nebkat changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: WITAMY NA KANALE WSPARCIA TEAMHACKSUNG ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | DON'T ASK TO ASK | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | <> zŁoTy CrEw <> | STATZ AT | LOGZ AT | CM11 info
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<stev0000> hello?
<stev0000> please tell me someone is hereee, Im losing my mind
<stev0000> I was going from cm 10.2.1 to slimkat 4.4.3 and somehow I am now stuck in twrp, I can still get to download mode but the only thing i've found on xda is getting to 4.3 and i don't want my bootloader locked.
<stev0000> when i try to format data it says something along the lines of you may need to reboot to us... which is where the screen cuts off the error message
<stev0000> sometimes it says i don't have root access and says it will give it to me but so far nothing has happened
<stev0000> i throw myself upon your mercy gods of tech support
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<rihannon> Q: I've got a stock Galaxy s2 i777. I've looked at installing CM before, but there were a lot of steps, and problems with the non-stock firmware alert (yellow triangle). Now I see the the CM page for this device is much easier, and no mention is made of this problem. Has it been solved, or is the yellow triangle still an issue?
<rihannon> Q: Also, is there a way to back up my rom, you know, just in case things go horribly wrong, and I want to go back to the way things were?
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<julia> Hello please help me can i instal cm11 for my sg2 i9100 4.1.2 with kernel siyah
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<ab7a7> Hello? o.o
<ab7a7> !supported
<ab7a7> help
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<ab7a71> hello?
<ab7a71> i have a samsung galaxy s2..
<ab7a71> i had Cyanogen 10.3 and now got cm11
<ab7a71> erm my phone...randomly shuts down...after any light use
<ab7a71> like maps...browsing the web...anything longer than about 10mins
<ab7a71> !supported
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<ab7a7> Hello?
<ab7a7> o.o
<ab7a7> anyone here?
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<oliv3r_> Hi! With 10.2 being released for the s3; what steps could I do to help get 10.2 released for the note2?
<oliv3r_> Bug tracker basically all that's in the way? Or anything else i can roll up my sleves for?
<oliv3r_> that said; is there anything i could do to get 10.2 stablized on i9100? Also bug tracker checking for 10.2 issues on i9100?
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