chadouming changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: @supported :: @downloads <device> :: @changelog <device> | SmartStay Ex available now ! | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | If you have a problem, fill this first : | If you dont like your device, sell it. -codeworkx | Everyone get
<chadouming> dear god i hate java
<chadouming> woah, montly
<chadouming> i tought it was milestone
<chadouming> anyway, who want to flash every month
<chadouming> i want every day
<DuperMan> I have a kindergarten next door
<DuperMan> I flash when I wa... oops
<chadouming> lol ?
<chadouming> good thing there is no kindergarten on my next door
<chadouming> i'd kill all the kids
<DuperMan> almost. that joke is sooooo worn it's self-defeating:D
<DuperMan> my fight with homicidal anempathy is no joke
<DuperMan> it's a serious social disease:(
<chadouming> why we no take all the sick people, physically disabled since birth, mentaly retarded and we kill them ? No more disease :D
<DuperMan> I'm in. been setting "euthanize endangered youth" donation boxes for a while^^
<Jiangyi> chadouming: Then we would've killed Stephen Hawking. :-P
<DuperMan> also, the ugly, unless of above average intelligence. and the vein.
<DuperMan> Jiangyi: you're making his point for him
<DuperMan> also, beethoven
<chadouming> ypu
<chadouming> but we would probably have no "Yolo-swag" fag :D
<Jiangyi> Hey, think how much less human culture would've been without Beethoven. :-P
<DuperMan> we have a yolo-swag fag? where?
<bbqbot> derp
<DuperMan> har
<DuperMan> Jiangyi: beethoven is teh bomb
<DuperMan> bach's better though. just rotten enough without being boring wagner
<DuperMan> :D
<DuperMan> I'm mostly getting the amazon app of the day's for the occassional 1-2$ mp3 store credit nowadays
<DuperMan> lol
<Thiagovfar> Jiangyi: Stephen hawking was a normal person. Until his 30 or so
<DuperMan> Thiagovfar: predestined to cripple out. known hereditary state or w/e
<DuperMan> he knew he had it coming
<Jiangyi> Yeah, wasn't he diagnosed to not live beyond 20? :-P
<DuperMan> bleh, scientifical docters... they know nothing
<DuperMan> it's faith what dun saved him:D
<DuperMan> (no)
<DuperMan> if anything he had a shitty prognosis of maintaining autonomy past 30
<DuperMan> which he did not
<chadouming> well, he still able to talk with is computerchair
<chadouming> and has more nobel prize than all of us together xD
<DuperMan> it's trojan'ed by mossad
<DuperMan> daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
<DuperMan> mossad ARE jews, so nobel anectode is moot
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<DuperMan> but srsly, I think this question has merit - what would you guys do if you had root on hawking?
<DuperMan> :D
* DuperMan is thinking 'pancake bot'
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<S3BR> Hi there. I'm look for CM10 Nightly support. I'm having camera issues: Frequently my camera doesn't shoot, and Gallery FC's right after. I also get a message saying: "Cannot connect to camera" if i try again.
<Jiangyi> What device?
<S3BR> My Device is a Samsing S3
<S3BR> international
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<Jiangyi> DuperMan: Do we even know if the chair is running Linux? xD
<S3BR> Samsung*
<S3BR> Is there a way to fix that?
<DuperMan> yes S3BR, you go *$CORRECTION
<DuperMan> replacing the wrong spelling with the proper intended word as shown previously by teh you
<DuperMan> Jiangyi: the chair is running MAD
<S3BR> DuperMan: OK. What about the Camera issue?
<Jiangyi> S3BR: Ignore him, he's trolling.
<Jiangyi> As for the cam issue, dunno, I don't have a S3. Sorry.
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<S3BR> Any hints on where I may find the answer?
<bbqbot> derp
<DuperMan> meditate, you will find it in time
<DuperMan> the one knowing is the collective's benefit
<DuperMan> (or look up 'known issues' in the thread/wiki/cosmos)
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<chadouming> hmm, DuperMan that sounded like he use nebkat mouth spy
<chieftex> guys i cant seem to find the cm10 wiki known issues page anymore
<chieftex> what should i search for (other than the above which ive tried)
<chadouming> which device
<chieftex> n7000
<chieftex> ah damn it, its a teamhacksung link
* chieftex facepalms
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<chieftex> hmm what happened to the list of issues?
<chieftex> it just lists 1 now
<chadouming> then it only has one issue
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<chieftex> that can't be right. last time there were about 7 or 8
<DuperMan> here's a fun new one
<DuperMan> anyone with stock sammy keyboard from ics/jb
<DuperMan> (sgs3/note2)
<DuperMan> tap the autosuggested wordslot for an empty message like 15-20 times
<DuperMan> it's fucking poetic
<chieftex> chadouming - so usb otg and mhl now work on the samsung devices?
<DuperMan> I mean, same slot (1st 2nd or 3rd) consequentially
<chadouming> chieftex, apparently, or it doesnt and will never be fixed because #blamesamsung
<DuperMan> srsly, it's ten autocorrect wrongs making a wonderful right oO
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<chieftex> im more than happy to blame samsung lol - but im just wondering why these things would be removed from the known issues wiki if they were still issues
* DuperMan is amazed at how autocorrecting nothing comes up with fortune cookie worthy bs
<Jiangyi> chieftex: (slight trolling and a feature request ostensibly falling under the definition of known issues) <- That's why
<Jiangyi> xD
<chieftex> ?
<Jiangyi> Before it was: "lazy devs didn't put text here “
<DuperMan> Jiangyi: "and the rest is not the only way I could have a good time for a few minutes to get a quote from you again
<DuperMan> my phone is now better at picking up chicks than me:D
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<Jiangyi> And then some random guy edited the page and trolled lol
<DuperMan> NOT IT
<Jiangyi> Oh wait, it's you :-|
<Jiangyi> Oops, my bad lol
<DuperMan> no, really isn't. the wiki is well audited, sorta
<Jiangyi> Why are you using Pflucker Krauss...... o-O
<chieftex> oh right so you are saying some random changed the page, and no dev bothered to change it back?
<Jiangyi> Sure, let's go with that.
<Jiangyi> random = DuperMan*
<DuperMan> Jiangyi: long and not mentally hygenic tale
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<chadouming> blender, making all the phone look the same since it was invented :D
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<chadouming> not available in my country
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<Pranav> Hello guys
<Pranav> i was updating cyanogenmod 10 and am stuck with some symlinks failed status 7
<MacDrunk> huh
<MacDrunk> what phone
<Pranav> what should i do ? i cant even copy another .zip installation file to internal sdcard
<bbqbot> derp
<Pranav> Samsung Galaxy S2 GT-I9100G
<MacDrunk> hmm
<MacDrunk> rare
<MacDrunk> sorry to hear that im on SGS II gt-i9100
<MacDrunk> and had no probs
<Pranav> I was updating to cm-10-20121025-NIGHTLY-i9100g
<MacDrunk> hmm
<MacDrunk> rebbot
<Pranav> its stuck in recovery mode
<MacDrunk> and if you can use rootexplorer
<Pranav> tried rebooting
<MacDrunk> i do
<MacDrunk> or try to erase dl file whit in the cmupdater on setttingds
<Pranav> but how do i install another .zip file?
<MacDrunk> long press the file name and youll see the option to delete
<MacDrunk> hmm have you try do dl and use odin
<Pranav> i cant access the internal sdcard from pc
<Pranav> should i diectly flash from odin?
<Pranav> its stuck in recovery
<Pranav> odin doesnt recognise it either
<MacDrunk> hmm dam
<Pranav> screwed !!!
<MacDrunk> remove battery and rebot in dl mode
<Pranav> ok ill try USB Jig
<Pranav> and force it to download mode
<MacDrunk> power button plus home plus volume down
<MacDrunk> you have a jig
<MacDrunk> dam i dont
<Pranav> i bought it from ebay
<MacDrunk> well ill get me one later
<Pranav> i recommend you buy it too
<Pranav> it does help
<MacDrunk> well thanks god i havent need it
<Pranav> ok trying with a usbjig
<MacDrunk> follow step by step
<MacDrunk> istructions all the time
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<Pranav> ok entered into download mode
<Pranav> USB Jig rocks
<Pranav> Odin is recognising too
<Pranav> now what next?
<Pranav> should i directly flash cyanogenmod?
<Pranav> or stock
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<Pranav> anysuggestions @MacDrunk ?
<Jiangyi> Pranav: Flash back to stock.
<Jiangyi> Stock ICS*
<Pranav> Jiangyi : Ill have to redo the rooting again :(
<Jiangyi> Well, you don't really need root to flash CM, all you need is CWM.
<Pranav> Alright
<Pranav> Jiangyi : can i directly flash cm-10-20121025-NIGHTLY-i9100g using Odin
<Jiangyi> No, that's a CWM-flashable file.
<Pranav> Alright thanks
<Pranav> ill flash stock rom
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<Jiangyi> Yeah, just follow the CM10 thread to get back on CM10. Also remember to wipe data.
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<Pranav> Jiangyi : Thanks a Ton !!
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<MacDrunk> hello
<MacDrunk> having problems whit sd card mounting
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<danieljakub> I seem to have proximity sensor issue on my i9100 running cm10 nightly
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<frankdrey-g1> Boo
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<xplodwild> frankdrey-g1: forever alone
<frankdrey-g1> Not really :p
<frankdrey-g1> I'm talking to people in another channel.
<frankdrey-g1> And today I played with my band, and also played along with a girl that sang another song. So I reckon I'm okay right now socially :D
<frankdrey-g1> Then again...after it was over I went to solder a piano pedal's circuitry instead of hanging out with people...
<frankdrey-g1> :/
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<frankdrey-g1> The xda app keeps disappearing from my phone:/
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<frankdrey-g1> !!geo user t-rrrex
<frankdrey-g1> Erm
<frankdrey-g1> @geo user t-rrrex
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for t-rrrex
<bbqbot> Resolving ip for
<bbqbot> {"range":[1816133632,1822429183],"country":"US","region":"","city":"","ll":[0,0]}
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<Transfixer> Strange, with the EXPERIMENTAL-i9100-EXPLOSION, I can't receive phone calls
<Espenfjo> use the latest nightly
<Espenfjo> explosion one is broken
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<Transfixer> somehow I liked that bug
<Espenfjo> no ril crashes? :P
<Transfixer> noone was calling me :D
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<GS2XXLB1> Hello, I'd like some support to install CWM on GS2G running GingerBread.
<bealtine^> theres a guide on the wiki
<bealtine^> follow it
<GS2XXLB1> As far as I could see, the wiki guide relates to ICS on GS2 I9100G ("This guide assumes the device is already running stock Ice Cream Sandwich available from Samsung."). I run GingerBread and was wondering what differences it could make.
<bealtine^> afaik that the only diff would be the rooting mehod
<bealtine^> but i know nothing about sg2
<GS2XXLB1> While I only have about 20 applications (and I place some on SD card), my GS2 has 1.85GB occupied in system memory, and I read that this is due to some dumps that slowly fill /data, for some people it's when shutting down wifi. I'm looking for a way to remove these dumps.
<[4-tea-2]> For a while, the "touch zones" for the outer Android soft buttons (by default: Task switcher, Back) on the bottom are slightly off, I have to touch slightly left or right of the icon (SGT2, nightly CM10). Is that a... erm... feature?
<GS2XXLB1> I thought that if I could get root access, I could remove these dumps.
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<GS2XXLB1> Is it possible to get access to filesystem only using debug features?
<bealtine^> you'll need to root...but honestly i've no idea what you are on about
<GS2XXLB1> Where could I find a rooted kernel for my stock GingerBread XXLB1 ROM? My understanding is that the link on the wiki page leads to a kernel that is only suiteable for ICS, right?
<bealtine^> lmgtfy
<GS2XXLB1> I found a file named GT-I9100G_GB_ClockworkMod-Recovery_5.0.2.8.tar. Could it be ok if I just use this kernel in replacement of the pointed at by the wiki page and follow all instructions on the page?
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<bealtine^> cwm != rooting
<_bt> GS2XXLB1: you can probably root using zergrush
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<GS2XXLB1> I may be wrong, but I think that the wiki is not only about cwm, but installing a rooted kernel including cwm ("Download codeworkx's kernel with the ClockworkMod Recovery" and later "If the Samsung Galaxy S II G has been rooted, unlocked, etc. through steps other than the method described above...").
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<bealtine^> rooting usually installs that stuff but its not part of the rooting process
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<_bt> i unlocked a galaxy s2 i9100p this week with no prior knowledge of rooting or installing custom roms on an android phone
<_bt> i used zergrush to root it
<_bt> then installed galaxy sim unlock from market to remove the network lock
<_bt> then i put the phone in download mode and sent CWM
<_bt> then i used CWM to clear data/caches and install cyanogenmod 9.1-galaxys2
<_bt> it was very easy
<GS2XXLB1> I have to leave now, but I still doesn't see clearly if installing the codeworkx's Kernel with the ClockworkMod Recovery will be ok to root my gingerbread sgs2 i9100g... :-(
<_bt> as i've said already
<_bt> use zergrush to root your phone
<_bt> as you are still running gingerbread that rooting process will most likely succeed
<GS2XXLB1> @_bt I googled zergrush, but couldn't find enough data about that stuff. Would you have any reference page for me to start reading more information about it?
<bbqbot> GS2XXLB1: Command does not exist!
<GS2XXLB1> _bt: I googled zergrush, but couldn't find enough data about that stuff. Would you have any reference page for me to start reading more information about it?
<_bt> this part is safe
<_bt> if all you want to do is root then you're good to go
<_bt> if you want to flash custom roms be sure that you use those designed for i9100g as it has a different chipset to the other variants
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<_bt> (install samsung kies before any of that if its not already installed)
<GS2XXLB1> Yes, I only need to get root access to wipe dumps in /data. I'll probably then switch to the stock ICS ROM from Samsung via Kies, if possible. Thanks for the link. I'll read it later.
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<mongi> hey guys, anyone know this memo app here? the name
<bbqbot> derp
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<Espenfjo> "Notes"
<mongi> haha
<mongi> if you look for this you'll find tons
<mongi> kkkkk
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<robin> hi guys
<frankdrey-pc> hi guy
<robin> i'm using codeworkx nightliest for about a week and my battery is dying within a few hours every time
<robin> am i doing something wrong?
<frankdrey-pc> did you wipe system when flashing?
<robin> during first one CM10 yeah
<robin> after that just the dvalik cache
<frankdrey-pc> 1. did it die fast then? 2. did you flash at 100% battery?
<robin> i didn't notice it initially
<robin> but since then it's amazing how quick it dies, and gets super hot
<robin> 3 different batteries
<Espenfjo> Check with better battery stats whats eating your battery
<robin> says android OS
<Espenfjo> no
<Espenfjo> "Better battery stats" will never say android os
<robin> oh ok ill download that
<robin> thanks
<frankdrey-pc> i was thinking it could be the battery stats file in system, but if it gets hot...
<frankdrey-pc> Espenfjo, can't you just check in settings>battery ?
<Espenfjo> no
<frankdrey-pc> why not?:p
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<robin> looks like "Awake" is the main culprit?
<robin> 9 mins of "Awake
<robin> 5% drain
<frankdrey-pc> awake is when you use the phone?
<bbqbot> derp
<Xello> you can check your awake stat
<robin> phone is off, it's idling
<Xello> if its not going to sleep thats whats draining your battery
<robin> Xello: where do i check that
<frankdrey-pc> have you flashed any custom kernels?
<robin> just codeworkx nightly
<Xello> go to settings > battery and tap the graph
<robin> Media
<robin> keep awake 9 minutes
<robin> download manager
<robin> drm protected storage
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<robin> media storage
<frankdrey-pc> do you have lots of music, pictures, videos?
<robin> downloadds
<frankdrey-pc> do you download lots of those?
<Xello> tap the graph
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<robin> i tapped graph
<Xello> this is what you want to see
<robin> says mobile network signal
<robin> and Awake
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<Xello> see the gaps in my Awake bar
<robin> no
<robin> Awake is solid
<Xello> how long since last restart
<robin> 10 mins
<Xello> well leave the phone for a while
<robin> ok
<robin> thanks
<Xello> see if its still solid later
<Xello> the gaps are when its asleep
<robin> ok
<Xello> if it ends up that its not going to sleep you can ask the dude for help or flash an earlier rom
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<frankdrey-pc> im thinking it's doing a media scan
<frankdrey-pc> alright, well gotta go
<frankdrey-pc> peace
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<peterperfect> @google i9300 cm10 basebands
<bbqbot> Install CyanoenMod 10 (CM10) Preview on Galaxy S3 GT-I9300 ... -
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<bealtine^> latest open one is dlid
<peterperfect> bealtine^ you know a link for i9300 basebands?
<bealtine^> i found them on xda
<peterperfect> ProgVal search on xda
<bealtine^> i'll send it to you if you need it
<peterperfect> bealtine^ if you have it on hand ProgVal needs it
<Jiangyi|School> Doesn't cody have a bunch on ROM manager?
<bbqbot> derp
<bealtine^> ok what progval?
<peterperfect> yep but just for rommanager premium Jiangyi
<peterperfect> bealtine^ he is here on channel
<Jiangyi|School> Free from web xD
<Jiangyi|School> ProgVal: ^^
<ProgVal> I do not actually _need_ it for now, I just want to make sure everything (including phone calls) will work if I switch to CM9
<bealtine^> you dont need a new modem
<bealtine^> old ones work just fine
<ProgVal> ok
<ProgVal> thanks
<bealtine^> as long as you have a ril for it
<ProgVal> what is a ril?
<Jiangyi|School> OK I'm out, back to class. :-|
<peterperfect> bealtine^ its just in case he has incall audio issues
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<bealtine^> radio interface layer
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<ProgVal> I've no idea what it is, so I guess I should not have problem with it
<bealtine^> you prolly wont need it
<ProgVal> Final question (I hope): Are all compatibility issues here?
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<bealtine^> well you need ics first and enable nfc and wifi then flash
<ProgVal> ics is installed by default, isn't it?
<bealtine^> yes unless you upgraded
<ProgVal> why do I have to enable nfc and wifi before flashing? Won't I be able to disable/enable them after I installed CM?
<bealtine^> yes
<ProgVal> ow...
<bealtine^> just sammy screwed up on file paths
<ProgVal> what do you mean?
<bbqbot> derp
<bealtine^> nm just follow the guide and blame samsung
<ProgVal> ah
<ProgVal> will that be fixed in CM10 or another update?
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<bealtine^> ask samsung
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<ProgVal> if samsung's ROM can do it, it should be doable with custom ROMs; the point is only to find how the default ROM does it
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<Fissurez> HOORAY
<Fissurez> wait.
<Fissurez> why is it not using tablet jelly bean?
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<Jiangyi> #blamegoogle? :-|
<Fissurez> oh dear
<Fissurez> seems like they're going backwards for tablet 4.2
<Fissurez> exynos 5250
<Fissurez> Jiangyi: CODY WILL BE SO HAPPY
<Fissurez> that 2560x 1600 resolution though
<Jiangyi> lol
<Fissurez> WANT
<Fissurez> and front facing speakers
<Jiangyi> Hopefully Google de-f***ed it xD
<Fissurez> i hope so
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<samosa> Looks ugly
<Fissurez> i disagree
<Fissurez> it's also a super amoled!
<Jiangyi> Pentile?
<samosa> I mean I know its a tablet and I didn't think it was possible to make an ugly tablet. But ... just look at the surface, and you'll see what I mean.
<samosa> Oh God, you've got to be sheeting me, don't tell me its amoled?
<samosa> Dear God no
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<Jiangyi> DPI hack time probably.
<Jiangyi> samosa: Don't like AMOLED?
<samosa> If its pentile, I'll die
<Fissurez> still... higher reso than the ipad
<Jiangyi> Meh, I can deal with HD pentile. :-|
<Fissurez> ^
<Jiangyi> S3 screen is still nicer than my S2 screen lol
<Fissurez> speaking of which, anyone got any reference to the exynos 5250 vs the s4 pro?
<Jiangyi> ?
<Espenfjo> Its better
<Fissurez> :D
<Fissurez> HOORAY
<Fissurez> i wonder how much it'll cost
<Jiangyi> bbbbut
<Fissurez> hopefully less than the ipad
<Jiangyi> How can Exynos be better D:
<Jiangyi> It's impossible!!!
<samosa> Jiangyi: I despise amoled so much I'd rather buy a low Res ppi nexus 7 or ipad mini than a "HD amoled"
<Fissurez> Jiangyi: MAGIC AND DEMON
<Fissurez> samosa: you're crazy
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<samosa> Maybe
<Jiangyi> samosa: Damn, that's some pretty intense hatred right there. ._.
<Fissurez> indeed
<Fissurez> what's the mali-T604 like?
<Espenfjo> Awesomer
<Fissurez> i'm falling in love
<Jiangyi> I thought it was just a Mali 400 with some more features. :-P
<Fissurez> oh, 4.2 is jelly bean
<Fissurez> Jiangyi: that's the mali in hte s3 isn't it?
<Jiangyi> And S2.
<Fissurez> nah, the s2 is just a regular mali 400
<Fissurez> oh.
<Fissurez> ew.
<Espenfjo> 100 % faster than mali 400
<samosa> Seriously, where does it say amoled ? I can only see 2560x1600 :-(
<Fissurez> looks like android 4.2 for 10" is a horrible upscale
<Fissurez> WHY
<Espenfjo> It is superamoled
<Fissurez> there you go samosa
<Fissurez> Superamoled
<Fissurez> not +
<Fissurez> pentile
<Fissurez> :D
<samosa> Fuck Google
<Fissurez> i'm considering it
<samosa> I've joined #blamegoogle :D
<samosa> Hmm... maybe #blamenexus ?
<samosa> Does it come with an SD slot atleast?
<Fissurez> addi you noob
<Fissurez> give me #blamegoogle
<Jiangyi> It's Google, so no SD card slot.
<samosa> lol
<samosa> Just lol
<samosa> gg
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<samosa> I've creates #blamenexus aswell, if anybody requires support from the emotional trauma this news may have caused.
<samosa> Created *
<Jiangyi> Nah, don't hate on Google, they're the only ones who are doing it right really. :-P
<samosa> Really ... ? Even the surface RT with zero apps has SD slot and better USB support.
<Fissurez> ^
<Fissurez> waitno
<Jiangyi> Well, I mean in terms of Android.
<chadouming> samsosa simply hate android, dont try to change him D
<chadouming> xD
<chadouming> *
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<samosa> Remind me again, whats the purpose of android? Platform is becoming more like IOS day by day. No flash, no SD, non removable batteries. Whats next, no roms? LOL!
<samosa> chadouming: they can try, but I doubt anyone will succeed.
<nebkat> samosa: no.
<Jiangyi> Blame Adobe for flash, SD card is dependant on individual's POV, how many tablets actually have removable batteries?
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<codeworkx> samosa: i've less than 500mb on sdcard and never remove battery
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<Fissurez> i have ~25Gb
<Fissurez> music ^_^
<codeworkx> i bet you don't use 90% of it :-P
<Fissurez> i listen to most of it :D
<codeworkx> you don't
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<codeworkx> you think you do
<Fissurez> do
<Jiangyi> Technically, I can do get by with 16GB of storage just fine lol
<codeworkx> but you dont
<Fissurez> do
<Fissurez> i don't use the 3GB of ubuntu i have on it
<Jiangyi> - do*
<Fissurez> i listen to alot of music :D
<codeworkx> me too. internet radio xD
<samosa> Well, I'm fine with most of it anyway ... except storage, and even SD I'd never use (too slow and sucks) ... but giving 8-16gb of non expandable storage ... not the way the go. Or maybe it is, plenty seem to be happy with such limited storage but I ain't.
<Fissurez> yeah, i don't have an unlimited data contract
<Jiangyi> I haz no data at all =|
<codeworkx> i've 3,5 TB storage at home. let's assume how much is used?
<codeworkx> let's assume how much can be freed?
<bealtine^> internet radio sucks
<Jiangyi> OK let's face it, if I can get by with 500GB of storage on my PC, I think 16GB on a phone is OK. :p
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: 500gb is what i've used. and i can trash more than 50% because it's stuff i will never use. but it's nice to have it
<Fissurez> sounds like my pc :D
<codeworkx> same with phone
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: I frankly need more, I don't have enough room to even download a new game. :-|
<codeworkx> people are carrying a lot of shit around just because it's nice to have
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: delete the movies you'll never watch again xD
<codeworkx> delete the old and rusty games
<codeworkx> replace office pro plus ultra pew pew with home & student, because it meets your requirements
<codeworkx> DELETE TEH PRONS
<samosa> Jiangyi: I don't have data at all aswell, and have 500gb desktop .... but I don't like keeping it on all / streaming from it cuz noise.
<bealtine^> my pron is my precious
<samosa> All the time *
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Yeah, it's mainly game installers that take up the space xD
<Jiangyi> And \I no haz p0rn =|
<codeworkx> so, 1 reboot and my pc is fuct
<bealtine^> u n lk pron?
<Jiangyi> ._. Why?
<codeworkx> win8 -.-
<Jiangyi> lolz
<Jiangyi> Why'd you install it? xD
<codeworkx> 30 eur
<codeworkx> that's cheap xD
<bealtine^> i tried the beta and hated it
<Jiangyi> O_O Where'd you get it for 30?
<codeworkx> i use linux 95%
<codeworkx> so i dont care xD
<codeworkx> Jiangyi:
<codeworkx> upgrade from win7 as download
<Jiangyi> oh lol
<Jiangyi> I wonder if it'll take my hacked OEM version of win7 xD
<Jiangyi> Probably just gonna wait for OEM crack again :-P
<samosa> codeworkx: I do delete stuff ... but even so 8gb (and in reality some reserved, so actual space is like 5gb) is pushing my tolerance level. We've had 8gb since 2007 , 5 years ago. If we can go to single core to quadcore CPU phones in 5 years. 32gb internal storage should be the absolute minimum, even for a budget phone... why the lack of progress with flash nand storage prices is beyond me. And 32gb is me being nice deleting stuff lol. I
<codeworkx> cloud all teh things
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: upgrade pirated works
<codeworkx> you get a full key
<codeworkx> hahaha....
<codeworkx> upgrading was unsuccessfull
<samosa> Cloud ain't there yet, but its getting there yes, with dropbox ... maybe in another few years, cloud will be the way to go.
<codeworkx> restoring previous version
<samosa> Isn't *
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: lol MS fail xD
<samosa> Not sure how win 8 screwed up your machine... I installed consumer preview on both my dual booting laptop and desktop flawlessly . But then you're using Linux, everytime I installed a distro fks up my mbr
<codeworkx> it was a nearly fresh install of 7 pro
<samosa> So I guess its not possible to buy a surface and install android 4.2 even tho it uses same soc as n7? :((
* samosa sighs
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<Jiangyi> Nope, everything's locked down from what I've heard.
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<chadouming> anyway, why pay for a surface and install android ?
<bbqbot> derp
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<samosa> Just for apps I guess, when the novelty of having access to full Microsoft office wears off. That and the extra space. Surface, cheapest model comes with 32 gb and has SD slot. I already have a 32gb SD ... 32+32gb=64gb... still not happy, but I can live with that. What I can't live with is a $500 16 gb amoled nexus 10... what a waste of resolution for that screen. I bet I could fill 8 gb with just a few 2560x1600 images alone ... and yes
<chadouming> i think the point is to cloud all the thangs
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<samosa> How ... ? When its like 2gb free? 64 gb of cloud probably costs as much extra as buying a phone with it. It's the same thing, just spending your money somewhere else.
<Thracky> 20k songs on google music, 5 gig per google drive (and you can have multiple accounts on one device)
<samosa> Well, maybe not in short run but definitely in long term run.
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<samosa> Yeah, not into restrictions or making multiple accounts ..
<Thracky> well, you're restricted either way :P
<Thracky> and I've yet to see someone who legitimately needs 64 gig of content on their device.
<samosa> And I don't even have then much mp3's anywhere
<Thracky> it's like saying I need these 3 TB of movies/tv shows.
<samosa> Total 300mb maybe
<Thracky> I really don't, just nice to have :P
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<codeworkx> i'm running arch linux, hacking android... but i'm to dumb for win8
<Thracky> lol cody I felt that way for about 30 mins too
<codeworkx> uhm. i didnt see win8 yet
<Thracky> oh :P
<samosa> But I'm a videophile, I refuse to watch low Res / bitrate videos on YouTube ... rather download and watch especially on a HD screen.
<Thracky> my upgrade went perfect
<codeworkx> it just told me that upgrading failed
<samosa> Anyway *
<Thracky> samosa: then you understand that high res video means high space requirement.
<samosa> Not so, if its encoded correctly :p
<samosa> But yeah, it will inevitably take abit more
<Thracky> depends on the codec you're willing to use
<Thracky> you want x264, it'll be big.
<samosa> I was lost when I used win 8 too for first 2 hours lol. Couldn't find the start menu to shut down xd
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<Thracky> win+c is key
<samosa> For first time *
<Thracky> soon as I started using a couple keyboard shortcuts I find win8 a lot faster to work with.
<samosa> Yeah
<Thracky> especially with the ssd improvements
* samosa still doesn't have ssd
<samosa> My first real ssd device maybe surface pro
<Thracky> I can't stand running without an ssd anymore heh
<chadouming> codeworkx, you are not too dumb for win8, win8 is too dumb for people
<samosa> I want ssd so badly just waiting for prices to drop... I just wanna replace my entire old 500gb with an ssd one instead of doing the whole hdd+ssd setup thing.
<samosa> But 512gb ssd right now is like wallet rape xd
<Thracky> and pointless.
<Thracky> I have a 160 in my desktop and a 120 in the laptop
<Thracky> desktop has a 2 tb usb3 external, and 2 500 gig sata2 internals also
<samosa> Which ones? Intel? Samsung?
<Thracky> and I put my 640 gig from my laptop into a usb3 external enclosure
<Thracky> both intel
<samosa> Ah
<Thracky> 320 series in the laptop, 520 in the desktop
<Thracky> but with usb 3 being so damn fast, it doesn't bother me much.
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<samosa> The reason why I want 512gb ssd is cuz my 500gb Seagate hdd is so damn loud. And buying a another hdd in this day and age, is like investing in a symbian / meego / webos device. Its a dead end. Most storage companies say they're leaving hdd business completely anyway. Samsung have already said it.
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<Jiangyi> All of you, stop making me jealous D-:
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<nebkat|s3> who got win8?
<bbqbot> derp
<Thracky> I had win8 pro like 3 weeks ago
<Thracky> from dreamspark
<nebkat|s3> im in-stallin right now
<nebkat|s3> it stuck at 90%
<Thracky> cody's upgrade didn't work :P
<nebkat|s3> yep
<Thracky> mine was fine, even brought my oracle install and everything over.
<nebkat|s3> w00t done
<frankdrey-g1> Thracky, stop rubbing it in :(
<frankdrey-g1> Dreamspark premium :/
<frankdrey-g1> Win8 doesn't support my cpu
<nebkat|s3> ever wish pc's had a logcat?
<nebkat|s3> bootin :D
<nebkat|s3> seems to be going....
<nebkat|s3> rebooted again
<nebkat|s3> getting devices ready
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<frankdrey-g1> Who wants to give me a new PC for free?
<nebkat|s3> "getting ready"
<nebkat|s3> fan is low
<nebkat|s3> preparing 2%
<nebkat|s3> codeworkx: what stage you got to?
<Jiangyi> frankdrey-g1: Didn't Thracky offer like 3 times?
<frankdrey-g1> not free, and my parents wouldn't let me buy it :p
<nebkat|s3> Jiangyi: :D
<frankdrey-g1> Anyway, gtg
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<nebkat|s3> preparing 75%
<Jiangyi> nebkat|s3: I got your SMS app. :-P
<Jiangyi> Just as a precaution lol
<nebkat|s3> Jiangyi: <3
<nebkat|s3> 5 star ratting?
<nebkat|s3> oh gawd the indeterminate progress anim is ugly
<nebkat|s3> moving your settings
<nebkat|s3> this is highest derp period for sure!
<nebkat|s3> 100%
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<Jiangyi> I haven't tried it yet lol
<nebkat|s3> booted w00t
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<nebkat|s3> idiotte connects to wifi even tho lan cable connected
<Jiangyi> nebkat|s3: May I offer you translations for teh app? xD
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<nebkat|s3> sure
<nebkat|s3> it open sauce
<nebkat|s3> heh tutorial
<nebkat|s3> "lets start"
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<Jiangyi> Now if only I know how to use Git properly xD
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<chadouming> i should have never tried happy wheels xD
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<Jiangyi> lol that game is so messed up xP
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<Jiangyi> Man, today's like complain day on CM10 threads. :-|
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<Jiangyi> Both on Chinese forums and XDA lol
<danyasd> I can make it to a complain day on windows 8 :D
<danyasd> in this chat here
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx chadouming Thracky: BF3?
<chadouming> i iz at work currently
<chadouming> eating
<chadouming> then gotta go back programming
<Thracky> Who broke bbqtools :P
<Thracky> Chango
<Thracky> Err
<Thracky> Changelog not working
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<Jiangyi> chadouming: ._. When do you get off work?
<chadouming> when i get to school xD
<chadouming> and weekend
<chadouming> but i might come to work tommorow
<Jiangyi> That's a busy life you've got there. :-P
<Jiangyi> Thracky: All good for me.
<chadouming> not working here too
<chadouming> xplodwild
<xplodwild> yea?
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<Jiangyi> Oh wait, I thought you meant web changelog. oops.
<Jiangyi> In that case, no dice here either.
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<chadouming> fixxing currently going on
<chadouming> there, fixed
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<chadouming> jiangyi, might play BF3 if you give me 20 mins
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<Fissurez> damn, i want more nexus 10 leeks
<danyasd> wait until monday ;)
<Fissurez> and also, the conformation that they aren't just making tablet 4.2 a scaled up verion of a phone OS
<Jiangyi> Okies.
<frankdrey-g1> I want nexus 10
<Fissurez> because i'd go hulk rage
<danyasd> Does it look a bit odd to you, too?
<bbqbot> derp
<Fissurez> yes.
<Fissurez> yes it does
<Fissurez> i hope it's genuine
<danyasd> it looks so cheap
<Alram> its a samsung device
<danyasd> with those round edges
<Fissurez> danyasd: maybe it is cheap!
<Fissurez> i'm hoping for the same price as an ipad mini
<Alram> also, i prefer the current 10" UI over that one
<Fissurez> ^
<Alram> rather have one bar, not two
<Alram> more screen space!
<danyasd> haha dont expect that Fissurez
<Fissurez> yeah, that's my point Alram
<Fissurez> danyasd: well, the chromebook had the same processor....
<Alram> thats just SO many wasted space now
<Fissurez> i'd guess about £300 for a 16GB
<danyasd> ok you're right.. but I don't think that this display is cheap
<Fissurez> won't be more than an ipad
<Fissurez> danyasd: true
<danyasd> I guess something around that
<danyasd> 400pounds.. we'll see on monday!
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<Fissurez> that's too expensive :C
<danyasd> yeah..
<Alram> the specs are impressive though
<Fissurez> danyasd: bear in mind that i don't think they'll try to profit off it either
<danyasd> nearly 300 ppi
<Alram> its just the design and the new UI im not sure about
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<Fissurez> meh, someone will hack it
<Alram> but the S3 design grew on me over time so who knows
<Fissurez> design is ok...
<danyasd> Fissurez ok thats a good point
<Fissurez> but surround speakers
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<danyasd> well, I think you don't need very good speakers (for a tab). but if you have them for a while you'll never miss them
<Fissurez> still
<frankdrey-g1> I will rage if tablet gets phone ui
<Fissurez> frankdrey-g1: agreed
<frankdrey-g1> P51xx has good speakers
<frankdrey-g1> Or...
<frankdrey-g1> Px11x?:p
<Fissurez> "here's our phone UI, and here it is on something too big for it!"
<danyasd> It looks like the galaxy note 10.1.. I was on the IFA in germany and there they had this 10.1.. if you press on the back, krzzt
<danyasd> I would welcome a account management!
<frankdrey-g1> There isn't one?
<Fissurez> basically going back to the time before 3.0, with phone ui on tablets.
<samosa> You can get an ipad3 brand new directly from for £319, if you're a uni student, with student discount. So I'd say if its not below 300quid, its destined for failure. But then again if it sells for like £250 , n7 users will probably rage.
<Fissurez> not really
<Fissurez> nexus 7 will go down in price anyways, we know that
<samosa> We will see.
<Fissurez> and 32GB will arrive
<danyasd> I'm excited
<Fissurez> so i'm betting on ~£300 for 16GB
<Fissurez> no more
<Fissurez> or i'll get a n7 ^_^
<samosa> Yeah, I think we can all agree if its above 300... gg, its over.
<Fissurez> fine w/ me
<Fissurez> because ipad
<Fissurez> which i can guarrantee will be better for consumers
<Fissurez> due to it's tablet app catalogue
<danyasd> ok good point for a lower price
VibProb has joined #teamhacksung-support
<frankdrey-g1> Vibration problem?
<VibProb> Hello. I have a problem with the latest CM10 for SGS2. Vibration suddently stopped
<Fissurez> get a new one from your local adult shop
<frankdrey-g1> ^
<VibProb> Is there a way to fix this ?
<frankdrey-g1> Reflash?
<VibProb> Does not work
mcored has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
* frankdrey-g1 found out today that cm10 zips wipe system :D
<frankdrey-g1> Hmmm
<frankdrey-g1> Hardware problem, maybe?
<frankdrey-g1> How exactly did it stop working
<frankdrey-g1> What were you doing.......
<VibProb> No, I don't think so. I read about the problem together with CM10
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<VibProb> It stopped after a alarm went of and I dismissed it through the notification bar
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<VibProb> Until then I did not manage to reenable it
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<frankdrey-g1> I really don't know then :/
<frankdrey-g1> Ohshit, nebkat's gettin' serious
<nebkat> waat?
<bbqbot> derp
<frankdrey-g1> Join quit join mode mode
<frankdrey-g1> :P
<VibProb> Ok, so I think I have to wait until the next build
<nebkat> frankdrey-g1: was rebooting
<nebkat> so I got start menu set up :)
<VibProb> thanks anyway
<frankdrey-g1> Ok:P
<frankdrey-g1> Wait
<frankdrey-g1> VibProb, hold on
<logcat> ok
<logcat> let'S get this rolling
<logcat> Jiangyi: wanna try coop ?
<frankdrey-g1> Nebkat, you know anything about vibration dying with cm10 on gs2?
<Jiangyi> logcat: Okies. Let's see if this shit works.
<nebkat> w000000t
<frankdrey-g1> VibProb, maybe try checking logcat while toggling vibrate
<Jiangyi> nebkat: Too small to read lol
<nebkat> stupid scaling
<nebkat> anyway im off
<nebkat> ttyt
<VibProb> sorry, i do not know how to do this
<frankdrey-g1> VibProb, with terminal emulator type "su" then "logcat"
<frankdrey-g1> Then toggle vibrate and look for errors
<logcat> OR
<logcat> get bbqtools<
Baskey has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<frankdrey-g1> Lol shameless advertising...
<VibProb> do i need to turn of logcat afterwards?
<logcat> @bomb frankdrey-g1
<bbqbot> logcat: You are not allowed to run that command!
<frankdrey-g1> Yes
logcat is now known as chadouming
<chadouming> @bomb frankdrey-g1
<bbqbot> frankdrey-g1, you have been challenged!
<bbqbot> Answer (red, blue, green, orange, brown) before time runs out!
<bbqbot> 10
<bbqbot> 9
<frankdrey-g1> Unless you want to kill your batter
<bbqbot> Wrong wire!
<bbqbot> BOOM!
frankdrey-g1 was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [You failed to disarm the bomb! Correct wire was green]
chadouming is now known as logcat
frankdrey-g1 has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Jiangyi> chadouming: Y u no join dah party
<VibProb> and how do i do this?
<VibProb> reboot?
<frankdrey-g1> Ctrl-c
<VibProb> ok, how to Ctrl-C?
<frankdrey-g1> Or, menu>close window
<frankdrey-g1> I'm not sure what ctrl is for you
<frankdrey-g1> For me its my jogball
<frankdrey-g1> So just do menu>close window
<Thracky> wut party?
<bbqbot> derp
<Thracky> I'm missing a party?
<frankdrey-g1> Did you get any errors
<frankdrey-g1> Thracky, yes, as always
<Thracky> :(
<frankdrey-g1> :p
<Thracky> prolly bf3 party
<Thracky> to which I reply, Jiangyi Y U NO PLANETSIDE
<frankdrey-g1> ^
<frankdrey-g1> Ok, brb on PC
frankdrey-g1 has quit [Quit: Bye]
<Jiangyi> Thracky: In which I reply, Y I NO HAZ HD SPACE D-:
<Thracky> cause you have too much shitty stuff that isn't planetside
logcat has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
<Jiangyi> Meh =|
<Jiangyi> Wanna tag along with us?
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<sinc> sigh, why do I always read word logcat as lolcat.. especially when CM devs are asking people to post logcats or gtfo :-/
<frankdrey-pc> :P
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<Thracky> Jiangyi: sorry wife's bday is tomorrow and we're getting drunk and stuff tonight :P
<Jiangyi> lol
<Jiangyi> So that's how people here get prepared for celebrations xD
<Jiangyi> Get drunk so that they can get drunk the next day xP
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<frankdrey-pc> = ?
<frankdrey-pc> also, naice. (the better stock kernel)
<Jiangyi> cody magic lol
<danyasd> The Updates and Downloads downloader is quite sensitive
<danyasd> in BBQTools
<frankdrey-pc> it is
<frankdrey-pc> OH EM GEE
<frankdrey-pc> there's ANOTHER ukrainian guy in my online english class :D
<frankdrey-pc> imma say hay
danyasd_ has joined #teamhacksung-support
<frankdrey-pc> danyasd, DIALUP?:P
<frankdrey-pc> NICE :D
<danyasd_> hmh?
* frankdrey-pc respects people with dialup ^_^
<frankdrey-pc> do you have dialup?
<danyasd_> no
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<danyasd_> I'm not very in to xchat
<danyasd_> any good IRC program for windows?
<bbqbot> derp
<Alram> classic
<danyasd_> I opend a new window and it connects automatically to teamhacksung support. So then I wanted to open another channel and it conntected again
<Jug6ernaut> poor guy
[SkG] has quit [Quit: Saliendo]
<Thracky> Jiangyi: we can't get *too* drunk tomorrow night because we have to drive up to her dad's place near barrie for a halloween/her birthday party.
<Thracky> and she wants cake at midnight tonight :P
<frankdrey-pc> hexchat
<frankdrey-pc> danyasd_
<frankdrey-pc> :P
<Thracky> irssi, mIRC honestly is fine.
<frankdrey-pc> danyasd_, it reconnected with /j ?
<frankdrey-pc> you know you should open other channels with /join
<frankdrey-pc> :P
<danyasd_> I don't know
<danyasd_> is asks which channels it should open
<danyasd_> in the first time, but then..
<danyasd_> thank you for the tip with /j
<frankdrey-pc> yeah...
<frankdrey-pc> that's the wrong way to do it
<frankdrey-pc> :P
<frankdrey-pc> you're reconnecting that way
<frankdrey-pc> use /j or /join
DJClean has quit [Read error: Operation timed out]
<danyasd> thanks
<frankdrey-pc> you can close the server by doing right click > closee
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<VibProbSolved> Hello again
<VibProbSolved> I solved my vibration problems
<frankdrey-pc> how?
<frankdrey-pc> VibProbSolved
<frankdrey-pc> also, i find your choice of nicknames hilarious :P
<VibProbSolved> I can give the all-clear. Don't worry, it is NOT the ROM, it was me. Coming vom Gingerbread there were to many new items
<frankdrey-pc> ok
<VibProbSolved> Accidently I switched on the "Silent hour" settings , and from 10pm on all haptic feedbacks, as well as vibrations and ring tones were canceled
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<ashmawy> hey there
<VibProbSolved> So I learned it the hard way, I guess :-)
<VibProbSolved> However, thank you very much for your support
<ashmawy> i've just installed CM 10 to my P5100 and i have little lag at home screen
<VibProbSolved> and, sorry that I kept you on the go
danyasd has left #teamhacksung-support ["Verlassend"]
Andrey_ has joined #teamhacksung-support
<ashmawy> hey
chadouming has joined #teamhacksung-support
<ashmawy> i've just installed CM 10 to my P5100 and i have little lag at home screen
<VibProbSolved> exit
VibProbSolved has quit []
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<eldabest> hey guys is there any way to disable the txt message warning in 4.1.2?
<eldabest> SO ANNOYING