chadouming changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: @supported :: @downloads <device> :: @changelog <device> | SmartStay Ex available now ! | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | If you have a problem, fill this first : | If you dont like your device, sell it. -codeworkx | Everyone get
<Thiagovfar> Nope, only weekly, monthly
<Thiagovfar> But, you can set up the event today
<Thiagovfar> and set it to recur every month
<Thiagovfar> then, set up another event, 15 days from today, and also set that one to recur every month
<hoschi> i need every 2nd tuesday.. couldnot figure out how to achieve that
<hoschi> whats not every 2nd tuesday / month .. then i could just add 2 and have tem reocurring every month
<Thiagovfar> Let me check something
* hoschi let Thiagovfar check something
<Thiagovfar> Oh, crap deleted the thing
* hoschi scratches his head
<Thiagovfar> No, I can't seem to find a way either
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<hoschi> i had this on my previous rom.. so maybe i have to order a bigger trashcan.. this fixes the problem xD
<Thiagovfar> Where to request features?
<hoschi> for bigger trashcans ?
<bbqbot> derp
<hoschi> ok.. next "problem" .. tried to restore my whatsapp chats.. used android sync manager to copy contents also of whatsapp folder.. but doesnt seem to work
<Thiagovfar> Doesn't whatsapp store its database on the sdcard?
<hoschi> and yes.. i killed my titantium backup stuff in between -.-
<hoschi> ext or int ?
<Thiagovfar> yes... /trollface
<Thiagovfar> It picks one, I guess.
<Thiagovfar> Reinstalling it should suffice
<Thiagovfar> Unless you've deleted data from the sdcard
<hoschi> yes.. i did a fresh install xD by following stupid howtos
<hoschi> full wipe was meant to wipe EVERYTHING there..
<hoschi> as long as i could save my contacts im fine.. pics were already backup'd .. so the really important things are there..
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<Thiagovfar> Do you happen to have a nandroid backup?
<hoschi> ^^ this does not work for me i guess as i deleted everything and an actual backup is in place.. path would be interesting.. but.. backup using android sync manager may have missed that certain folder
<hoschi> no :)
<hoschi> not anymore
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<Thiagovfar> No dice, bro.
<hoschi> real men delete backups while following stupid howtos and even don't think about ;)
<Thiagovfar> Real men remember their contacts from the top of their heads.
<hoschi> whatever.. im fine with still having them while all the boobs are gone xD
<hoschi> just kdding
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<hoschi> unfortunatly andoid sync manager stores it's backup in a *.mbk file which i cant access to retrieve single files..
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<hoschi> could save sms and restore them.. but anyway.. maybe sometimes its better to start over completely.. but then search for a proper backup solution.. nandroid or titantium.. what would one prefer ?
<hoschi> important things are a) save contacts b) save pictures .. settings, chats, sms .. nice to have but not that important
<hoschi> best way before doing whatever should be a backup from cwm ?
<hoschi> so you can just go back to last known working status ?
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<Thiagovfar> hoschi: Backing up from cwm is always a good idea
<Thiagovfar> It creates a checkpoint backup of the state your device is
<Thiagovfar> If you screw up, you can go back to that checkpoint and re-do
<Thiagovfar> As long as you have the backup, you can repead ad-infinitum
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<Thracky> just submitted my super ridiculous java servlets assignment :P
<Jug6ernaut> assignment
<Jug6ernaut> yawnworthy
<Thracky> yup.
<Jiangyi> Still working on my ridiculous history assignment.
<Jug6ernaut> lol
<Jug6ernaut> history
<Jug6ernaut> assignment
<Jug6ernaut> i didnt know there was such a thing
<Thracky> it's called high school :P
<Jug6ernaut> whats that
<Jug6ernaut> wouldnt know i never went
<frankdrey-g1> how weird would I look sitting with mah ti-83+ on a bench outside?
<bbqbot> derp
<frankdrey-g1> I just took a history exam
<frankdrey-g1> And I'm in college
<Jug6ernaut> frankdrey-g1 weak bc its not a ti89
<frankdrey-g1> Lol hP
<frankdrey-g1> *:P
<Jug6ernaut> seriously
<frankdrey-g1> I want to make a 3d cube projection on it
<frankdrey-g1> That spins :D
<Jug6ernaut> ti89 or nothing
<Jug6ernaut> college
* Jug6ernaut is glad hes done with that shit
<frankdrey-g1> I'm just starting
<frankdrey-g1> :P
<frankdrey-g1> Pre-starting
<frankdrey-g1> Running starting :D
<Jug6ernaut> with english like that might want to go back to HS
<frankdrey-g1> (Since the program is called running start)
* Jug6ernaut kids :P
<frankdrey-g1> :P
<Thracky> he is in high school :P
<Jug6ernaut> programs, all crap
<Thracky> he's just doing early college courses.
<Thracky> someone's bitter :P
<Jug6ernaut> of?
<Thracky> don't assume that because your college experience was shit that everywhere is the same.
<Thracky> I actually enjoy my program for the most part.
<frankdrey-g1> I haven't even been inside my high school since last year xD
<Thracky> and next year it gets proper interesting :P
<Jug6ernaut> has nothing to do with college experience, has to do with college itself generally being worthless
<Thracky> maybe it was worthless for you
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<Thracky> doesn't mean it's worthless in general.
<Jug6ernaut> to anyone with 1/2 a brain
<frankdrey-g1> Ooooooooh
<Thracky> So because I find college useful I'm an idiot?
<frankdrey-g1> Loook what he said...
<frankdrey-g1> :P
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<Jug6ernaut> u said it not me lol
<Thracky> You implied it.
<Jug6ernaut> yup
<frankdrey-g1> Jug6ernaut, I find college useful, and I don't believe I am an idiot
<Jug6ernaut> and i would imply it again xD
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<Thracky> anyways, making broad sweeping generalizations about an entire branch of education based on a small isolated personal experience is just retarded.
<Jug6ernaut> for what it costs, it is not worth it, but you must in this day and time bc society demands it
<Thracky> if you had said "college was worthless for me" that's fine. to each their own.
<Jiangyi> W00t late start tomorrow
<Thracky> well, considering I'm looking at 80k/year straight out of my program, it's completely worth the 7k/year tuition.
<Jug6ernaut> glwt
<Thracky> and yes, the jobs are there, and I have offers for as soon as I've graduated :P
<Thracky> so I don't need luck, it's already there.
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<Thracky> I don't know why you're so bitter, but clearly you had a bad experience.
<Thracky> doesn't make you fucking superior :P
<Jug6ernaut> not a bad experince, college was fine, but its still not worth the cost.
<Thracky> because you're stuck in a dead end job?
<frankdrey-g1> Jug6ernaut, but I get free college xD
<Thracky> sure if you take something retarded, it's not worth it.
<Jug6ernaut> Thracky yep lol exactly dead end job ;)
<Thracky> like art majors
<Jug6ernaut> frankdrey-g1 thats different then ;)
<frankdrey-g1> :P
<Jug6ernaut> art major thats me!
<Thracky> so if college was "fine" but not worth the cost, then that's not really "fine" is it? :P
<Thracky> explain how it wasn't worth the cost
<Jug6ernaut> i said my college experince was fine
<Jug6ernaut> not college in general
<Jiangyi> I really need to figure out what I want to do.
<Thracky> ahh so your college is special.
<Thracky> I see.
<Thracky> because you went there it must be better than where I go :P
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<Jiangyi> I've narrowed it down to computer-related, but that's about it. :-|
<Jug6ernaut> possible but doubtful
<Jug6ernaut> Jiangyi thats not much of narrowing it down ;)
<Thracky> yeah not even a little.
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<Thracky> I don't even know what to specialize in when I'm done. I was originally thinking forensics but my one prof said that was "easy" work.
<Thracky> and I don't want easy.
<Jiangyi> And now you see why I need to figure it out. lol
<Thracky> you have time Jiangyi.
<Thracky> took me until I was 27 to figure it out :P
<Jiangyi> I should probably start trying to get my French grades up.
<Thracky> meh.
<Thracky> doesn't really affect anything.
<Jug6ernaut> Jiangyi i doubt any1 will care about your French grades unless your going into a field where it matters
<Jiangyi> Jug6ernaut: Yeah, but it drags my overall average down, so... :-P
<Jug6ernaut> what is your gpa
<Jiangyi> Not in US, don't know lol
<Jug6ernaut> what is your average
<Jiangyi> 92.5-ish last year
<Jug6ernaut> overall
<Jiangyi> Yes.
<Jiangyi> Don't know about this year yet. :-P
<Jug6ernaut> major?
<Jiangyi> I'm in secondary school lol
<Jug6ernaut> wtf is secondary school
<evil-doer> high school?
<Thracky> french sorta matters in Canada.
<Jug6ernaut> o
<Jiangyi> high school.
<Jug6ernaut> dude highschool
<Jug6ernaut> lol
<evil-doer> primary school, secondary school
<Jiangyi> Both works lol
<Thracky> good french language skills open up job opportunities like crazy in Canada but you need Uni level french typically.
<Jug6ernaut> i want to say i didnt care in HS but i still graduated with 42h college credit and a high average...
<Jug6ernaut> but idk how the systems work outside of the US
<Jiangyi> If I complete French up to graduation, I'll get a bilingual certificate, so that helps. :-P
<evil-doer> where do you live exactly Jiangyi?
<bbqbot> derp
<Jiangyi> evil-doer: Canada
<evil-doer> uh
<evil-doer> notice i said exactly
<Thracky> scarborough
<Thracky> aka little China.
<Jiangyi> derp
<Jiangyi> Scarborough lol
<evil-doer> it getting windy there?
<Jiangyi> Yes.
<Thracky> it's windy as fuck in Mississauga
<Jiangyi> My school's power went out actually lol
<evil-doer> im in the northern gta. windy and cold as hell
<Jug6ernaut> Jiangyi i graduated hs with 3 years of spanish, still dont know a damn word xD
<Thracky> 9th floor apartment it's going crazy.
<Jug6ernaut> except no hablo espanol
<Jiangyi> lol hola senor
<Jiangyi> so many Torontonians here lol
<Thracky> pff I'm not Torontonian
<evil-doer> well i live up near lake simcoe now. but i was born in scarborough
<Jug6ernaut> canada
<Thracky> I just live around here.
<Jug6ernaut> yawnworthy
<Thracky> evil-doer: heh my wife is from Barrie and I lived there a number of years.
<evil-doer> ah, thats the other side of the lake
<Thracky> yeah
<evil-doer> its close.. but a far drive
<Thracky> I know, takes long enough just to get to Keswick
<evil-doer> yeah thats where i am now, keswick
<Thracky> oh lol
<evil-doer> gotta go down to bradford before you go back up to barrie
<Thracky> yeah
<Jiangyi> Fine, I'm technically not Torontonian too then :-|
<hoschi> germany is also still on .. playing with newly flashed nightly cm10
<Thracky> Jiangyi: scarborough is Toronto :P
<Thracky> you get toronto transit.
<evil-doer> yeah scarb is def toronto
<Jiangyi> Thracky: Yeah, but I was born in China and lived there for 7 years. :-P
<evil-doer> so?
<Jiangyi> So technically, I also "just live around here"
<Thracky> I have 20 years in Calgary :P
<Thracky> I lived in the same house all 20 years.
<Jiangyi> If we go by what you say :-P
<Jiangyi> Or did I misinterpret you?
<hoschi> jeez.. i remember olympic games there :D im old :D
<evil-doer> i was born in scarborough general hospital, but only lived there while i was a baby
<Thracky> hoschi: I was like 6 :P
<hoschi> so you are old TOO :D
<Thracky> Jiangyi: well by a narrow majority you have lived in canada longer.
<evil-doer> mostly in newmarket
<Thracky> hoschi: :(
<Thracky> Jiangyi: I lived in Calgary for substantially longer than anywhere else.
<Thracky> 2/3 of my life
<Jiangyi> Fair enough I guess. :-P
<Thracky> and besides, china won't take you back.
<Thracky> you're corrupted with democracy.
<Jiangyi> LOL But I'm still a Chinese citizen :-P
<Thracky> and colourful clothing.
<hoschi> it's really nice to listen to quite old music and playing around with the "new" features
<Jiangyi> You'd be surprised at the things they wear in China lol
<Thracky> sadly I'm almost 30 and listen to electronic music still.
<evil-doer> are you from china proper or somewhere like taiwan, hong kong, macau, or somewhere like that?
<Thracky> Jiangyi: I've been, I know :P
* hoschi sings "the night they drove old dixie down"
<Thracky> I just make fun of typical stereotypes as you know by now :P
<Jiangyi> Then why'd you say that about clothing then? .-.
<Jiangyi> apsh
<Jiangyi> Same old Thracky :P
<Thracky> eg. everyone wears grey mao jackets.
<Jiangyi> evil-doer: Mainland China. Fuzhou to be exact.
<evil-doer> ok. no idea where that is :)
<hoschi> im 34 and listetning to what i call "chicken slaughter music" hopefully i could translate this properly and no, it even does not make sense in german ;)
<Thracky> He made it up
<Thracky> hoschi: death metal, but with chickens.
<hoschi> yes sir
<Jiangyi> Not so made up now, is it?
<bbqbot> derp
<hoschi> crematory, amon amarth, arch enemy .. but actually music from the 1960's
<hoschi> smooth as cm10
<evil-doer> so it is near those places i mentioned
<evil-doer> is it an industrial area too?
<Thracky> so what he's saying Jiangyi is you're basically fake chinese (how ironic, a knockoff Chinese person!)
<evil-doer> probably. being on the coast
<Jiangyi> Oh the irony just cannot be contained.
<Thracky> :D
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<Jiangyi> evil-doer: Not really, but it is on the coast.
<Jiangyi> Thracky: Can I make racist white jokes at you? :-P
<evil-doer> you can at me
<Jiangyi> Nah it's ok, I'm just targeting him xD
<evil-doer> i take them as everyone SHOULD take them. as not serious and funny
<evil-doer> people get way too upset over words
<hoschi> to whom it may concern.. thats "me" .. feel free to make jokes to me as well :-P
<Thracky> sure, I was a male figure skater, I'm pretty much immune to most outright insults :P
<evil-doer> elvis stojko?
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<evil-doer> hoschi, do frankfurters and hamburgers really come from germany?
<hoschi> "frankfurter" is sausage.. but hamburgers are an american "brand" .. it does not have naything to do with the city hamburg
<evil-doer> awe, too bad
<evil-doer> i wonder if sandwiches come from sandwich england
<hoschi> maybe some imigrants from hamburg "invented" the hamburger
<evil-doer> it must have to do with the place. theres no ham in it
<Jiangyi> Thracky: Got any videos? xD
<hoschi> we have something else.. called "bulette" or "klops" .. but its not as flat as a hamburger pellet
<evil-doer> bulette sounds french
<hoschi> only if yu write it "boulette"
<hoschi> *you
<evil-doer> heh
<evil-doer> true
<hoschi> so.. anything you want to know about germany before i have my last WEIZENBIER ? :D
<evil-doer> i think im up to date on my questions now
<Thracky> Jiangyi: only on dvd :P
<hoschi> i was really shocked.. a friend of mine went to us for a year (maybe 10 years ago) and he was asked if adolf hitler is still alive.. the guys who asked that are morons or is the common knowledge that bad over there ? i can't imagine
<bbqbot> derp
<evil-doer> wouldnt he be well over 100
<Jiangyi> Thracky: Awww :-(
<Jiangyi> evil-doer: Lots of uninformed people over here :-|
<Jiangyi> I have a classmate who didn't know who Obama was lol
<evil-doer> hoschi, my grandfather was in ww2 and hated germans for many many years and the last place he lived he had a german neighbor. he eventually started talking to him and by the end he was his best friend before he died
<hoschi> thats it.. he /:-#| was born in 1889
<hoschi> thats why i was.. some kind of.. at least confused about this Q
<hoschi> i dont hate anybody.. i just do not like everybody w/o and regard to gender or race.. its just a question of mind :)
<evil-doer> a lot of americans have a very stereotypical view of germans, and french. and pretty much anyone not american
<evil-doer> its like characatures
<evil-doer> caricatures
<hoschi> and nobody remember their roots.. which are mostly european.. and african :D
<evil-doer> my mom is from scotland
<evil-doer> so i know my roots. half of my family is over there
<hoschi> the funny thing for me is.. if an american "native" speaks about history.. he's talking about 2xx years.. .. scotland is nice.. never saw that nice environment
<evil-doer> ive visited once. was really cool. i like all the castles and old buildings. thats the nice thing about europe. all the old stuff
<hoschi> scottish highlands.. it's worth a travel
<hoschi> but before make sure you have the latest cm10 nightly :D
<evil-doer> ya the oldest stuff ive seen over here is probably quebec city
<evil-doer> i dunno how old that is. maybe 300 years
<hoschi> canada must be nice as well.. never visited north americaan continent
<Jiangyi> The lakes here absolutely gorgeous imo.
<hoschi> but i heard of xenophobic thoughts rhere as well.. even if you don-ät speak french ?
<evil-doer> i like northern ontario. all the exposted bedrock
<hoschi> *don't
<evil-doer> exposed
<hoschi> my keyboard also does not write what i mean.. so.. lets stick on "we know what each means"
<hoschi> hopefully my english is good enough that you guys understand me :)
<Jiangyi> Your English is fine :-P
<hoschi> better than my chinese of course
<Jiangyi> And no need to worry about xenophobia, we're all crazily mixed over here.
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<eldabest> hey guys anyone having trouble with Swype lately? It's been crashing so often I can't even use it anymore. It won't even open
<hoschi> not mixing dna would cause genozoid (is this translateable?)
<Jiangyi> No idea what you're trying to say :-|
<Jiangyi> wait, genozid?
<Jiangyi> AKA genocide?
<hoschi> just think about hillbillies.. same family ;)
<hoschi> yeah.. sounds good
<hoschi> sounds CORRECT.. no right xD
<eldabest> huh lol? Anyone having problems with Swype?
<hoschi> r u sure you visited the right channel ? ;)
<bbqbot> derp
<hoschi> scnr
<eldabest> yeah lol
<eldabest> I know
<hoschi> what's the thing with EBM/industrial metal music over there ? heard you're into rammstein & co .. is there nothing compareable over there?
<hoschi> elda.. i'm not using it.. so please dont get me wrong if i write here and dont answer
<evil-doer> as a swype user im glad to see the official keyboard getting swiping, and swiftkey also. so many options
<eldabest> oh okay
<eldabest> so evil what do you use now then?
<eldabest> do you have any problems with swype? Mine seems fine for about 2 weeks then just starts crashing an insane amount and won't even start up now
<hoschi> just highlighting evil-doer xD to answer my question ;)
<Jiangyi> I guess I'm too young to know this one. :-P
<Jiangyi> I'm into a lot of rock and jazz
<hoschi> do you know mike terrana ? is a god of drums and can also do "jazz" :D
<Jiangyi> No :-(
<evil-doer> eldabest, i use swype
<hoschi> prepare yourself bochum (city in germany) it's time for me now to destroy this fckng drumkit (after he played some jazz) ... copy you the jazz part... just have to listen to i
<evil-doer> no crashing here
<hoschi> evil.. may you answer my question if possible ? w/o any urgency :)
<evil-doer> what question
<hoschi> what's the thing with EBM/industrial metal music over there ? heard you're into rammstein & co .. is there nothing compareable over there?
<hoschi> ^^
<hoschi> Jiang.. here you go and feel free to listen to the whole set :)
<bbqbot> derp
<hoschi> sry jiang.. wrong timestamp.. should be 5:50
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<evil-doer> i hate rammstein
<hoschi> tz
<evil-doer> i like metal, but they are shitty if you ask me
<Jiangyi> lol
<Jiangyi> Fly me to the moon xD
<hoschi> rammstein is industrial.. and theyare some kind of special.. i agree :)
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<hoschi> yes sir.. and than he destroys the drumkit.. have seen him live.. its a beast :D
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<hoschi> for the records.. i still enjoy cm10 :)
<hoschi> so i donated 20€ to have cm team buy german "weizenbier" + shipping & taxes :D
<Jiangyi> Damn, Gmail SMS service, why you no work for Canadians >:(
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<hoschi> ^^ i like the "connection reset by peer" most :)
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<Chris_> Hey guys
<frankdrey-pc> Hey guy
<Chris_> So dude I am trying to DL the new CyanogenMod10 ROM
<Chris_> I need to know what the expected issues are there and such
<Chris_> I have just managed to UNBRICK my GT-N7000
<hoschi> from my personal point of view.. it's like leonard cohans hallelujah :)
<frankdrey-pc> WAIT
<frankdrey-pc> he has a i9100 though :P
<Chris_> ok
<Chris_> Lol
<Chris_> Ha ha ha ha ha
<frankdrey-pc> all is well ^ :D
<frankdrey-pc> do you have CWM?
<frankdrey-pc> Chris_
<Chris_> Yeah
<frankdrey-pc> alrighty
<frankdrey-pc> @downloads n7000
<bbqbot> Device is not supported!
<Chris_> thanks man
<frankdrey-pc> fu bbqbot
<frankdrey-pc> there ^
<frankdrey-pc> then again, there may be quirks not in the wiki :S
<Chris_> Thought of that as well
<Chris_> My nine is working just fine
<Jiangyi> frankdrey-pc: Duperman just made that up since it was empty xD
<Chris_> dont think I should mess with it for now
<Jiangyi> It's basically the same probs as I9100 afaik
<hoschi> seems like bricking and unbricking is common use when it comes to android devices :) but you will be well supported here.. own experience
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<frankdrey-pc> Jiangyi, ah xD
<frankdrey-pc> xplodwild, i see u maintain the n7000
<frankdrey-pc> you tell us :D
<frankdrey-pc> *teh n7000
<frankdrey-pc> Chris_:
<frankdrey-pc> -FMradio doesn't work
<frankdrey-pc> -Not butter smooth but still nice
<frankdrey-pc> instructions too
<frankdrey-pc> says not to flash from stock ics / stock-based
<hoschi> same brick bug like mine ?
<Thracky> true bricking doesn't really exist unless you do something REALLY dumb.
<Thracky> or with the rare bug :P
<frankdrey-pc> it says it'll brick if you flash from stock :P
<Entropy512> if you flash from stock, you run a high risk of burninating your eMMC
<Entropy512> so make sure to be running a custom kernel that has been rendered safe
<frankdrey-pc> also, FUUUUUUUUUUUUUU 4.2 is phone ui on tablet
<Entropy512> anything but CF-Root (since it's based on a stock kernel binary) is OK
<frankdrey-pc> FU google
<Chris_> I have managed to sort that issue via ADB
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<Entropy512> if ADB did the trick, you didn't torch your eMMC
<Chris_> oh
<Entropy512> torch the eMMC and your device is 100% unrecoverably fucked. :)
<Chris_> Well wasnt FUN
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<Chris_> oh
<Chris_> lol
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<Thracky> frankdrey-pc: on the nexus 7 you mean?
<frankdrey-pc> Thracky, 4.2 in general
<Thracky> since when
<Thracky> why would they step backwards.
<hoschi> i think everybody just waits before he can join pink floyds .. at least me .. :)
<frankdrey-pc> also, google now now creeps on your emails
<Thracky> ok but the apps will still utilize a tablet interface, so no biggie there.
<Thracky> it's more about the apps implementing nice tablet UIs
<Thracky> also, you can disable that google now functionality quite easily.
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<Thracky> it's in jellybean with updated google search already.
<Thracky> widgets on the lock screen is fucking awesome.
<Thracky> and multiuser.
<Jiangyi> Is it just me, or does the new font for the time on the lockscreen look weird?
<bbqbot> derp
<hoschi> article says opt IN
<Thracky> .... so... hard... not... to make..... joke... about... asian... vision...
<hoschi> is sumped ?
<hoschi> +t
<Jiangyi> -_-
<Jiangyi> Hmm.... Apparently, it's $360 CAD for Nexus4 here, but it's 350 Euros in Europe. :-|
<hoschi> so he finally got you ? :D
<Thracky> yeah I think it is opt in hoschi cause I haven't enabled it on JB yet, but I am update.
<Thracky> *updated
<Jiangyi> @money 350 eur cad
<bbqbot> 350 EUR = 452.03 CAD
<Jiangyi> That's almost unfair to Europeans lol
<Thracky> that's not bad for an outright price on a phone.
<Thracky> at all.
<Thracky> I want a n10 though :|
<Thracky> really bad.
<Jiangyi> We still get it like $100 less xD
<Jiangyi> I want all teh things, but I can afford none :-|
<Jiangyi> Might convince mom to jump off that Nokia onto the n4 though :-P
<hoschi> btw.. did you recognized this yesterday ?
<Thracky> hoschi: no I just updated today
<hoschi> @google Jiangyi master of teh kernelz
<bbqbot> FSU Computer Science - Research -
<Thracky> oh nm :P
<frankdrey-pc> it's the notification bar i'm worried about
<Thracky> sleep time for me.
<Thracky> frankdrey-pc: why
<hoschi> damn.. yesterday it trows you to xda thread
<frankdrey-pc> it'd look bad on a 10 inch screen
<Jiangyi> LOL I remember xD
<Jiangyi> That was pure luck xD
<hoschi> luck is a b1tch
<hoschi> tz
<hoschi> but whats about the "we get it 100$ less" ?
<frankdrey-pc> so i saw a guy with a gnote
<frankdrey-pc> it looks funnily big xD
hoschi is now known as hoschi_Utube
<Jiangyi> hoschi_Utube: You guys pay 350 euros for the N4, while we pay 350 Dollars for it.
<Jiangyi> 350 euros is about 450 dollars, so... :-P
<hoschi_Utube> so what ?
<hoschi_Utube> usually i pay with the currency it's worth the most.. when buying gametime or.. whatever stuff
<frankdrey-pc> why would you do that?
<bbqbot> derp
<frankdrey-pc> ever since i installed the official drivers for my gpu, it's gottena lot worse ._.
<hoschi_Utube> if i can get 1 month subscription for 12,90EUR or 15$ i just calc the diff ;)
<frankdrey-pc> @money 12.90 eur usd
<bbqbot> 12.90 EUR = 16.66 USD
<frankdrey-pc> ...
<frankdrey-pc> pay $15
<hoschi_Utube> thats what i meant :)
<hoschi_Utube> my playlist is empty.. hints for some smooth utube songs available in germany ?
<hoschi_Utube> not neccessary metal :D have to go to bed soon ;)
<frankdrey-pc> thousand foot krutch - the end is where we begin
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<hoschi_Utube> ok.. im AWAKE again xD
<hoschi_Utube> mv /home/balcony && grep beer
<frankdrey-pc> oh, you want calm?
<frankdrey-pc> thousand foot krutch - wish you well
<frankdrey-pc> and "already home"
<hoschi_Utube> i want too.. and i am OLD .. so please be nice to me :D
<hoschi_Utube> u know wolfsheim ?
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<hoschi_Utube> really need some smooth songs now.. its close to 5 am here
<frankdrey-pc> i don't know wolfsheim
<frankdrey-pc> listen to already home :P
<frankdrey-pc> not calm enough?
<hoschi_Utube> i wont listen to "home" .. i'm already here and want to escape :D my neighbours are quire loud from time to time
<frankdrey-pc> souvenirs - switchfoot
<frankdrey-pc> xD
<frankdrey-pc> just check it out, it's a nice song :p
<hoschi_Utube> switchfoot sounds good..
<frankdrey-pc> you know switchfoot?:o
<hoschi_Utube> no.. just followed your advise .. but usually your into some kind of harder music ? if you should visit germany for some festivals
<frankdrey-pc> eh,
<frankdrey-pc> TFK is the hardest i listen to
<hoschi_Utube> tfk ?
<bbqbot> derp
<frankdrey-pc> thousand foot krutch
<frankdrey-pc> also, both are "christian rock" xD
<hoschi_Utube> thats my name but i am not a christian :D
<frankdrey-pc> meh, looks like not a good link for my parents to see me opening
<frankdrey-pc> hard rock?:P
<frankdrey-pc> @translate hoschi
<bbqbot> frankdrey-pc: Command does not exist!
<hoschi_Utube> hard rock, metal, in your face :D
<hoschi_Utube> oh.. now i know.. i should listen to tenacious d
<frankdrey-pc> wait....
<frankdrey-pc> hoschi = idiot...?
* hoschi_Utube waits
<hoschi_Utube> hoschi is german version of dude
<hoschi_Utube> or some kind of
<hoschi_Utube> you know bill & teds excellent advanture
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<hoschi_Utube> adventure
<frankdrey-pc> i googled it
<frankdrey-pc> and it says it means "idiot" xD
<frankdrey-pc> so what did you mean by christian being your name?
<frankdrey-pc> Christian
<frankdrey-pc> ?
<hoschi_Utube> thats my first name
<frankdrey-pc> ah
<frankdrey-pc> makes sense
<frankdrey-pc> i have 3 bands that i actually call Khristian rock :P
<hoschi_Utube> idiot should meet hoschi as well :)
<frankdrey-pc> Thousand Foot Krutch
<frankdrey-pc> Stellar Kart
<frankdrey-pc> Relient K
<frankdrey-pc> get it?
<hoschi_Utube> never heard about it
<hoschi_Utube> but.. i really like tenacious d :)
<hoschi_Utube> jack black is a genious
<hoschi_Utube> f*ck her gently
<nevyn> wonderwall,
<hoschi_Utube> this years complete concert in germany @ rock am ring
<bbqbot> derp
<nevyn> Tribute all good
<hoschi_Utube> as ypu can see.. something you have to do once in your live like planting a tree :)
<hoschi_Utube> ping frankdrey-pc
<frankdrey-pc> ohi
<frankdrey-pc> ?
<hoschi_Utube> u r into rock.. did you ever thought about visiting big festivals like the at least 3 ones we have here in germany ?=
<hoschi_Utube> where big meas ig
<hoschi_Utube> damn.. big
<frankdrey-pc> not really
<frankdrey-pc> i'm into christian rock
<frankdrey-pc> and im 16
<frankdrey-pc> so i can't go anywhere :P
<hoschi_Utube> you can.. at least in germany
<frankdrey-pc> @geo user frankdrey-pc
<hoschi_Utube> you are also allowed to drink
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for frankdrey-pc
<bbqbot> Resolving ip for
<bbqbot> {"range":[1275920096,1279262719],"country":"US","region":"","city":"","ll":[0,0]}
<hoschi_Utube> oh..nice..
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<hoschi_Utube> @geo user hoschi_Utube
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for hoschi_Utube
<bbqbot> Resolving ip for bc6bd746@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
<bbqbot> Error resolving ip for gateway/web/freenode/ip.
<hoschi_Utube> damn :D
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<frankdrey-pc> @geo host
<bbqbot> {"range":[3160408064,3161456639],"country":"DE","region":"","city":"","ll":[0,0]}
<frankdrey-pc> :D
<frankdrey-pc> that was quick
<hoschi_Utube> i feel geolocalized :D
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<hoschi_Utube> is this christan rock thing related to your religion or just a kind of personal interest ?
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<frankdrey-pc> my religion
<frankdrey-pc> :P
<frankdrey-pc> i mean, i'll listen to regular rock if it has a good message
<frankdrey-pc> i like how christian rock has good messages
<frankdrey-pc> note, i am a sane christian :P
<hoschi_Utube> ok.. thats the difference.. i just need "in your face" w/o any msg :D
<hoschi_Utube> maybe thats the reason y u dont like rammstein
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<frankdrey-pc> i haven't listened to them yet :P
<nevyn> man I want to stab whoever told the PTB about geoip
<kin_> a noob here just wondering the easiest way out of cm10 boot sequence
<hoschi_Utube> i', pretty sure they are hard to understand.. even germans have problem with their lyrics as wordscan have different meanings
* nevyn likes rammstein they're kinda ott a bit tho.
<nevyn> their music is cool
<hoschi_Utube> @geo user nevyn
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for nevyn
<bbqbot> {"range":[1112903720,1112903935],"country":"US","region":"","city":"","ll":[0,0]}
<frankdrey-pc> nevyn, geoip is awesome :D
<frankdrey-pc> bbqbot's seems to be broken lately, though
<frankdrey-pc> it used to show city
<hoschi_Utube> ok.. us.. so u understand what they "tell" you"
<nevyn> geoip is evil.
<hoschi_Utube> ?
<Diftraku> @geo user Diftraku
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for Diftraku
<bbqbot> Resolving ip for
<bbqbot> {"range":[3164979200,3164995583],"country":"FR","region":"","city":"","ll":[0,0]}
<Diftraku> Way off there :3
<frankdrey-pc> kin_, hold the power button, or pull the battery.
<Diftraku> The server might be in france
<frankdrey-pc> 1. what device?
<frankdrey-pc> 2. why?
<nevyn> heh
<frankdrey-pc> Diftraku, it's your ISP
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<nevyn> hrm
<Diftraku> Nope, it doesn't show my real host :3
<nevyn> interestingly that geoip data is why the VPS I irc from exists
<frankdrey-pc> ah :D
<kin_> frankdrey-pc, I've done that
<frankdrey-pc> nevyn, paranoid?
<bbqbot> derp
<frankdrey-pc> kin_, ok, what's wrong?
<nevyn> in that in order to avoid the evils of geoip I have a use VPS
<nevyn> s/use/US/g
<hoschi_Utube> evil substitute globally :D
<kin_> frankdrey-pc, I've just rooted my phone and I was fast onto cm10 I might have forgotten to wipe data
<frankdrey-pc> boot back into cwm
<frankdrey-pc> and wipe data
<frankdrey-pc> :P
<hoschi_Utube> and start over
<kin_> frankdrey-pc, I've flashed cwm but it wunt come on
<kin_> I'm pretty sure I had it installed
<hoschi_Utube> vol up + home + pwr
<frankdrey-pc> ^
<hoschi_Utube> hold it
<kin_> power up home then power button right
* hoschi_Utube cant believe that a noob like him tried to help :D
<frankdrey-pc> kin_, do you have a battery to pull?
<kin_> frankdrey-pc, I've flashed the cwm from chainfire
<frankdrey-pc> chainfire?o.o
<hoschi_Utube> cf has root and cwm
<kin_> frankdrey-pc, what do you mean? I have a battery yeah
<hoschi_Utube> which device ?
<frankdrey-pc> ok, but you didn't flash it from chainfire, you flashed chainfire ;)
<frankdrey-pc> BUT
<frankdrey-pc> some devices might brick with cf root kernel + cm10
<kin_> I flashed the file chainfire provides
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<hoschi_Utube> as of fullbrick bug
<kin_> okey
<nevyn> frankdrey-pc: in particular being in the US geoip isn't used as a tool to exclude you from markets so much
<frankdrey-pc> nevyn, hmmm?
<nevyn> frankdrey-pc: where I am I'm often greeted with "The content you've requested isn't availible in your region"
<kin_> frankdrey-pc, mhh wish I knew that before starting
<frankdrey-pc> kin_, waht device?
<bbqbot> derp
<nevyn> on youtube
<nevyn> or worse.
<frankdrey-pc> nevyn, ah
<kin_> frankdrey-pc, i9300
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<nevyn> "The product you've requested to purchase can't be shipped to your address"
<frankdrey-pc> kin_, what carrier?
<frankdrey-pc> or international?
<kin_> frankdrey-pc, what is the other better option with cm10?
* hoschi_Utube had an eargasm
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<kin_> frankdrey-pc, im in Australia, optus
<hoschi_Utube> so we actually cover everything from gmt-10 to gmt+10 ? :D
<kin_> frankdrey-pc, yeah international it is
<frankdrey-pc> ok, the thread says you should be running stock ics + cwm
<frankdrey-pc> so i think cf root is fine for the i9300
<kin_> frankdrey-pc, I didn have ICS before
<kin_> mhh
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<frankdrey-pc> yeah, restart from stock then, cuz wifi might be broken ;)
<hoschi_Utube> theres at least no indication of "superbrickbug" like mine i9100 thread was warning
<hoschi_Utube> so "should" be safe ?
<frankdrey-pc> this guide describes the process fairly detailed
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<frankdrey-pc> then again
<frankdrey-pc> you just need to wipe data :P
<frankdrey-pc> so try to get into cwm is all
<frankdrey-pc> xD
<kin_> frankdrey-pc, so which file exactly is the official cwm?
<bbqbot> derp
<kin_> let me dig
<frankdrey-pc> it's in the teamhacksung wiki
<frankdrey-pc> but dude, you have it already apparently
<frankdrey-pc> you just need to boot into it
<kin_> hehe
<kin_> maybe it;s just me being duft and not knowing how to start cwm
<kin_> frankdrey-pc, thanks, I will try the process a few more times see what I get
<frankdrey-pc> hold on
<frankdrey-pc> remove battery
<frankdrey-pc> put it back in
<frankdrey-pc> wait 5-10 seconds
<kin_> ya
<frankdrey-pc> then press and hold home, volume up, and power until the screen turns on and let go
<kin_> hehehe
<kin_> got it
<Diftraku> "Have you tried turning it off and on again?"
<kin_> I was getting the sequence wrong, frankdrey-pc
<frankdrey-pc> Diftraku, xD
<frankdrey-pc> kin_, nice :P
<kin_> i almost broke a sweat there, but I probably blame my HTC for the difference
<frankdrey-pc> hehe
<frankdrey-pc> what htc?
<kin_> now I shall surely clean data first
<frankdrey-pc> you can wipe data and reboot
<kin_> I lost a sensation xe 2 weeks ago
<frankdrey-pc> no need to reflash
<frankdrey-pc> ah
<frankdrey-pc> i have a superior htc
<kin_> just wipe data
<frankdrey-pc> the dream
<frankdrey-pc> yeah
<kin_> let me see
<kin_> frankdrey-pc, I am using my old good old wildfire while I wait for a microsd for this samsung
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<frankdrey-pc> ah, cool
<kin_> funny it's rooted just 6 hours after delivery :)
<frankdrey-pc> not enough storage for you? xD
<kin_> and yes thanks man I can see the boot screen
<kin_> frankdrey-pc, I managed to make that wildfire work
<frankdrey-pc> :D
<frankdrey-pc> what do you mean, work?
<frankdrey-pc> wait...
<kin_> it's on cm 7.2
<frankdrey-pc> why are you waiting for a microsd for your samsung?
<frankdrey-pc> it has more internal storage than your wildfire, doesnt it?
<kin_> because I was in a rush when I ordered for a sim i asked for a normal one
<kin_> frankdrey-pc, yeah this phone has heaps of storage
<frankdrey-pc> nice, my dream is on froyocreamsandwich, a theme of fbl, a mod of cm6
<frankdrey-pc> kin_, you mean microsd
<frankdrey-pc> *microsim
<frankdrey-pc> xD
<kin_> frankdrey-pc, my freenode name is waka, I had come to windows to do all this so now I'll go back to debian
<kin_> yeah I mean microsim
<kin_> frankdrey-pc and wifi works too
<kin_> how old is the dream?
<bbqbot> derp
<frankdrey-pc> came out october 2008
<frankdrey-pc> :D
<kin_> frankdrey-pc, and wats up with the flash counter on this s3
<frankdrey-pc> and nice :D
<frankdrey-pc> whats up with it?
<kin_> doesn't bother me at 6. I shouldn have to worry about it right?
<frankdrey-pc> nah
<frankdrey-pc> as cody said
<frankdrey-pc> real men don't care about flash counter
<kin_> that's right
<kin_> I like this cm10. Have a nice one and catch ya soon
<frankdrey-pc> peace :D
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<hoschi_Utube> uh.. did i read real men ?
<frankdrey-pc> YES
<hoschi_Utube> fck.. its 6 am here
<hoschi_Utube> have to go to work in 7 hours
<hoschi_Utube> note: playing with new cm10 and listenting to utube is a bad idea when you have to go to work later :D
<frankdrey-pc> D:
<hoschi_Utube> thats not funny
<hoschi_Utube> xD
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<waka_> frankdrey-pc, do you use windows or linux?
<frankdrey-pc> windows
<frankdrey-pc> linux for messing with android roms though
<waka_> key, I cant mount internal sd from cwm like I normally did before in my other phone but I guess there's not a getaround to that
<waka_> the s3 mounts on the desktop automagically but doesn appear in thunar my file manager
<frankdrey-pc> cwm never let's me mount sd to usb
<waka_> there isn't that option yes
<waka_> still happy though
<frankdrey-pc> ok :P
<frankdrey-pc> hold on, brb
<waka_> im off to uni too
<waka_> later
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<KelvinY-S3> Guyssssss
<KelvinY-S3> N4 is announced
<KelvinY-S3> Should i sell my s3?!
<KelvinY-S3> $400 for the 16GB is fucking cheap (here in Australia)
<KelvinY-S3> Don't care about no sd card. I don't even put music on my phone
<addi> for the stock Android experience and ultra fast updates, yeah, get the Nexus 4 :p
<addi> the camera will be most probably of lower quality than the S3, no FM radio, no expandable storage, but I guess that's it..
<KelvinY-S3> Fuck
<KelvinY-S3> I don't really wanna make a loss on this s3 though
<KelvinY-S3> Since I'm running cm10 on this s3 anyway, there's no difference in software haha
<KelvinY-S3> Not too fussed about camera
<KelvinY-S3> Although, glass back is a bit off putting
<KelvinY-S3> Is it basically an optimus?
<KelvinY-S3> Because if it is, and no one has any problems with the optimus, then I'm sold
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<nevyn> hrm
<nevyn> is the n4 lte?
<bbqbot> derp
<nevyn> KelvinY-S3: I'm hanging out for the noteII release next week
<KelvinY-S3> Note 2?
<KelvinY-S3> We have that in Australia already x)
<KelvinY-S3> And i don't care bout lte/4g
<Ravenheart> by this time next year my contract will have finished
<Ravenheart> upgrade time them!
<addi> nevyn, N4 not coming with LTE
<addi> in US or outside
<nevyn> boo
<nevyn> KelvinY-S3: yeah the rumourmill is saying noteII with lte in .au november 5
<nevyn> KelvinY-S3: we have imports at stupid prices.
<KelvinY-S3> Eh, I actually don't want a bigger device
<KelvinY-S3> Already small trouble with the s3 size
<nevyn> hrm
<KelvinY-S3> N4 is slighty smaller
<KelvinY-S3> So that's a pro for me
* nevyn is still on a i9000
<Ravenheart> have you guys seen the HTC J Butterfly ?
<KelvinY-S3> Galaxy s was a beast phone
<KelvinY-S3> And it's still very damn mid level today
* nevyn notes it's 6:20pm
<KelvinY-S3> 3.20PM om perth
<KelvinY-S3> In
<Ravenheart> 9:21 (am) here
<nevyn> yeah yeah
<nevyn> the problem is.
<nevyn> it's 6:20 and I didn't notice.
<nevyn> because I still photoregulate my work day.
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<GabMus> hello there
<GabMus> notice: im at school, dont worry if sometimes i dont answer
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<KelvinY-S3> Ok I can sell this s3 for ~$550. Should I sell and get lg n4? codeworkx, you getting n4?
<KelvinY-S3> $400 for 16Gb n4 here in AU
<GabMus> he will buy it afaik
<GabMus> the n4 i mean
<GabMus> i wonder how much i can have for my i9100
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<KelvinY-S3> Probably just over 350
<KelvinY-S3> If condition is good
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<GabMus> good enough
<KelvinY-S3> Honestly, the only reason I want n4 over s3 is the dev support
<GabMus> i think i could afford a nexus 4
<GabMus> yep
<KelvinY-S3> If s3 is so bad that codeworkx wants to ditch support for it
<KelvinY-S3> That's saying some
<GabMus> no exynos support
<KelvinY-S3> Something
<KelvinY-S3> But, the fucking exynos git access couldn't come at a worse time
<KelvinY-S3> By the time we have full access to determine if it's worth continuing to work on, price of s3 might drop because n4 will be for sale by then
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<KelvinY-S3> And since n4 is so darn cheap
<KelvinY-S3> Why would you want s3 over n4?
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<KelvinY-S3> Speaking from an average consumer's point of view
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<GabMus> im back sorry
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<GabMus> back again
<GabMus> back again...
<KelvinY-S3> Haha
<GabMus> fuckin unstable connection
<GabMus> what are you doin?
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<MacDrunk> hello
<MacDrunk> can someone help me whit a mount sd card0 scrip
<MacDrunk> dunno if thats sok
<Espenfjo> isnt sdcard0 mounted by itself at boot?
<GabMus> it is actually...
<GabMus> it is the internal memory
<MacDrunk> no
<MacDrunk> Espenfjo thats the only issue i got
<MacDrunk> and sdcard0 is my sd card external i mean
<GabMus> it is sdcard1
<MacDrunk> busybox mount -o remount,rw /storage/sdcard0 i wrote a scrip whit those lines
<MacDrunk> nope
<MacDrunk> on my phone sdcard1 is the internal memory
<MacDrunk> and sdcard0 is my external sd card
<GabMus> this is reeeally awkward
<GabMus> what phone?
<bbqbot> derp
<MacDrunk> SGS II gt-i9100
<MacDrunk> i just tested and work fine
<MacDrunk> the external sdcar0 mounted right
<MacDrunk> hello
<MacDrunk> any ideas were the hostfile is storage
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<MacDrunk> hmm can that line be writed on build.prop
<MacDrunk> or not??
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<KelvinY-S3> Fuck it, not buying n4 anymore
<KelvinY-S3> Not worth selling s3 for ir
<KelvinY-S3> Pray the promised exynos support will happen
<KelvinY-S3> Gonna build a new gaming pc with the money instead :)
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<xplodwild> KelvinY-S3: sell S3, buy n4 and a new graphics card
<xplodwild> looks like a fair deal to me
<KelvinY-S3> Need a whole new pc
<KelvinY-S3> Been using a crap dell laptop for past 3 years
<KelvinY-S3> 3 dead hard drives later, it's time for a switch
<KelvinY-S3> Need to play league of the legends with over 30fps :P
<KelvinY-S3> -the
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<iKillCypher> Hello guys
<iKillCypher> so Google Nexus 4 is nexus new phone?
<KelvinY-S3> Ya
<iKillCypher> when was it annouced ?
<KelvinY-S3> Like 12 hours ago
<iKillCypher> oh lol was in the dark
<iKillCypher> any specs or anything about videos about it cause I may dump my galaxy s2 for this one
<iKillCypher> and 4.2 jellybean ?
<Espenfjo> ofc
<iKillCypher> any key changes about it or changelog?
<iKillCypher> hear about the new battery life :S ?
<Espenfjo> Roadrunner? That was a false rumour
<iKillCypher> wait there is no LTE ??
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<Transfixer> no
<iKillCypher> fuckk lol
<iKillCypher> anyway Im happy cause now the phone will be abit cheaper :D
<KelvinY-S3> Yeah why is 4.2 jb still
<KelvinY-S3> Shouldn't it be K
<iKillCypher> K ?
<KelvinY-S3> Some name starting with K
<KelvinY-S3> Jb is 4.1
<KelvinY-S3> Then there was 4.1.1
<KelvinY-S3> And 4.1.2
<iKillCypher> why is there no LTE ?
<KelvinY-S3> Sudden jump to 4.2 much
<iKillCypher> 4.2 has alot more changes
<GabMus> 4.2 is officially still jelly bean
<Transfixer> to geep the cost down
<GabMus> next version (5?) will be kandy kane
<iKillCypher> Google noted that it omitted LTE technology in order to reduce size and cost, as well as to see how network technology evolved in the near future.
<iKillCypher> good job
<iKillCypher> cause I have an 50MBPS fiber optic here
<KelvinY-S3> Oh lolol
<KelvinY-S3> Wait a minute...
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<KelvinY-S3> If a beast phone like that can be made by LG for that low a price
<KelvinY-S3> Then why the fuck is my s3 so overpriced
<iKillCypher> well good thing is it is using Qualcomm Snapdragon
<KelvinY-S3> I9300 too
<KelvinY-S3> Not even lte
<iKillCypher> which is a win
<iKillCypher> cyanogenmod supporting would be so easy
<KelvinY-S3> Yeah, s4 pro > exynos 4412
<iKillCypher> indeed
<iKillCypher> exynos sucks
<iKillCypher> but samsung say they will open source it soon
<GabMus> +1
<iKillCypher> so we will see how
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<iKillCypher> Wireless charging < would love to see how this works
<GabMus> suuure
<iKillCypher> fk man cant wait LD
<nevyn> it's inductive
<nevyn> the charging that is
<iKillCypher> well how does it work ? using what as charging ?
<KelvinY-S3> You don't actually get to move the phone around when it's charging
<iKillCypher> wireless network >
<iKillCypher> ?
<KelvinY-S3> You put it on a surface
<KelvinY-S3> Look up powermat
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<GabMus> im bored :(
<iKillCypher> nough processor power and tech on board to mean it won't be obsolete in six months. :D
<iKillCypher> fk Im so getting this phone
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<iKillCypher> p.s is audio bugs on samsung devices or it affects all cyanogenmod devices
<iKillCypher> something I wrote you guys should read :
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<john__> the cyanogenmod 10 for galaxy s2 do it works good or really good?
<john__> because i've tried many testers but i can't use all off the original rom off samsung galaxy s2 so far. can i do with this everything
<toketab> I use it on a 3g 7inch tab, works great
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<petoulachi> Hello there
<john__> ok but an example if i now listen to music on the phone then i can play most of the files and if i do a custom rom then i must see what music that i do on my phone so that's my question the same for movies
<petoulachi> I'm using lastest nightly CM10 on my GT9300 and I have a really simple question : which should I use ? Can i take the lastest JB modem ? As I know to have Wifi/NFC to work properly, we have to flash CM10 on top of a ICS ROM, I wonder if I need to stay on ICS modem or not ?
<bealtine^> no
<bealtine^> if you dont have problems with your modem dont worry
<petoulachi> ok, it just i thought that latest modem should be better on the paper
<bealtine^> well only if you believe that samsug can write software
<petoulachi> :D
<bealtine^> samsung
<john__> so is solved then? and can i watch my video's and music that i now have on my phone play on this rom
<petoulachi> yeah, I'm quite disapointed with this S3... my first and last Samsung smartphone
<bealtine^> the latest modem is xxdlid
<petoulachi> yes I know
<bealtine^> the hardware seems ok but samsung software is utter crap
<petoulachi> atm I use LH3
<petoulachi> so JB modem is ok, it has nothing related with wifi/NFC problems ?
<bealtine^> no
<petoulachi> ok
<petoulachi> thanks for your answer !
<john__> can someone answer my question please?
<gromez> hey, fyi update 6 of JB sources for i9300 has been published
<gromez> maybe some new stuff in it
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<crimsinx> hello
<crimsinx> does anyone know if cm10 supports ir blaster for the p5113 galaxy tab 2? Thanks!
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<GabMus> hello
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<peterperfect> Entropy512 problems with the hurricane around you?
<bbqbot> derp
<jchvvs> :p
<peterperfect> im watching the news and things seems pretty bad
<peterperfect> nyc subway got several damage
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<GabMus> hello_
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<iKillCypher> WTF IS THIS SHIT
<iKillCypher> It is now ILLEGAL to root ALL tablets!
<GabMus> _____}
<GabMus> wait
<GabMus> wrong keyboard layout
<GabMus> ?????
<GabMus> are you serious?
<GabMus> why
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<GabMus> HELLO?
<bbqbot> derp
<iKillCypher> brb reformatting system
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<GabMus> ?
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<bc__> guys, just a question. i iust saw the new nightly build for the p3110 and ive been wondering, was the navbar fixed?
<GabMus> mh… dunno
<GabMus> try looking in the changelog
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<bc__> i tried but i couldnt load the page
<GabMus> wait then
<GabMus> til the page works again
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<bc__> ill wait a little longer. tks
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<KelvinY-S3> CyanDelta
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<KelvinY-S3> Look it up at Play Store
<KelvinY-S3> Absolutely genius app
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<GabMus> whats for?
<bbqbot> derp
<KelvinY-S3> Never have to download the full zip from again
<KelvinY-S3> Just download the changes
<GabMus> fuck yeah an italian developer
<GabMus> we are lazy, so we make useful app to make everything easier
<KelvinY-S3> If this works
<GabMus> i dont know
<GabMus> i prefer keep using the default updater
<KelvinY-S3> I will actually donate
<KelvinY-S3> Holy shit
<KelvinY-S3> Latest nightly is 12MB for me
<GabMus> i dont want to tru
<GabMus> try*
<GabMus> i have no time for a fresh install if it fails
<KelvinY-S3> I9300 20121028 to 1030
<KelvinY-S3> Well,score is 4.9 so that's saying something
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<KelvinY-S3> Hahaha
<Xello> lol lovei t
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<laiseng> hi
<laiseng> my /data turns into read only
<laiseng> "/dev/block/mmcblk0p10 /data ext4 ro,nosuid,nodev,noatime,barrier=1,data=ordered,noauto_da_alloc 0 0"
<laiseng> on latest cm10 nightly 20121030
<laiseng> i think i found a bug with cm10
<Espenfjo> Perhaps it is corrupted, only logs whould show why
<laiseng> somehow when i upgrade my app from play store and plugin usb to my phone
<laiseng> all app will crash
<laiseng> including trebuchet
<laiseng> what should i look for in the logcat?
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<laiseng> seems like corrupted ext4 parition
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<laiseng> found this error in dmesg " 134.619638] c0 EXT4-fs error (device mmcblk0p10): ext4_lookup:1044: inode #720: comm Thread-391: deleted inode referenced:"
<Espenfjo> yeah
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<laiseng> thanx for pointing out
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<laiseng> but how do i fix corrupted partition?
<Espenfjo> A reboot should have fixed it, if not "adb shell" into our device and try "umount /data/"
<Espenfjo> Probably you cant umount /data as it may be in use :/
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<Espenfjo> Or.. if you boot into recovery you would be able to run fsck from there
<Espenfjo> adb shell into your device, and then e2fsck /dev/block/mmcblk0p10
<Espenfjo> or fsck /dev/block/mmcblk0p10
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<GabMus> mh… can someone of you define "desktop capability"?
<bbqbot> derp
<yomi> I'm pretty sure it's nothing serious. but I've got this icon at the top right side of my's got this -1
<GabMus> maybe i got it
<GabMus> a feature that allows you to collapse all the possible bars like the nexus soft buttons or the menu bar
<GabMus> not completely sure
<GabMus> but it should be it
<GabMus> do you use circle battery? i do, it is cool :3
<yomi> I use the circle battery icon yeah...
<laiseng> thanx @Espenfjo
<laiseng> i manage to recover my /data
<laiseng> by doing e2fsck
<Espenfjo> :)
<Espenfjo> good
<laiseng> i should probably trace why my data partition got corrupted
<laiseng> thanx alot for you help
<yomi> here. take a look.
<GabMus> rumor: apparently 4.2 update for the nexus 7 should come the 13/11/12
<Baskey> @geo host
<bbqbot> {"range":[2944925696,2945581055],"country":"MY","region":"","city":"","ll":[0,0]}
<GabMus> ops i mean 11/13/12
<yomi> see it near the Wi-Fi icon?
<GabMus> what, i see the data icon on the right
<Baskey> text signal icon?
<GabMus> signal/data i mean
<yomi> the stick looking thing with the -1
<Baskey> it's text signal icon
<GabMus> yep
<GabMus> why is it active D:
<yomi> text signal?
<bbqbot> derp
<yomi> idk.
<GabMus> you can bring the normal visual signal icon in system preferences
<yomi> this tablet only uses Wi-Fi.
<GabMus> D:
<GabMus> dafuq
<GabMus> it is strange then
<Xello> you can turn it off
<GabMus> anyway, try yaaic for irc
<GabMus> it is far better and holo theme
<GabMus> themed*
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<CBC> guys, little problem here, my navbar just disappeared
<RoBz> reboot?
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<yomi> yeah. I turned it off.
<GabMus> agree
<GabMus> it is a common bug, actually dunno why it happens
<GabMus> i mean that it could happen
<GabMus> but not really frequently
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<CBC> I did but i didnt work
<CBC> both the navbad and the status bar have disappeared
<yomi> well so long as it isn't anything bad, I'm not too concerned. :p
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<GabMus> cbc: phone, rom and what were you doing
<yomi> the only other issue I noticed was a misspelling it the timer notification.
<yomi> I'm not sure if it's been fixed though.
<CBC> galaxy tab 7 p3110, CM10, I changed the systemUI.apk because the navbuttons were having issues on landscape mode
<GabMus> baybe THIS is the problem?
<GabMus> i suggest you to flash the last nightly
<CBC> hm, lets try it
<yomi> I need to flash the next nightly.
<GabMus> use updater or download it
<yomi> I also have to change the Wi-Fi scanning interval.
<GabMus> uh
<yomi> within the build.prop
<GabMus> i dont know if it is possible
<yomi> it is. I've been doing it. since doing it by unmounting system only caused booting issues.
<GabMus> ok if you can do it feel free to do it
<yomi> yeah. it's normally set to 5 seconds.
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<CBC> GabMus I flashed the new nightly but its a no good
<GabMus> whats the problem?
<GabMus> not working or more problems?
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<CBC> still no navbar and stats
<GabMus> :|
<Daniel__> does anyone know the reason against a micro sd slot at these nexus devices?
<bbqbot> derp
<CBC> what should i do?
<Espenfjo> It is counter-intuitive
<GabMus> i don't know, maybe it's better if you wait for someone that knows more than me
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<CBC> ahh crap
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<Daniel__> ok good point, but why is there no opinion for more than 16GB?
<Baskey> bullshit
<Daniel__> hmh?
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<CBC> well, umm, can anyone give me a hand here?
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<Fissurez> BASKEY
<Fissurez> N10 BONER
<Fissurez> 8===============D
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<Fissurez> BASKEY
<Fissurez> DO U HAVE 2560X1600
<Fissurez> Also, n4 is so damn cheap
<Baskey> indeed
<Baskey> but
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<Baskey> MEH
<Fissurez> But cheap
<Fissurez> Wouldnt get one, because i have more than 20GB music
<Thracky> and you listen to your music on tablet normally?
<Thracky> and why not just use google music
<Fissurez> Not tablet
<Thracky> oh n4 sorry
<Fissurez> Yah
<Fissurez> I have a nerdboner over that 32 n10
<Fissurez> And its a biggy Thracky
<Baskey> [19:55] (Fissurez) Wouldnt get one, because i have more than 20GB music
<Baskey> ditto
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<Baskey> but
<Thracky> I have like 13k songs on google music.
<Baskey> I have it on GMusic
<Fissurez> How does one set up the googly music outside us?
<Thracky> use a vpn
<Baskey> <facepalm>
<Fissurez> Also, i dont have unlimited data
<Thracky> sign in with your google account, done.
<Thracky> Fissurez: nor do I.
<Fissurez> Vpn on phone?
<bbqbot> derp
<Baskey> vpn on lc
<Baskey> pc*
<Thracky> Fissurez: no on your pc.
<Baskey> just register
<Fissurez> Yah, i have ghostvpn
<Baskey> USE IT
<Baskey> AND ENJOY
<Fissurez> *cyberghost
<Thracky> log into your account at accept the terms then you're done\
<Thracky> then you can disconnect from the vpn
<Fissurez> then download the app?
<Thracky> yup
<Fissurez> Shall do
<Thracky> prolly want market switcher or something to grab it
<Thracky> or just get the apk
<Fissurez> Got it ;)
<Thracky> it can chew through data pretty quickly but you can easily download tracks you want over wifi before you go somewhere
<Fissurez> :p
<tweetergal> hi anyone using windows 7 here?
<Fissurez> Thats the intention for the n10
<Fissurez> Most of us tweetergal
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<Fissurez> No you cant port it to your s3
<Baskey> Fissurez: I HAZ 6585 SONGZ
<Fissurez> PIRATE
<Thracky> 13,865 here
<Fissurez> i have 17.5gb of legit songs :)
<Baskey> PIRATE
<Fissurez> LEGIT
<Baskey> PIRATE
<Fissurez> I PAYED
<Fissurez> PAYED
<Baskey> LIAR
<Fissurez> NO
<Fissurez> I HONEST
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<Fissurez> Naked pikc?
<Fissurez> O_O
<Fissurez> I cant take pics, away for home
<Baskey> that's a bummer
<Fissurez> *from
<Baskey> ;(
<Fissurez> anyways.
<Fissurez> Meh at phone ui on tablet
<Fissurez> Can nebkat fix it?
<datagutt> mp3million sounds like that russian mp3 site
<datagutt> allmp3
<datagutt> which got shut downt
<datagutt> then they made a new one, that got shut down and so on
<Thracky> Fissurez: the applications themselves will still have tablet UI, to me that's more important.
<Baskey> Spotify all teh wai
<Thracky> just the core android stuff
<Thracky> goes phone style
<Fissurez> Pretty much is :)
<Fissurez> But they pay royalties
<Fissurez> So, all is gud
<Fissurez> Thracky - TWO BARS
<Fissurez> TWO!
<Fissurez> Like half the screen
<Fissurez> ALL GONE
<Fissurez> Probably cause the dpi is so stupidly high XD
<Fissurez> 20 off an iphone 5 iir
<Baskey> @8ball is Fissurez stoned?
<bbqbot> Reply hazy. Try again.
<Baskey> @8ball is Fissurez stoned?
<bbqbot> My reply is no.
<Fissurez> Wat
<Baskey> damn
<Fissurez> I dont do deh drugs
<Fissurez> I have my own morphine gland in my body
<Fissurez> No srsly
<Fissurez> Never smoked, never taken any pills
<Fissurez> Apart from medicinal ones
<Baskey> p-p-p-pills here
<Baskey> pills here
<Fissurez> For decebt reasons
<Baskey> P-P-P-PILLS
<Baskey> Fissurez: U SO CLEAN
<Fissurez> NEXUS 10 IS MY VIAGRA
<Baskey> lawl
<Fissurez> Hmmmm.....
<Baskey> hmhmhmhmhm
sbrissen has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!]
<Daniel__> i have google music in here in germany since moths
<GabMus> i still have to wait the 13th
<GabMus> ç_ç
<Fissurez> Its in germany?
<GabMus> im in italy
<Daniel__> what's in germany?
<bbqbot> derp
<Fissurez> Google musix
<GabMus> now yes
<Fissurez> Or did you vpn?
<Daniel__> I changed my password
<Daniel__> and used hidemyass
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<Daniel__> changed it again
<GabMus> i exploited it already
<GabMus> but it behaves strangely…
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<Daniel__> What do you say to the new lineup? ;)
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<Espenfjo> error: undefined reference to 'vtable for android::EncoderInterface'
<Espenfjo> dudes
<Espenfjo> halp plx
<Espenfjo> c++ being stupid
<frankdrey-pc> hmmm
<frankdrey-pc> I see the problem
<frankdrey-pc> You have an...
<Espenfjo> bealtine
<Espenfjo> frankdrey-pc: Watch it, or I will undefine you!
<GabMus> i need a last minute costume
<frankdrey-pc> Espenfjo, :P
<frankdrey-pc> GabMus, screw halloween i have band practice :D
<bealtine> who pinged?
<Espenfjo> bealtine: ! I
<GabMus> i need a costume :I
<Espenfjo> bealtine: You know c++, right?
<bealtine> lucky i had my headphones on:)
<Espenfjo> :D
<bealtine> well yes i know some c++
<Espenfjo> error: undefined reference to 'vtable for android::EncoderInterface'
<Espenfjo> wtf is that
<Espenfjo> :P
<frankdrey-pc> i probably know more C++ :D
<frankdrey-pc> Espenfjo, it doesn't exist :P
<Espenfjo> vtables messing with my virtuals
<bealtine> thats a linker error
<Espenfjo> yeah
<Espenfjo> I have some virtual stuff doing some weird inheritance stuff
<Espenfjo> And it explodes :P
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<bealtine> ahh perhaps a virtual EncoderInterface imp is missing?
<bealtine> vtable...hmm never saw that before
<bealtine> then i dont use gcc:)
<bealtine> i know what it is:)
<Espenfjo> I dont know c++ at all, except the C part of it :P
<bealtine> can you repro the bug in a small amount of code?
<Espenfjo> Probably not :D
frankdrey-pc has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
<bealtine> :)
<Espenfjo> home/espen/Android/CM10/prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/arm/arm-linux-androideabi-4.6/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-linux-androideabi/4.6.x-google/../../../../arm-linux-androideabi/bin/ld: /mnt/save/out//CM10/target/product/i9100/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/camera.i9100_intermediates/S5PJpegEncoder.o: in function android::S5PJpegEncoder::~S5PJpegEncoder():hardware/samsung/exynos4/hal/camera/./S5PJpegEncoder.cpp:46: error: undefined reference to 'vtable for android::EncoderIn
<bbqbot> derp
<bealtine> thats not c++ :)
<bealtine> its c wrapped
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<bealtine> the error basically says EncoderInterface is "missing"
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<Espenfjo> Yeah, it basically is
<frankdrey-pc> guise, i bring friend that is cool with C++
<Espenfjo> But then I saw the vtable stuff, and started to think it was some magic inheritance from libjpeg
<bealtine> so the implementation of that class is missing
<Espenfjo> bah
<bealtine> eg the cpp
<Espenfjo> dead end iow.
<frankdrey-pc> Espenfjo, whatcha doin?
<Fissurez> I think youd better find it then Espenfjo
<Fissurez> Dont worry, ill print some posters
<Espenfjo> frankdrey-pc: Hacking the S2 camera
<frankdrey-pc> ah
<frankdrey-pc> :P
<Espenfjo> Or rather.. the origenboard camera
<bealtine> sounds like some overridden declaration is missing
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<frankdrey-pc> my friend stopped responding ever since i told him to come help here xD
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<Fissurez> Quack.
<bealtine> class One{virtual void f() = 0 }
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<bealtine> class two : public One {void f(); }
<bealtine> like that no impl for derived f()
<Espenfjo> magic
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<bealtine> thats rubbish code
<Espenfjo> Welcome to Samsung <3
<frankdrey-pc> ^
<frankdrey-pc> :D
<datagutt> Espenfjo: the issue is clearly insignal sources
<datagutt> and samsung in general
<bealtine> i slap people that use uint8_t **
<datagutt> there is only one thing worse than java
<datagutt> and that is samsung
<datagutt> samsung code
<datagutt> nebkat ^
<Espenfjo> :D
<bealtine> i had a hernia looking at some of the hal code:)
<datagutt> imagine samsung coding irc bot
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<datagutt> defalut:
<datagutt> LOGE("%s: S5PJpegEncoder not support input format, %d", __func__, inFmt);
<datagutt> break;
<datagutt> }
<datagutt> in
<datagutt> jpeg_stream_format S5PJpegEncoder::_getOutFormat(int inFmt)
<datagutt> dafalut
<datagutt> DAFALUT
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<datagutt> D - A - F - A - L - U - T
<Espenfjo> falut!
<datagutt> peterperfect
<peterperfect> its me
<datagutt> look what i found in samsung code
<datagutt> defalut:
<datagutt> LOGE("%s: S5PJpegEncoder not support input format, %d", __func__, inFmt);
<datagutt> they can't code, can't spell
<bealtine> defalut ftw
<peterperfect> new mantra
<peterperfect> DEFAULT!
<frankdrey-pc> xD
<Espenfjo> :D
<peterperfect> repeat samsung
<peterperfect> DEFAULT
<bealtine> obviously write but never compile
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<datagutt> that has never been compiled.. i guess?
<bealtine> exactly
<datagutt> @eval default='defalut'
<bbqbot> SyntaxError: Unexpected token default
<bbqbot> undefined
<datagutt> @eval var default='defalut'
<bbqbot> SyntaxError: Unexpected token default
<bbqbot> undefined
<datagutt> @eval a='a'
<bbqbot> 'a'
<datagutt> huh
<peterperfect> datagutt code for what?
<datagutt> ah
<datagutt> reserved keyword
<datagutt> :P
<datagutt> peterperfect: camera ha
<datagutt> hal
<peterperfect> i9300?
<datagutt> from insignal
<peterperfect> ah from insignal
<peterperfect> is this new?
<datagutt> origenboard i guess
<bealtine> a basic error like vtable shows the code has never been compiled
<bealtine> and just dumped
<frankdrey-pc> you know...
<frankdrey-pc> wait, nvm
<frankdrey-pc> hmmm...
<datagutt> without www is not working
<frankdrey-pc> where did samsung compile from then?
<bbqbot> derp
<datagutt> can't even set up their webserver
<bealtine> amateurs...
<peterperfect> even those dumb people from TeamBBQ can setup webserver
<peterperfect> xD
<frankdrey-pc> YEAH
<datagutt> what exactly is insignal?
<datagutt> like
<datagutt> samsung partner or a part of samsung itself
<datagutt> peterperfect: yes
<datagutt> i heard there are idiottes there that like java
<datagutt> weird huh?
<bealtine> partner from what i read
<peterperfect> and i heard they have written the same bot like 10 times
<frankdrey-pc> What We Do Today
<datagutt> hahahah
<datagutt> yeh
<frankdrey-pc> ^
<frankdrey-pc> what dafuq
<datagutt> 15 employees in Mar. 2012
<datagutt> 15 employees coding?
<frankdrey-pc> Android Solution
<datagutt> ONLY FIFTEEN
<bealtine> well not compiling anyway...
<peterperfect> for a non compilant code you just need 1
<frankdrey-pc> oh, they're official partners with samsung
<frankdrey-pc> check "about us"
<frankdrey-pc> xD
<peterperfect> how they dare to stamp a linaro logo
<GabMus> gotta go bye
GabMus has quit [Quit: GabMus]
<frankdrey-pc> :P
<bealtine> Espenfjo : whats the root of that code?
<bealtine> i'll run it through a diff compiler and see what it says
<Espenfjo> bealtine: insignal internal
<Espenfjo> Their implementation of samsung camera code
peterperfect has quit [Quit: If you think nobody cares, try missing a few payments]
<datagutt> useless i gues
<datagutt> ?
<Espenfjo> Yes, I would believe so
<bealtine> looks like crap...and never compiled
<Espenfjo> :)
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<datagutt> nice
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<ashmawy> anyone here could help me with P5100 ?
datagutt has quit [Quit: kthxbai]
<frankdrey-pc> I can :D
Wechner has quit [Quit: Not that anyone cares.]
<frankdrey-pc> FINALLY A CLIENT :D
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<ashmawy> thanks at first :)
<ashmawy> i'm running CM10 latest nightly build
<ashmawy> and i got lag at homescreen specially at portrait mode
<frankdrey-pc> 1. stock launcher?
<frankdrey-pc> 2. stock kernel?
<ashmawy> everything at default :)
<frankdrey-pc> 3. is it lag that's obviously a problem?:P
<Baskey> @geo user frankdrey-pc
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for frankdrey-pc
<bbqbot> Resolving ip for
<bbqbot> {"range":[1275920096,1279262719],"country":"US","region":"","city":"","ll":[0,0]}
<frankdrey-pc> ashmawy, because lag isn't something that's necessarily a debuggable problem.
<frankdrey-pc> since we have all the hardware acceleration drivers and butter
<frankdrey-pc> so basically, we can't do no moe about it xD
<ashmawy> so lag isn't a probleem that could be solved you mean ?
<frankdrey-pc> most likely not.
<frankdrey-pc> but
<frankdrey-pc> there is a problem i want you to check real quick in portrait
<frankdrey-pc> hit the app drawer button
<frankdrey-pc> does it distort?
<bbqbot> derp
<frankdrey-pc> because, on mine, the image shrinks, as if it's grabbing images from another dpi
<ashmawy> sorry i don't get it i'm just 15 days experience with android :D
<frankdrey-pc> and theoretically, that could cause problems such as lag, since it's an error
<frankdrey-pc> go to homescreen :P
<frankdrey-pc> button in top right
<ashmawy> ok
<ashmawy> everything here works fine
<frankdrey-pc> alright, in that case, i don't know, really
<ashmawy> you know lag disappears when i set the wallpaper while i'm on portrait mode !
<frankdrey-pc> hmm
<frankdrey-pc> so when you change the wallpaper?
<ashmawy> usually while i'm on landscape mode
<frankdrey-pc> no, i mean...when you change the wallpaper in portrait, the lag goes away?
<ashmawy> yeah lag goes away but appears at landscape then XD
<ashmawy> strange !
<frankdrey-pc> haha :P
<frankdrey-pc> let me look at some of this here code :D
<ashmawy> but when i unmark scroll wallpaper option at trebuchet launcher lag is noticeably reduced but is still there
<ashmawy> and unmaking this option too causes better wallpaper set because while this option marked wallpaper is uncentered
<frankdrey-pc> hmmm
<frankdrey-pc> im thinking that when you set the wallpaper, it optimizes it
<frankdrey-pc> but when you rotate, it's no longer optimized
<frankdrey-pc> so far that's what i'm seeing in the code
<frankdrey-pc> my best advice here would be to stick to the default wallpapers
<frankdrey-pc> those are sized for the screen
<ashmawy> i'm just trying to reach any one from the team to notice this problem and make it to their plans
<frankdrey-pc> i'm not sure if they have something like the launcher at the top of their priorities :P
<ashmawy> does this lag appears at CM9 or it's just related to CM10
<frankdrey-pc> logcat, want to fix something in the launcher again? xD
<frankdrey-pc> i'm not sure
<frankdrey-pc> let me check
<Baskey> logcat is afk
<ashmawy> does 4.2 will make it to CM ROMs soon ? i really like the new UI
<Baskey> new UI?
<frankdrey-pc> d'aw
<Baskey> that's still Holo
<frankdrey-pc> ashmawy, looking at the code, cm9 seems the same
<frankdrey-pc> ashmawy, try adw launcher
<frankdrey-pc> just yesterday or so a huge update came out with tablet support and tons of good stuff
<frankdrey-pc> i get no lag on it
<ashmawy> @frankdrey-pc i will try adw hope this fix the amazing lag i got XD
<bbqbot> ashmawy: Command does not exist!
<frankdrey-pc> is it really that bad?
<frankdrey-pc> also, don't use @
<Baskey> @dood frankdrey-pc
<bbqbot> frankdrey-pc: what up dood
<ashmawy> @Baskey yes just check Nexus 10 ui
<bbqbot> ashmawy: Command does not exist!
<frankdrey-pc> i mean, i'm trying it on my p5113 (almost same thing)
<frankdrey-pc> Baskey, tablet get's phone ui with 4.2
<Baskey> nothing new
<frankdrey-pc> ahwait, i should try custom wallpaper
<frankdrey-pc> Baskey, a lot
<Baskey> they did it with 4.1 on Nexus 7
<frankdrey-pc> yeah, but now it's gonna be for all the devices
<ashmawy> @bbqbot what command ?
<bbqbot> ashmawy: Command does not exist!
<Baskey> true
<frankdrey-pc> ashmawy, bbqbot is a bot, or a computer, with automated responses
<frankdrey-pc> @ is his trigger
<frankdrey-pc> for example...
<Baskey> @8ball am I handsome?
<bbqbot> Better not tell you now.
<frankdrey-pc> @geoip user Baskey
<bbqbot> frankdrey-pc: Command does not exist!
<frankdrey-pc> @geo user Baskey
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for Baskey
<bbqbot> Resolving ip for ~intersect@unaffiliated/baskey
<bbqbot> Error resolving ip for unaffiliated/baskey
<frankdrey-pc> there :P
<Baskey> :)
<frankdrey-pc> ew, baskey, y u hide with cloak
<Baskey> yup
<Baskey> I MEAN
<ashmawy> LOL XD
<frankdrey-pc> :P
<Baskey> @geo host
<bbqbot> {"range":[1337458688,1337982975],"country":"PL","region":"","city":"","ll":[0,0]}
<Baskey> here you go
<ashmawy> frankdrey-pc does you got this lag ?
<bbqbot> derp
<frankdrey-pc> ashmawy, it's barely anything
<frankdrey-pc> :P
<frankdrey-pc> but adw does optimize for portrait and landscape right away
<frankdrey-pc> though...
<frankdrey-pc> adw lags for like 1 second after rotating
<frankdrey-pc> anyway, gtg eat
frankdrey-pc is now known as frankdrey-food
<ashmawy> going too :) thanks for help frank :)
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<frankdrey-pc> Xello, :p
<frankdrey-pc> OR WE WILL SHOOT.
<Xello> SORT OF....
<xplodwild> I have CM11 for all teh devices but I keep it for myself
<xplodwild> </troll>
sbrissen is now known as sbrissen_gone
<frankdrey-pc> xplodwild, lies
<frankdrey-pc> :P
<frankdrey-pc> it's gonna stay cm10
<frankdrey-pc> :P
<Thracky> android kransekake ftw
<frankdrey-pc> since jelly bean is the 10th desert still ;)
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<xplodwild> I heard cm11
<Xello> im on cm65
<wayno93> Hi, would anyone be able to help with an issue i am having with cwm?
<Baskey> I heard 10
<Xello> zebra cake based
<xplodwild> wayno93: what is it?
<Baskey> Xello: R U FROM TEH FUTURE?
<frankdrey-pc> xplodwild, cody couldnt decide yesterday (? or before yesterday?)
<wayno93> it cant mount an external sd card, I thought this was fixed a while back?
<Xello> im both from and going to the future </paradox>
<xplodwild> frankdrey-pc: from what I heard in cm-priv, it's cm11
<frankdrey-pc> hmmmm
<frankdrey-pc> semi-lame
<frankdrey-pc> new number means i'm getting it later ;P
<xplodwild> it's going to be a pain to merge anyway
<xplodwild> wayno93: what device?
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<wayno93> i9100
<ion56-890> Hi
<bealtine> cm12 ftw
<frankdrey-pc> xplodwild, ehh :/
<frankdrey-pc> Baskey, ME TOO :D
<xplodwild> wayno93: weird, should work
<ion56-890> I have a questio regardinv Gallery app in Galaxy S2 CM10
<Baskey> shoot
<ion56-890> Is it posibile to be full screen
<xplodwild> ion56-890: ask
<xplodwild> no
<xplodwild> next question
<ion56-890> Why?
<bbqbot> derp
<wayno93> it works fine from es file explorer but not in cwm, do you know of any possible fixes?
<wayno93> tried wiping cache, fixing permissions
<xplodwild> wayno93: cache/perms doesn't apply in cwm
<Baskey> @money 130 usd pln
<bbqbot> 130 USD = 415.24 PLN
<xplodwild> ion56-890: because it's not possible
<frankdrey-pc> wayno93, es file explorer and cwm are as related as android and apple :D
<wayno93> no i know, I was just trying to say that the card definitely isnt dead ha
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<ion56-890> Is a software issue?
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<frankdrey-pc> wayno93, ah :P
<xplodwild> ion56-890: the app doesn't have "fullscreen" flag enabled
<xplodwild> nobody ever felt the need to do it
<ion56-890> I comming from samsung stock rom
<ion56-890> And picture look nice kn fjll screen
<ion56-890> Full
<Baskey> @geo host
<bbqbot> {"range":[3155689472,3155951615],"country":"RO","region":"","city":"","ll":[0,0]}
<ion56-890> Thank you for your answers
<frankdrey-pc> ion56-890, you're welcome :)
<Xello> star wars episode 7?
endstille has quit [Quit: endstille]
<Xello> a sequel trilogy hmm
<ion56-890> Is there any way to request to full screen flag enabel for gallery in a CM10 nightly build?
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<Entropy512> peterperfect: it pretty much fizzled by the time it made it this far inland
jcase has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
<Entropy512> pretty much drizzled all day and not much more here
peterperfect has quit [Quit: Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach him how to fish, and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day]
<frankdrey-pc> Entropy512, looks like he doesn't like you
Rewolution has quit [Quit: leaving]
Alram is now known as zz_Alram
<Entropy512> heh
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<Jiangyi> Blah. I just realized no one does translations for theme provider.
<Jiangyi> No wonder I kept seeing untranslated permissions when installing some apps. :-|
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<chadouming> no one need translated theme !
pier is now known as pier|znc
<Jiangyi> chadouming: Yes when the button that says 'Apply' actually says 'Wear' :-|
<chadouming> hahahahhaha
<chadouming> that one is funny
<Jiangyi> lol
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<Baskey> tru dat
<Jug6ernaut> nexus 4...or note 2...
<Jug6ernaut> arg
<Thracky> note 2 "launched" today in Canada and nobody has fucking stock yet :P
<chadouming> nexus 4 ofc
<chadouming> Thracky, no one care of note 2 since we will haz nexus 4 soon
<Thracky> completely different phones though
<Jug6ernaut> chadouming i want the nexus 4, i just dont know if i can downgrade screen size from my note 1
<Thracky> people who want the note don't care about the n4 and vice versa.
<Jug6ernaut> i do :(
<chadouming> hmm, Jug6ernaut just proved you wrong
<Thracky> *most people
<chadouming> xd
<chadouming> well, note 1 is what, 5" ?
<Jug6ernaut> 5.3
<chadouming> 4.7" vs 5.3"
<Thracky> note 2 is 5.5 though
<chadouming> ha
<chadouming> .8" diff then
<Jug6ernaut> pretty big difference :\
<chadouming> i believe that simply the fact it's a nexus vs a samsung device is enough
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<Jug6ernaut> its definitly a consideration