CM10 even though my provider supports them
<pr3fatum> nobody?
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<Hurdur> So, I've been rooted since yesterday, what do now :S?
<icetwy> have fun? :D
<Hurdur> Yeah, but how :P?
<pr3fatum> do all the fun rooted things.... none come to mind immediately, but there are lots of subtle things
<icetwy> install root apps and what not
<Hurdur> Well, I've only gotten to blocking my family from wifi
<Hurdur> Know any essential root apps?
<Hurdur> I think my phone reboots every time I turn of Wifikill
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<pr3fatum> hey guys, just a quick question about the new partition layout for CM10 on the i9000: do i need to do a seperate data wipe (factory settings) before i flash the new layout and end up with data wiped anyway?
<bbqbot> derp
<icetwy> depends pr3fatum
<icetwy> you only need to do a data wipe if you come from another ROM than CM10
Lenny is now known as lenny|offline
<Hurdur> Know any essential root apps?
<pr3fatum> i'm already on CM10, but i'm not on the new partition layout yet
<pr3fatum> icetwy,
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<icetwy> aye
<pr3fatum> icetwy, does the change between partition layouts require a wipe, despite being the same rom?
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<icetwy> I can't be absolutely sure but I do believe it does
<icetwy> you -might- want to ask someone else
<pr3fatum> i guess i'm losing my stuff anyway, so i'm not losing anything extra in just doing it =/
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<icetwy> well repartitioning wipes your data
<icetwy> so yeah
<pr3fatum> yeah.
ak is now known as Guest58502
<Guest58502> when can we expect another experimental build?
<pr3fatum> it'll completely wipe the internal memory of the phone, won't it? ...truly completely not just emptying /data and the likes of that? icetwy
Alram is now known as zz_Alram
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<icetwy> if it works just as it does for normal repartioning, then yes
<icetwy> Guest58502: there's a new nightly everyday
<pr3fatum> yeah, that's where i get that idea from, but i haven't a clue for sure...
<pr3fatum> and of course there's not a lot of people around who are answering questions tonight it seems
<Hurdur> Does anyone have recommendations on waht to do after root :P?
<bealtine> flash cm:)
<Hurdur> And after that, bealtine? :P
<bbqbot> derp
<bealtine> enjoy
<pr3fatum> icetwy, ah well, no going back now. applying update
<icetwy> haha
<endstille> hey Entropy512 i wanted to add my observation about RIL issues... a while ago (before nightlys started) i compilied from sources and also shared the build with a friend. he had RIL issues, me not... the only difference was in used kernel. he used the compilied cm-kernel, while i used siyah... then i think with the latest siyah RIL started to attack me as well. i got worse, once i started using cm-kernel.. i were u
<endstille> connection with some modem / RIL combos, that worked before (cm9 etc.) then some days ago i started to use dream-kernel... i never had any RIL issue since then. so also i'm no dev at all, i have the impression, that the isse might be kernel related.. i'm just telling this, because I've read different thoughts in the cm10 xda-thread (i have no account, that can post there :( )
<pr3fatum> icetwy, well, the gapps zip isn't complaining about a lost filesystem or anything so sounds good so far xD
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<pr3fatum> aaand now we wait for the "ohgod please don't bootloop" ten minute first bootup
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<pr3fatum> and she's good :) and faster too
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<icetwy> sweet then
<icetwy> have you lost your data?
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<pr3fatum> only /data
<pr3fatum> it was no different to a factory reset
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<icetwy> fair enough
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<Guest58502> icetwy, do you really trust nightly?
<icetwy> yes, I do
<Guest58502> which nightly build
<Guest58502> tell me right now and i will download it
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<frankdrey-pc> say trololol in a russian accent.
<frankdrey-pc> do it
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<DuperMan> when will something hotter com along?
<ibrahima> the day after you get it
<ibrahima> :P
<chadouming> wtf, who would want a note 2 ?
<DuperMan> so 'Tuesday'
<DuperMan> awesome:D
<ibrahima> who wouldnt want a note 2
<chadouming> i
<DuperMan> small pocketed hipsters
<DuperMan> is who
<ibrahima> i have a gs3 and i want a note 2
<DuperMan> stupid geek wannabes
<DuperMan> :D
<ibrahima> to be fair though the gs3 is barely usable with one hand
<DuperMan> anything smaller than my penis = win
<ibrahima> actually no, it's not fully usable with one hand so the note 2 would make that a bit worse
<chadouming> you haz small hand ?
<bbqbot> derp
<ibrahima> you use your phone with your penis..?
<DuperMan> isn't that the touted 'stylus' thing?
<DuperMan> I love the free toothpick too
<chadouming> remember me to never make a call your phone then
<DuperMan> you don't understand art
<chadouming> well, i kinda understand some form of art
<chadouming> what i don't understand is you
<chadouming> and baskey
<DuperMan> I'm on a f'ing roll. got the note2 for the price of selling my sgs2 - the art thing was a joke, the penis phone was a bad joke - and a jacket
<DuperMan> I's awesomez
<DuperMan> and I've got to yell at BRITS:D
<ibrahima> wow wtf how did you sell your sgs2 for that much
<DuperMan> 300$ sgs2 (pending), 300$ 25th anniversary Terminator movie jacket movie replica
<DuperMan> got the jacket at the wrong size and was told to 'dispose as I see fit" + refunded
<DuperMan> note 2 cost me 750$ shipping included
<DuperMan> luck+me=apocalypse soon
<DuperMan> :D
<DuperMan> counting the shitass 'hot' kindle I was refunded for I'm 351$ ahead already
<DuperMan> ^^
<foggyb> Jiangyi: do you know what url HiAPN Global connects to? The app locks up on my phone, maybe due to corporate wifi web filtering
<bealtine> apn has nothing to do with wifi
<foggyb> i know. the APN app isn't workij
<foggyb> working
<foggyb> i'm assuming it connects to some server to get a list of APN's
<foggyb> and I only have internet over wifi atm
<bealtine> just look up your providers apns in google
<foggyb> i did
<foggyb> it doesn't help my problem
<foggyb> i can't send mms with picture attachments
<bealtine> did you find one and enter it?
<foggyb> yes
<bealtine> you cant send mms?
<foggyb> i can send text message ok
<foggyb> but no attachment
<bealtine> so call your provider
<foggyb> i have a full data plan
<bealtine> so?
<foggyb> and they likely won't help due to me using CM9
<DuperMan> should my delivery be going from heathrow to midlands ? xD
<bbqbot> derp
<foggyb> rooted phone
<DuperMan> stupid expansys
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<DuperMan> 9gag. gay since '02, outed since '12.
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<chadouming> i dont mind where the image come from, i just want to laugh xD
<chadouming> Diftraku, you make some code ?
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<Diftraku> chadouming: Just finished doing java for school
<Diftraku> I personally know PHP a lot more better than Java
<chadouming> ah, then you can understand that xD
<chadouming> i hate java
<Diftraku> Mmmh :3
<chadouming> and i currently "learn" php
<ibrahima> as i was saying yesterday, java is way better than C++
<chadouming> you have worked with thread in php ?
<chadouming> @bomb IbrahimA
<bbqbot> IbrahimA, you have been challenged!
<bbqbot> Answer (red, blue, green, orange, brown) before time runs out!
<bbqbot> 10
<bbqbot> 9
<bbqbot> 8
<bbqbot> 7
<ibrahima> orange
<bbqbot> Correct wire!
<bbqbot> Bomb disarmed!
<ibrahima> yay
<ibrahima> @bomb chadouming
<bbqbot> IbrahimA: You are not allowed to run that command!
<chadouming> @kick IbrahimA
IbrahimA was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [IbrahimA]
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<ibrahima> noooooooo
<Diftraku> Threading in PHP is more or less... there is none...
<chadouming> well, someone made a "thread" code
<Diftraku> Wait what...
<chadouming> that allow async operation
<chadouming> which is kinda like threading
<Diftraku> I need links on that...
<ibrahima> that's not really threading, but potentially better behaved than threading
<chadouming> IbrahimA, java is not and will never be better than c++
<chadouming> give me 2 se
<chadouming> c
<chadouming> and IbrahimA, never say again that java is better than c++
<ibrahima> C++ is just hard to debug imo
<ibrahima> and lacks a good standard library compared to java
<Diftraku> Well, that's "threading" :3
<ibrahima> but at least C++ got lambdas first
<chadouming> Diftraku, i use that but it has a problem. When the thread is ended it free every memory it used (so you can't return info from it) and it close all connections
<chadouming> IbrahimA, java is for noobs
<chadouming> c++ for expert
<Diftraku> chadouming: PHP is more of a run and dump data to browser
<ibrahima> nah
<ibrahima> C > C++
<chadouming> c++ = at least 2 time faster than java
<chadouming> c is for master
<chadouming> Diftraku, well i use PHP for script
<ibrahima> please tell me what performance critical programs you are writing oh master
<Diftraku> You enter the processing and then run through it in a sort of monolithical fashion and once you reach the end that's it
<chadouming> and having that "threading" code allow great performance increase
<ibrahima> i will bet you anything that C++ vs java is almost never the bottleneck in any serious application
<ibrahima> java can be faster than C++ in some cases because of the JIT
<bealtine> that depends
<Diftraku> You can implement "threading" but the performance of PHP vs a compiled language is in it's own levels
<chadouming> i bet you anything that c++ is alwas faster than java
<ibrahima> that's not threading, that's multiple processes lol
<Diftraku> Assembly > the rest
<chadouming> Diftraku, sure, but making the script in PHP = simple, making it a program would be way less easy xD
<Diftraku> You can use PHP for simplem maintenance stuff and sorts
<Diftraku> Python or even Perl might be better
<chadouming> well, multiple process from the same programm is kinda multi-threading xD
<Diftraku> Hell, try bash :3
<ibrahima> not always true chadouming. for one thing that's a meaningless statement, you can't say all algorithms are faster in one language than another
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<chadouming> and yes assembly > the rest (excluding binary ofc). But today there is not much people that know how to code in assemble
<ibrahima> threads!=processes, this is a fact
<Diftraku> I won't go into how much load that "threading" will take before it kicks the bucket due to execution timeout or out of memory
<ibrahima> i do know how to code in assembly languages tyvm
<chadouming> hence why i said kinda
<Diftraku> IbrahimA: BASIC ftw :3
<ibrahima> lol basic
<Diftraku> I remember programming a PICaxe chip to act as a clock :3
<Diftraku> Well... the clock logic was built-in the LCD so I just had to initialize the display and set the rows of text on it
<chadouming> i know c/c++, vb,java, c#, php, SQL, PL-SQL, and HTML/CSS/XML(those are not really programmation language.)
<Diftraku> Ewwww, VB
<ibrahima> congratulations, do you want a sticker?
<chadouming> nah, a cookie
<chadouming> :D
<ibrahima> no haz cookie :(
<chadouming> yeah, i'm starting to hate VB more and more xD
<chadouming> but it's my job so i kinda have to deal with it xD
<ibrahima> is this VB6 or lower or
ou812bkewl has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<ibrahima> is at least kind of modern
<ibrahima> VB6 was just awful
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<Diftraku> IbrahimA: Wanna hear a joke?
<bbqbot> derp
<ibrahima> sure
<Diftraku> ASP
<ibrahima> LOL
<chadouming> welcome to world of fucking capitals everywhere and no ";" to end instruction
<chadouming> which always fuck me when i go to another language xD
<Jiangyi> lol
<chadouming> i did a few too
<chadouming> with VB and c#
<chadouming> but i dont like it
<Diftraku> I have a professional-ish hatred with every language that M$ has developed
<Jiangyi> Best part about Chinese: There aren't any capitals xD
<Diftraku> That derives from the good ol' IE6 and the browser specific shit MS did
<Jiangyi> Well, except for numbers, but only banks use the capitals.
<Jiangyi> Oh oops, I'm thinking of something completely different than the topic on hand.
<Jiangyi> derp :S
<ibrahima> IE sucks so much
* Jiangyi should've read a few more lines up
<chadouming> HAHA, good ol IE6
<chadouming> . . .
<chadouming> the browser that had the most budget in the internet history
<Diftraku> I remeber banging my head so many times against the table on trying to get stuff working...
<Jiangyi> Oh God. IE6.
<ibrahima> give IE9 json encoded with charset="utf8" and it refuses to acknowledge its existence, which no other browser does. (charset is supposed to be "utf-8" but every other browser will still parse it fine, IE will just ignore it and give you null)
<chadouming> and the shittiest browser ever
<Jiangyi> Half of China is still on that shit.
<Diftraku> haha
<Diftraku> I bet most run 2k or XP
<Jiangyi> Pirated XP over the place = IE6 all over the place
<chadouming> anyway, which programmer use IE ?
<Diftraku> I don't use IE, I have to support IE
<ibrahima> exactly
<chadouming> in my course, professor forced us to make code (HTML/CSS/ASP) that was running correctly on IE/Opera/FF/Chrome
<Diftraku> If I have to support IE on a course in my school, I will refuse to do it
<ibrahima> <html></html>
<ibrahima> yay
<chadouming> haha
<ibrahima> turn that in
<chadouming> well, i would have got 0%
<ibrahima> oh :(
<chadouming> which is not really great xD
<ibrahima> it works though
<Diftraku> I'll just say that I won't support non standards compliant browsers
<ibrahima> displays a blank page on all browsers
frankdrey-g1 has joined #teamhacksung-support
<chadouming> well, that's not how it work xD
* frankdrey-g1 is a fucking genius.
<Diftraku> IbrahimA: touch index.html
<frankdrey-g1> I just deleted 20gb of my files on accident.
<ibrahima> haha
<frankdrey-g1> Again
<Diftraku> frankdrey-g1: I feel ya, I lost an HDD full of stuff once...
<Jiangyi> chadouming: What about Safari? :p
<frankdrey-g1> I did it once, and downloaded most of the stuff again...
<Diftraku> Then I learned the meaning of backups
<frankdrey-g1> And I just did it again xD
<chadouming> IbrahimA, we had some goal to achieve
<ibrahima> yeah im just messing with you :P
<frankdrey-g1> Diftraku, I don't have anywhere to backup to :p
<chadouming> everything work on safari, it's only fucking slow xD
<Diftraku> frankdrey-g1: Get a 1TB external HDD :3
<frankdrey-g1> Wanna give me the money?:3
* frankdrey-g1 is broke :P
<frankdrey-g1> And 16.
<frankdrey-g1> :p
* Diftraku is a student
<Diftraku> I more broke than you!
<Jiangyi> I'm in the same boat as frankdrey-g1.
* frankdrey-g1 is 16 and a student :P
<Jiangyi> Needs moar dollar signz!!!!
<Jiangyi> :-P
<Diftraku> *I'm
<frankdrey-g1> I haz $0
<ibrahima> im not a student and im broke
<frankdrey-g1> We need a #teamhacksung-offtopic
<Diftraku> Hell, I get money for rent in few hours...
<ibrahima> well no one is asking for support at the moment so who minds
<Diftraku> Hopefully
<chadouming> i recently, lost data on a HDD too
<frankdrey-g1> My bro owes me $50
<frankdrey-g1> :p
<Diftraku> Wonder how long it takes to beat STK into submission on i9100, the patch was merged to git in the end of August...
<chadouming> while installing linux, selected the wrong HDD xD
<frankdrey-g1> Really, $70, but I'm being nice :P
<frankdrey-g1> My story is stupider
<frankdrey-g1> So I backed those files up to my dad's hdd, note, I can't do that always, he only let me temporarily
<frankdrey-g1> I partitioned my hdd
<Diftraku> Pro-Tip: double check your disk letters/hdd names before you flash a RPi image on a 1TB hdd