nebkat changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: @supported :: @downloads <device> :: @changelog <device> | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | LOGS AT
<HiGrip> I also noticed that I had a folder called "0" were my old CM was stored
<HiGrip> I was thinking that it might be the old shit thats messing with the new shit :P
<_jomp16> Multi user
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<HiGrip> there.. now I have flashed CM10.1 nightly from 29/12 and Gapps 12/12
<HiGrip> rebooting now.. keeping my fingers crossed :P
<HiGrip> otherwise ill have to buy a really comfortable headset :P
<white> higrip : device?
<HiGrip> galaxy s3
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<HiGrip> and now I dont even have the icons at the bottom of the screen
<HiGrip> :S
<HiGrip> dafuq
<white> use older nightly
<white> i would suggest 12/26
<HiGrip> and wich gapps?
<white> same 1212
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<HiGrip> ok.. ill try that
<HiGrip> do you have an idea why I have the usual folders but also a folder called "0" with duplicates of all folders
<HiGrip> the files in the "0" folder are old
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<white> in 10.1 sdcard is mounted at /storage/emulted/legacy .... i think
<white> and everything else is just a symlink
<HiGrip> I was thinking that deleting every single file would be a good idea, that way no old files could interfere with the 10.1 CM
<white> i dont think that is necessary
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<white> just wipe cache / factory reset ( no need to touch sdcard)
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<HiGrip> Now the icons at the bottom of the screen are back but still no sound =/
<white> higrip: you can try 12/28 (they updated audio but there are some bugs)
<white> goto and check the changelogs for your device
<HiGrip> im flashing stock now :P
<HiGrip> ill try CM10.1 again in a while when its louder ;)
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<HiGrip> is it possible to install CM from Odin?
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<Baskey> HiGrip: it is
<HiGrip> how?
<Baskey> !google CM ressurection
<clibot> Baskey: Pleopeltis polypodioides - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia -
<Baskey> !google cyanogenmod ressurection
<clibot> Baskey: [ROM][GT-I9100][4.0.4] CyanogenMod 9 nightly builds | DISCUSSION ... -
<Baskey> !google cyanogenmod odin
<clibot> Baskey: How to Load CyanogenMod Using ODIN | -
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<HiGrip> something went wrong when I flashed the stock rom so now I only get to the samsung logo
<HiGrip> so I cant transfer files to the phone before flashing
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<Jiangyi> HiGrip: Logo or boot animation?
<HiGrip> the samsung logo
<HiGrip> and then it reboots
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<white> higrip flash a kernel with cwm and boot into recovery
<white> do you want stock or cm finally?
<bbqbot> derp
<HiGrip> how do I get to cwm?
<HiGrip> ill try stock
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<tpg> where can I find some November zips of cm10?
<ahamay> hi... i want to repport an error. when i try to download cm 10.1.2, I get the 10.2.1 version. Could you fix this, i like the 10.1.2 much more. thanks maurice
<HiGrip> should I use the ordinary CWM or the touch one?
<ahamay> repport = report
<jomp16> HiGrip: whatever...
<HiGrip> its been ages since I first flashed CWM so how do I do it, cant seem to remember :P
<white> you need a kernel with cwm
<white> flash using odin
<white> install cm and gapps
<white> boot into cm and flash updated recovery from rom manager
<HiGrip> and where can I find a kernel with cwm?
<white> what did you do flash cwm the last time?
<white> device = i9300?
<ahamay> anybody knows a link to the old cm 4.1.2 roms? I am on 4.2.1 now and would like to downgrade again.
<bbqbot> derp
<HiGrip> cant remember :P
<HiGrip> yes i9300
<white> look through xda for a odin flashable custom kernel
<white> there might be a CF-root one
<white> higrip
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<HiGrip> I used the cf-root and it was successful but I still get stuck at the samsung logo =/
<white> you should reboot to recovery
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<HiGrip> I tried the CF again and it worked
<HiGrip> installing CM again :P
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<white> cm 12/26 or older if cm10.1
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<HiGrip> yeah :)
<HiGrip> were are u from white?
<white> or 12/28 if you have the audio problem ( and dont mind risking the bug that came with the fix)
<white> i am from india
<HiGrip> ok :)
<HiGrip> im from Sweden
<white> i figured that
<white> so hows the weather there?
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<HiGrip> its rather warm for beeing in the middle of the winter :P
<HiGrip> and no snow, just alot of rain and wind
<HiGrip> were I live its about -5C but in the northern parts of Sweden they have around -40C :P
<white> so -5C is warm :)
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<HiGrip> in the winter at least :)
<HiGrip> it helps beeing inside ;)
<white> I used to live in Mumbai(Bombay) .... the coldest winter that I remember was about 10C
<HiGrip> haha.. :)
<HiGrip> what dafuq
<HiGrip> I flashed another stock rom now and it didnt work so I flashed CWM touch
<HiGrip> then the stock rom began working :P
<HiGrip> this is why I love technology <3
<white> the stock rom had a busted kernel maybe
<HiGrip> the smallest difference can me all the difference :)
<HiGrip> still no sound =/
<Jiangyi> HiGrip: No sound on stock?
<HiGrip> nope
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<Jiangyi> white: My hometown (Fuzhou, China) haven't had snow in over 15 years :-P
<Jiangyi> HiGrip: I think your speaker is busted then.
<amescor> hi everyone in here
<HiGrip> nah.. ive had the same problem before
<HiGrip> software probs
<white> jiyangyi: he is using cm kernel with stock rom
<HiGrip> the sound disapeared at the same time I got multiple copies of everything on the storage
<white> higrip: it might just appear to be multiple copies beacuse of symlinks
<Jiangyi> white: O_O That shouldn't even boot
<HiGrip> also.. since the sound works when im using headset im thinking that a little cleaning of the 3.5mm stereoplug connection is in order
<HiGrip> using thermal surface purifier so its nice and clean now :P
<white> jiyangyi dont ask me how it worked.....
<HiGrip> nah its real copies since everytime I flash the previous rom and gapps are buried one step deeper
<white> higrip : i suggest odin flashing a custom rom which has cwm ( to verify h/w)
<white> wait forget it ....
<Jiangyi> HiGrip: I honestly think it's busted this time around.
<HiGrip> yeah but now I have to sleep.. its 03:47 in the morning here :P
<HiGrip> and my waranty is void since it have flashed it
<HiGrip> or is it possible to hide the fact that its been modified?
<white> possible
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<bennyboy> hi
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<adsf_> bug report : Korean SMS is not working. (using CM10.1 12/29 but not worked with whole version, no mods, stock kernel, gapps 12/12). i can send korean sms but if i receive korean sms, i can see only blank. english sms is working great.
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<Jiangyi> Well, that was a quick quit.
<Jiangyi> One second after the message. ._.
<jomp16> Jiangyi: how to develop a application whos uses some .java from Android system?
<jomp16> The API from google doesn't have that .java
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<BlackSnow> Hello?
<bbqbot> derp
<BlackSnow> Who can give me support?
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<MissingNo1> for what
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<BlackSnow> MissingNo1 for the multi window on Samsung Galaxy
<BlackSnow> Hello?
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<rollt22> Was wondering if I can update from cm10 to cm10.1 directly on the device through cm updater
<Jiangyi> rollt22: Not suggested :-P
<rollt22> k. thanks
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<BlackSnow> Who can help me??
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<BlackSnow> Helloo??
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<BlackSnow> Who can help me???
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<I9300> Hi
<I9300> I need some help with cyan 10.1 for GS3
<I9300> I can't seem to get the GAAPs to work
<I9300> I have successfully flashed the cyanogenmod nightles version
<I9300> But there are no google apps
<I9300> Can anyone please help me?
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<I9300> Hi
<I9300> I need help with my galaxy s3
<codeworkx> why dont you flash the gapps package?
<I9300> Hi
<I9300> I dont know what you mean
<codeworkx> why dont you read and follow the instructions?
<I9300> i got GAPPS from there
<codeworkx> fine
<I9300> Im sorry but I have read the instructions over and over
<codeworkx> and why didn't you flash them?
<I9300> I did flash it
<codeworkx> probably not
<I9300> I did WIPE >10.1 ROM > GAPPS
<I9300> It says on CWM successfully installed
<codeworkx> this ones?
<I9300> The one at the very top sir
<codeworkx> then you'll have Play Store
<codeworkx> add a google account
<I9300> I do have play store yers
<codeworkx> and be happy
<codeworkx> whats your problem?
<bbqbot> derp
<I9300> I dont see any apps on my home screen
<I9300> As in no icons
<codeworkx> move them from the app drawer?
<I9300> How do i access the app draw
<codeworkx> maybe you got a buggy build where the button is missing
<codeworkx> revert to a earlier build
<codeworkx> or wait for a newer
<I9300> I realised that there is a new version of the 10,1 up and im downloading that now
<I9300> I really like charging status LED colour though
<MissingNo1> rawr
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<I9300> Hi the new version also doest work
<I9300> Which version do you recomend me reverting to?
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<HiGrip> Jiangyi: I got news about my sound issue!
<HiGrip> I dialed *#0*# and got to the testing menu and when I tested sounds it worked
<HiGrip> but only in the testing program
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<HiGrip> so it seems that CM10.1 royally fkd up my sound and I think it must be because of all the multiple copies of files and folders that are created everytime I flash
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<codeworkx> HiGrip: device?
<HiGrip> S3 i9300
<codeworkx> REcovery version?
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<HiGrip> I used CF-Root-SGS3-v6.4
<codeworkx> your fault :-P
<codeworkx> that's the only official recovery
<MrChrisDruif> Alright, at least I've got my camera back =)
<Yappy> codey :)
<Yappy> would you happen to know if the sgs3 motherboard issue thing, where sgs3s are dying
<HiGrip> yeah and I tried it but it wouldnt work so after flashing stock rom and CF-Root-SGS3-v6.4 it began working
<Yappy> if the symptom includes stuck at boot screen?
<Yappy> or does it not turn on at all
<codeworkx> Yappy: dunno
<Yappy> ah cheers
<codeworkx> HiGrip: seems you're doing it wrong
<codeworkx> HiGrip: you can also flash official CWM from rommanager
<HiGrip> from the beginning I had CM10 and CWM and then I flashed 10.1 and then my audio only works with headset
<HiGrip> except in the phones testing software
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<HiGrip> after trying different CM10.1 nightlies I got stuck and had to revert to stock
<HiGrip> but what I dont get is why CM creates new sublevels with folders on the storage
<codeworkx> there should be only one
<codeworkx> 4.2 multiuser
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<codeworkx> HiGrip: it does a migration at first boot. moves all sdcard content to 0/
<codeworkx> HiGrip: and writes to /data/.local_version or something
<codeworkx> if you delete that file, it does it again
<HiGrip> yeah and inside my 0/ folder I get another 0/ folder
<HiGrip> and inside that another 0/ folder
<codeworkx> because you did a wipe ;-)
<codeworkx> if you would flash a official CWM
<codeworkx> then problem wouldn't be there
<codeworkx> it's because you're using a incompatible recovery
<HiGrip> okay, so what should I do?
<codeworkx> flash official recovery
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<angelsl> i wish play store gave detailed incompatibility reasons
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<zabala> i need help
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<bealtine> zabala: ask a sensible question
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<nebkat> bealtine: what was the question?
<bealtine> i need help...
<nebkat> bealtine: I love it. Ask for help and leave
<bealtine> :)
<bealtine> btw nebbie : if you install an app on trebuchet it puts the icon on the wrong screen eg not the "home" screen
<nebkat> the method of finding where to place an icon is more complicated than you'd imagine :P
<nebkat> but i'll have a look later
<bealtine> heh ya fair enough:)
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<nebkat> Baskey: CHUCK
<bealtine> its not a biggie...
<Baskey> nebkat: WAT
<nebkat> Baskey: go be CHUCK_BARTOLEFAGGOT
<Baskey> Y
<nebkat> BCZ
<Baskey> BIGOS
<nebkat> BEECOZ
<bealtine> Y YOU SHOUT?
<Baskey> COZ WE CAN
<bealtine> HEH
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<Baskey> _Fissurez_: FISSUREZ
<Baskey> !dood Fissurez
<clibot> Fissurez,
<clibot> whats up dood
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<|Night|> Jiangyi :P
<|Night|> hmm strange
<|Night|> i am unableto reize the facebook widget on Trebuchet
<|Night|> but it works fine under apex
<nebkat> |Night|: no
<tuhoojabotti> Happy new year fellows
<nebkat> go to setttings -> launcher -> homescreen -> resize any widget
<nebkat> apex enables that by default
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<a3Dman_> nebkat: Trebuchet is rock solid right now on latest nightly, the only issue is it crashes when app is uninstalled, you rock :)
<nebkat> a3Dman_: MOTA FOKA GIMY LOGG
<a3Dman_> where?
<a3Dman_> (the log is saved)
<nebkat> a3Dman_: adb logcat
<a3Dman_> k
<|Night|> nebkat tx
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<|Night|> sincei paid for apex takes some time for me to go away from it
<|Night|> anyways to add the google now option in lock screen?
<bbqbot> derp
<tuhoojabotti> That's funny, I have Google on the lock screen, but my friend who has S3 doesn't.
<tuhoojabotti> I have S2
<|Night|> nop me nither
<|Night|> i haveS3
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<tuhoojabotti> Could be S3 thing
<tuhoojabotti> the screen is too small ":D"
<|Night|> i can add a google shourtcut
<|Night|> but id likejust the "text" google
<|Night|> not icon
<tuhoojabotti> yes
<|Night|> im minimalstic person
<tuhoojabotti> Me too.
<|Night|> less is more
<tuhoojabotti> You can see it in my new website
<|Night|> :P
<QuinnLion> Any one know anything about the difference between the p5113 USB cable and an idevice's uSB cable? Same? Different Pin out?
<|Night|> :)
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* QuinnLion doesnt feel like paying 25$ for the cable from samsung, nor waiting 3-5 weeks to get it from china
<whitequark> QuinnLion: obviously idevice cable won't work with samsung
<QuinnLion> lol Patent battles
<|Night|> QuinnLion, no justapple
<QuinnLion> But the hardware itself seems exactly the same
<|Night|> apple does not giveashitabout RFC or IEEA
<whitequark> QuinnLion: has nothing to do with patents
<QuinnLion> I know that
<QuinnLion> was joking. either way, blah.
<whitequark> |Night|: RFC and IEEE have nothing to do with cables :)
<|Night|> whitequark: apple ignore every standards but theirown
<|Night|> ive surprised they have not made their own IP prottocol
<|Night|> iIP
<whitequark> |Night|: they did, in the past
<whitequark> AppleTalk
<|Night|> hheh
<whitequark> it was a complete stack
<whitequark> fwiw, IP wasn't as widespread then
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<|Night|> wassentthata software layr?
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<|Night|> not L2
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<whitequark> |Night|: IP is L3
<whitequark> AppleTalk is at least L3 and beyond
<whitequark> they used TokenRing PHY's, and, I guess, MAC as well
<whitequark> then Ethernet
<nebkat> whitequark: SUPDAWG
<whitequark> nebkat: HI
<|Night|> whitequark corect, i missed the 3 forth2
<|Night|> TokenRing oh thats old
<Jiangyi> |Night|: Settings, lock screen, lock screen shortcuts?
* whitequark should start greeting people with EHLP
<whitequark> *EHLO
<|Night|> Jiangyi: thats where i added the shourtcut from app drawer
<|Night|> they used tokenring back in my school backinthe days, every computer had to beon for it to work
<Jiangyi> |Night|: Didn't you say you want Google Now on lockscreen?
<|Night|> Jiangyi: like there is on nexus, only text not an icon
<Jiangyi> |Night|: Yeah, you can do that
<|Night|> how?
<Jiangyi> Just choose Google as the app, and then choose custom icon, system icons, scroll down and find google
<|Night|> ah cool
<|Night|> awsome
<Jiangyi> Or rather, search I guess :-P
<|Night|> <3 CM
<|Night|> yup i foundit
<a3Dman> :P
<|Night|> systemicon for everything but spotify
<|Night|> where doi add my own icon, easy enough to make a icon likethat
<Jiangyi> There's a choose from gallery option
<Jiangyi> Which actually lets you go to a file explorer :/
<|Night|> yup
<|Night|> lemme seeifi have photoshophere
<Jiangyi> No, that's a proprietary Nexus feature :-P
<|Night|> yup in my dropbox:P photoshop portable
<Jiangyi> Oh, I thought you meant Photosphere lol
<|Night|> :P
<a3Dman> haha
<a3Dman> I read it photosphere, damn it..
<nebkat> photoshophere
<nebkat> lool
<|Night|> me do when i look at it , spacebar is getting weird here
<a3Dman> |Night|: stop trolling our minds...
<|Night|> a3Dman: can i rickroll instead?
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<Jiangyi> If you rickroll, Imma saxroll :-P
<a3Dman> imma lololol
<|Night|> lol
<a3Dman> I need show widgets before lockscreen merge :P
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<Jiangyi> How the heck am I suppose to translate Chronus, whatever that is ._.
<Pulser> "Chronus"
<a3Dman> I think it should be named "show shortcuts before lockscreen"
<slainer68> is the new lock clock already in nightlies ?
<bbqbot> derp
<a3Dman> nice name
<Jiangyi> slainer68: Yeah, today's
<slainer68> great
<a3Dman> it's awesome btw
<slainer68> and does it work if my screen is protected by a schema ?
<Jiangyi> Pulser: :-/
<a3Dman> slainer68: it's a compatible 4.2 lock screen widget
<bornz> hello
<bornz> is it right that i must use new gapps for cm 10.1?
<tuhoojabotti> yes
<bornz> got a links by the hand?
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<bornz> got one
<bornz> thx
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<bealtine> we get drug reports here: it not work
<nebkat> bealtine: +1
<|Night|> done with spotify logo :P
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<|Night|> hmm strange, i imported, and it looks the same as the system, but wheni swipe over it goes all white ball, unlik the others which flip and are still visable,is there a special way they should me made?
<a3Dman> great, I was always wondering about this, I was thinking right :P
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<slainer68> in the latest cm nightly, i got two "lock clock" widgets in my lock widgets list, but the two widgets seem to be the original android 4.2 clock.
<a3Dman> nope :)
<a3Dman> check Settings -> System -> Lock clock widget
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<tuhoojabotti> bornz:
<bornz> runnin on cm 10.1 allready
<bornz> just got a stupid problem
<bornz> by installin al older gapp version
<tuhoojabotti> yeah
<bornz> so i have to wipe everthing
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<pw> how tu update my gtab2 recovery? via odin?
<bealtine> update?
<pw> ive version 5.5
<pw> and now i want to update to 6 touch
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<codeworkx> pw: rommanager is easier ;-)
<pw> ive never used the rom manager :)
<codeworkx> then use it
<codeworkx> goto play store
<codeworkx> download it
<codeworkx> flash recovery
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<pw> nooo :D
<pw> at the moment the 'download mode' is started
<pw> i think the odin way is much easier
<pw> reboot system now!
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<_jomp16> codeworkx: please don`t stop the support to P31XX!
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<pw> :)
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<fer> Como se las novedades que salen cada dia?
<fer> en las nigtlhys
<bealtine> tá mé go maith
<pw> i love this cm! :)
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<|Night|> which lang,. was that
<bealtine> which one?
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<Preed> I down
<Preed> downloaded cwm from cwm website, its a .img file.. How do i flash it? I have cwm 5.x now so i need to upgrade. its a tab 2 5100
<bbqbot> derp
<Preed> cwm will only flash zip files
<Preed> oh nevermind
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<nebkat> !geo user Quarx
<clibot> nebkat: {country: "Russian Federation", region: "Omsk", city: "Omsk", latlong: {55.0, 73.399994}, time: "Tue 01:00 OMST"}
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<Preed> rommanager sorted it
<Preed> will a factory reset wipe the internal sd? if not, how do i do it safely? i want a clean system before flashing daily cm 4.2, i have stock 4.0.4 now
<Preed> to hell with it. ill just do rm -rf .* in /mnt/sdcard
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<yixi> hi, i am getting "assert failed: getprop("ro.product.device") == "i777"... error when installing from zip
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<Jonny_> Hey people.
<Jonny_> Are the nightlie of cm10.1 better than cm10 or cm9?
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<Jonny_> I am trying to update from 2712 2012 nightly of cm10.1, but it keeps saying file cannot be found
<Jonny_> any assistance
<Jonny_> ?
<Jonny_> is anyone here?
<MrChrisDruif> Nah, I don't think so Jonny_
<Jonny_> lol seems that way when i need help
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<MrChrisDruif> What device are we talking about?
<Jonny_> s3 i930
<Jonny_> i9300
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<|Night|> Jonny_
<|Night|> did you put the .zip in root ofyour device
<Jonny_> |Night|: yes
<|Night|> i upgradedfrom 27th the otherday
<|Night|> go to download mode
<|Night|> there is an option there to define your own zip file
<Jonny_> when i go to recovery it comes up in android recovery not cwm recovery
<Jonny_> or that is how it tried to install the update
<|Night|> did you install cwm?
<bbqbot> derp
<|Night|> i have nevr came accross that a device reverts it self back to stock
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<|Night|> never
<Jonny_> me neither
<|Night|> reinstall cwm with odin or heimdal
<|Night|> then do it
<|Night|> easiest way
<Jonny_> where are the links for cwm. the ones i found are .img files
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<|Night|> 2 sec
<|Night|> sjekk part one of that
<Jonny_> where are you from?
<Jonny_> sjekk = check?
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<|Night|> sorry, im on the phone in norwegian
<|Night|> so it came out here as wel
<|Night|> sjekk = check jeg
<|Night|> ys
<Jonny_> jeg = yes
<|Night|> no
<Jonny_> ?
<|Night|> jeg = i
<Jonny_> darn
<|Night|> for some reason that came in there
<|Night|> sorry about that
<Jonny_> lol no worries nie to see people not afraid to use their native language
<|Night|> i know 4 so at times it gets confusing, at least when i try to use all at the same time
<|Night|> but non the less give reflasing cwm a try
<Jonny_> lol thats awesome
<|Night|> run a backup first to be safe
<|Night|> mesing with recovery is not fun when you birck
<|Night|> i had t he S3 sudden death on my first S3
<|Night|> it should just be called the S3 Super Brick
<|Night|> it was hopeless, i could not even connect over jtag
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<Jonny_> just download the latest nightly via my laptop then gonna flash it with the Gapps again. see if that fixes the problem
<|Night|> im running 31/12 on minw
<|Night|> only issue is docking
<Jonny_> thats what im d/l'ing
<|Night|> i am confignate that, that will not solve your recvoery issue
<|Night|> if you have reverted to stock
<|Night|> to put it simple think of recovery like youe computer bios
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<|Night|> your
<Jonny_> 3would you mind helping me find a link for the cwm download
<|Night|> windows?
<Jonny_> win 7
<|Night|> is your img CHECK hash, md5 is 62a3a73ccccb561623433366fc067c45
<Jonny_> Instead of Odin
<Jonny_> ?
<|Night|> eah
<|Night|> both works, but i have expeince with heimdal
<|Night|> since thats platfrom indipendant
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<Jonny_> so how do I do this with heimdall? Load Package or Flash?
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<Jonny_> |Night|: You there?
<bbqbot> derp
<|Night|> Jonny_ yes
<Jonny_> how do i use heimdall?
<|Night|> it is explained in part one of that
<|Night|> :)
<|Night|> sorry i have to run,
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<white> Jonny_, you can use odin if you are mre comforaatable with it
<white> *more comfortable
<Jonny_> kk thanks
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<frankdrey> eh
<frankdrey> even mate is meh
<frankdrey> no compositor
<frankdrey> not as feature-rich
<frankdrey> i loved xfce4 but hated it's panel layout
<frankdrey> i want the features of xfce4 with the layout and look of gnome2 :p
<Baskey> frankdrey: WTF ARE U TALKING ABOUT
<frankdrey> LINUX
<Baskey> OH
<frankdrey> OK
<frankdrey> mannnnnnnnnnnn
<frankdrey> mannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
<frankdrey> i'll just build off of mate
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<Baskey> datagutt: datagutt datagutt datagutt datagutt datagutt datagutt datagutt datagutt datagutt datagutt datagutt
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<frankdrey> now i must get back to work
<Baskey> !geo user frankdrey
<clibot> Baskey: {country: "United States", region: "Washington", city: "Auburn", latlong: {47.307297, -122.2284}, time: "Mon 14:48 PST"}
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<frankdrey> yes
<Baskey> HOORAY
<Baskey> 10 MINUTES LEFT
<frankdrey> what?
<tat-> 9 hours and 9 minutes left!
<Baskey> 8 MINUTES
<frankdrey> oh
<frankdrey> that
<frankdrey> what tat- said
<frankdrey> hi tat- you live in my time zone
<frankdrey> SO WHO'S DOING WHAT?
<tat-> frankdrey: just visiting :-)
<tat-> !geo user tat-
<clibot> tat-: {country: "Norway", region: "Sor-Trondelag", city: "Trondheim", latlong: {63.416702, 10.416702}, time: "Mon 23:54 CET"}
<frankdrey> :o
<tat-> staying with a friend in oakland, ca. we'll be going into SF later this evening
<Baskey> California is awesome
<Jiangyi> Blah, being noobish in programming means having no confidence in the changes you make :-|
<MrChrisDruif> =)
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<frankdrey> I'm gonna be partying
<frankdrey> one of my female friends is even going with me to the party and stuff
<frankdrey> BUT SHE'S NOT THE ONE D: D:
<frankdrey> ARRGHH
<frankdrey> the other couldn't come to the party
<frankdrey> i have to go to the party cause i'm playing guitar
<Baskey> frankdrey: bro fist
<Baskey> LEFT*
<Baskey> frankdrey: I HAZ TELECASTER
<Baskey> 1 minute
<frankdrey> Baskey, fk bros
<frankdrey> Baskey, I has starcaster xD
<frankdrey> cheap piece of shit
<Baskey> It's Squier, isn't it?
<Chuck_Bartowski> HPPY NEW YER HERE
<Baskey> 2013
<frankdrey> strat
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<Baskey> frankdrey: Strat
<Baskey> but it's Fender or Squier
<frankdrey> Fender
<Jiangyi> frankdrey: Have you found the one yet even?
<frankdrey> <frankdrey> the other couldn't come to the party <- yes
<frankdrey> i meant to say *the one
<Jiangyi> Ah :-P
* Jiangyi is currently forever alone
<Jiangyi> Nor am I allowed to date (Asian parents) :-|
<frankdrey> :|
<frankdrey> I've never had a girlfriend
<frankdrey> And i'll probably mess this up as always
<Jiangyi> :-P
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<frankdrey> bleh
<frankdrey> i'm gonna go practice for tonight
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<Thiagovfar> Is it new year already?
<bbqbot> derp
<Thiagovfar> bbqbot: Why me again?
<Espenfjo> ????
<Espenfjo> stupid bot
<Thiagovfar> Yeah, tell me about the person who talks to the bot.
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<a3Dman> all my IRC channels idle, people celebrating everywhere?
<Jiangyi> Meh, still 5 hours and 16 min before New Year's here :-p
<Thiagovfar> 3 hours here
<Thiagovfar> Jiangyi: By the looks of it, you're gonna learn java just by watching the changes on gerrit.
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<Jug6ernaut> 6' 14"
<Jiangyi> Thiagovfar: That's the plan for now lol
<Jiangyi> Still can't make sense of half the code, but that's normal :-P
<Thiagovfar> Jiangyi: Start with a hello world.
<Thiagovfar> Is it fine to ping cody tonight?
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: glückliches neues Jahr!
* Jiangyi hopes Google translate is right this time
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: heilige scheisse
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: well done google
<Jiangyi> :-D
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<Thiagovfar> Happy new year, cody
<MrChrisDruif> Gelukkig nieuwjaar vanuit Nederland codeworkx ;-)
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Have a good one, may Samsung not kill you this year xD
<a3Dman> lol failsung
<codeworkx> :-P
<MissingNo1> mmm
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<MissingNo1> just installed a fresh copy of code works today
<MissingNo1> and another version specific to arduino and AVR
<Thiagovfar> Samsung aint killing no one.
<MrChrisDruif> Thiagovfar; ...yet
<Thiagovfar> MissingNo1: Did you install cody?
<Thiagovfar> MrChrisDruif: Apple already is. I guess they patented it.
<MissingNo1> I don't think so
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<Jiangyi> Guys, teach me how to install cody pl0x :-P
<Thiagovfar> MissingNo1: But, but, you've just said "just installed a fresh copy of code works today"
<MissingNo1> sorry
<MissingNo1> i was thinking code
<MissingNo1> code::blocks
<Jiangyi> lol