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<kimyiu> someone here?
<frankdrey> Everyone
<kimyiu> regarding, can i flash CM10.2 zip from external SDCard?
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<frankdrey> what?
<frankdrey> Do you have cwm
<kimyiu> yes
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<frankdrey> Why not then?
<kimyiu> i see, thx bro
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<Flumdahl> anyone other that had the same problem ? "kernel is not seandroid enforcing"
<Flumdahl> i tried to install temaseks cm11 rom on my sm-n9005
<Flumdahl> i have updated my bootloader with kk and cwm kk
<Flumdahl> i had a 4.3 rom before.
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<Flumdahl> or cm11 wont work when i have upgraded the bootloader
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<ndrscharitysvcs> when is charging not charging?
<ndrscharitysvcs> when cm 10.1j
<ndrscharitysvcs> 10.1.3 is installed on the i9100.
<ndrscharitysvcs> any ideas?
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<ndrscharitysvcs> samsung galaxy s2
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<frankdrey> Hi
<frankdrey> Are you trying to charge from pc
<frankdrey> Also
<frankdrey> Last time you were here
<frankdrey> What was your question
<frankdrey> I remember I had an answer but you were gone
<frankdrey> But I forgot
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<pw> ndrscharitysvcs, is your micro usb plug damaged?
<pw> i've here 2 S2 with damaged usb plugs
<ndrscharitysvcs> hmm
<ndrscharitysvcs> dunno. I replaced the screnn
<ndrscharitysvcs> s..
<ndrscharitysvcs> damn touchpad!!!!
<ndrscharitysvcs> real keyboard now. Not this startrek imitation junk.
<ndrscharitysvcs> .. replaced the screen. Not the port though...
<ndrscharitysvcs> pw
<frankdrey> ...
<pw> )
<pw> :)
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<ndrscharitysvcs> pw sorry
<ndrscharitysvcs> helping some kid on #android
<ndrscharitysvcs> ok...
<ndrscharitysvcs> yeah it seems to be charging now. Cm 10.1.3, wiped the cache and dalvik cache from recovery.
<ndrscharitysvcs> btw, is nightly really THAT much better than stable, of cyanogenmod?
<ndrscharitysvcs> on the i9100?
* frankdrey yawns
<frankdrey> Baskey: sup
<ndrscharitysvcs> pw thx
<ndrscharitysvcs> is neatrom the best/current/stable for the i9100?
<frankdrey> No
<ndrscharitysvcs> Ok so..?
<frankdrey> No
<ndrscharitysvcs> so what is frankdrey opinion?
<ndrscharitysvcs> 's
<ndrscharitysvcs> all ears
<ndrscharitysvcs> thx
<frankdrey> You don't want to hear it
<frankdrey> It'll make you cry
<ndrscharitysvcs> that one to be specific
<ndrscharitysvcs> ok. Cm 10.1.3 stable then... was wondering.
<ndrscharitysvcs> sure.
<ndrscharitysvcs> that helps. Thx.
<frankdrey> No problem
<ndrscharitysvcs> if, i do a change from philz rooted stock rom, to cm 10.1.3 on the other i9100, are there generally items on the sdcard0 that should be manually cleaned-out (deleted)?
<ndrscharitysvcs> left-overs
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