nebkat changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: WITAMY NA KANALE WSPARCIA TEAMHACKSUNG ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | DON'T ASK TO ASK | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | <> zŁoTy CrEw <> | STATZ AT | LOGZ AT | CM11 info
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<ndrscharitysvcs> question: best current build for the i9100's?
<ndrscharitysvcs> !download i9100
<Flumdahl> anyone awake ?
<Flumdahl> i having trouble with installing cm11 on my sm-n9005
<Flumdahl> i have upgraded the bootloader and cwm to
<Flumdahl> bootloader with KK
<Flumdahl> and everytime i flash a cm11 rom it loops when i starts my phone and says kernel is not seandroid enforcing.
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<Flumdahl> i can install omega roms 4.4.2 rom but it does not work very well and my phone crashes all time and i cant use it
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<ndrscharitysvcs> back. If anyone replied, i didnt see it
<Flumdahl> what is the difference on those? gt-n9005 or sm-n9005
<Flumdahl> is that not exact same phone ?
<ndrscharitysvcs> dunno
<Flumdahl> i am reading this one to install it on my note 3
<ndrscharitysvcs> what readeth the scriptures google?
<Flumdahl> but my phone when i check about it says its name is sm-n9005 and not gt-n9005
<ndrscharitysvcs> hmm.
<Flumdahl> and if i google them both so its the same phone for what i can find
<ndrscharitysvcs> slightly different models..
<Flumdahl> yeah i noticed that.
<Flumdahl> when i tried to flash the t
<ndrscharitysvcs> one looks like its intent is for the european area
<Flumdahl> hltexx rom it says error. this is hlte
<ndrscharitysvcs> different frequencies in the radio..
<ndrscharitysvcs> hmm
<ndrscharitysvcs> maybe it has to match exactly to flash
<Flumdahl> probably
<ndrscharitysvcs> but in practice it would work
<ndrscharitysvcs> dunno for sure i dont have those phones here
<Flumdahl> and there is no hlte for download in
<ndrscharitysvcs> sm model is the international?
<Flumdahl> i have no idea.
<ndrscharitysvcs> seems to be. Look at his story.
<Flumdahl> hmmm
<Flumdahl> my biggest issue is that i have upgraded bootloader with KK and cwm
<Flumdahl> i can install roms that is based on stock roms without problem
<ndrscharitysvcs> and?
<ndrscharitysvcs> oh
<Flumdahl> but when i try to install other roms it says kernel is not seandroid enforcing
<Flumdahl> i had omegas 4.4.2 rom installed recently and it worked it starts up ... but it works like hell
<ndrscharitysvcs> you might want to also ask on #android. More active channel.
<Flumdahl> crashes all time
<ndrscharitysvcs> yum.
<Flumdahl> and i love the cm11 rom and would like to have it.
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<Flumdahl> my friend have an exact same phone modell like i have and running temaseks cm11 unofficial rom but it wont work on my phone probably cuz i have upgraded the bootloader and cwm
<Flumdahl> and if i have understood all correct i cant downgrade after upgraded to 4.4.2 bootloader
<ndrscharitysvcs> can you use ODIN and start over?
<ndrscharitysvcs> we never have had too, i just read xda when it seems to relate.
<Flumdahl> how u mean ?
<ndrscharitysvcs> i read and learn and then relate it to you. We tend to use older, more established hw tho.
<Flumdahl> to use older what ?
<ndrscharitysvcs> hardware
<ndrscharitysvcs> i9100's at present. So we didn't have to g
<ndrscharitysvcs> o the odin route..
<Flumdahl> okok
<Flumdahl> damn nothing seems to work
<ndrscharitysvcs> i9100 stock, philz then cm 10.1.3 stable.
<ndrscharitysvcs> #android has a lot more traffic.
<ndrscharitysvcs> ask on there.
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<Mr_Stone> anyone here
<jomp16> no
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<maxxxx54> hi, i'm really sorry to ask this question. i read a lot and still don't quite understand the process of rooting my GT-I9300 (with osx). I've got Heimdall working. In order to only get root (what I want), I only have to flash my Recovery and Cache Images, right? But where can I get them? Are they include in the package i can get fomr If I understand coorectly, this package only contains the original softw
<maxxxx54> !supported
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<jonas_> hello
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