nebkat changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: WITAMY NA KANALE WSPARCIA TEAMHACKSUNG ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | DON'T ASK TO ASK | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | <> zŁoTy CrEw <> | STATZ AT | LOGZ AT | CM11 info
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<Dudefoxlive> has someone made a cm rom for the samsung galaxy stellar sch-i200
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<Ban-Hammer> Hey guys, I've got an interesting issue on my jfltevzw regarding CM11 and MAP bluetooth profiling
<Ban-Hammer> Basically my car has the Ford Sync, and under CM 10.2 I was able to read and send text messages and do a bunch of fancy things using the MAP connection that was a feature of CM 10.2. Since 4.4, MAP profiles are built in, but I havent been able to use the advanced MAP features. I'll be doing a "logcat -b radio" tomorrow while I re-pair my device, but can anyone shed a little light on the situation?
<QuinnLion> Go back to 10.2? I couldnt do that either, I was on 10.1.
<QuinnLion> also, rental.
<QuinnLion> couldnt read/write anything.
<Ban-Hammer> I get the calling features, and I can do A2DP, but I dont get text message notifications and all that jazz
<QuinnLion> Same :p
<Ban-Hammer> I granted access on both sides (SYNC and my device)
<Ban-Hammer> I'd rather not go back to 4.3 just because I've fallen in love with ART, but I might just to pull a separate logcatt
<QuinnLion> but isnt ART horribly broken?
<Ban-Hammer> Nope, just need an ART compatible GAPPS
<QuinnLion> why?
<Ban-Hammer> Sound Search occasionally shits the bed, but that's the only hiccup
<QuinnLion> I mean why do you need ART?
<Ban-Hammer> Such smooth
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<Ban-Hammer> It definitely adds some snap to the whole OS, and scrolling is greatly improved
<QuinnLion> ah
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<roypeters> hi, i have a question, why is there support for samsung tab 2 7inch and no support for tab 3 7inch
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<davuxx> hi
<davuxx> !device s4 mini dual sim
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<davuxx> sorry, i'm new to CM
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<davuxx> is the s4 mini supported even in its dual-sim version?
<davuxx> I don't actually need the dual-sim feature, but i'm worried that the hardware might make it different from single-sim s4 mini or something
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