nebkat changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: WITAMY NA KANALE WSPARCIA TEAMHACKSUNG ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | DON'T ASK TO ASK | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | <> zŁoTy CrEw <> | STATZ AT | LOGZ AT | CM11 info
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<keldwud> o
<keldwud> so I installed cyanogenmod 10.2 on my sprint samsung galaxy s3 (2dspr) and was enjoying it
<keldwud> then I had to port my number from verizon to sprint
<keldwud> and apparently the only way to update is to reload stock android update plr and update profile, then go back to cyanogenmod
<keldwud> anybody else familiar with this issue? that's the only resolution I could find
<keldwud> I also wanted to get a second opinion on an image before I brick my phone accidentally
<keldwud> whoops
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<keldwud> welp
<keldwud> that didn't work
<keldwud> bricked my phone
<keldwud> should have known better
<keldwud> since the post was from 2011 or something
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<Essobi> ouch
<frankdrey> It's OK, it still can be used
<frankdrey> To hold down paper
<frankdrey> As a projectile
<frankdrey> Anything :D
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<monoloco> Need some help i have installed Cyanogen 10.2 on my samsung galaxy SIII but every know and then it freezes or when pushing the power button to access the phone it locks up
<monoloco> Has anybody experienced this?
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<hseg> Hi. I'm about to flash CM to my Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini, and have found two differing ways I can do it - either via ODIN or by installing a custom recovery then installing from a zip on the sdcard. However, I don't understand the difference between the approaches.
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<|_dan_|> hi all
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<keldwud> I give up
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<tw1111> i was using CM10.2, can i flash cm11 directly
<tw1111> ??
<tw1111> if i flashed CM11 , should i flash google app once again ?
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<Yomi> I think? Idk.
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<BullSherd> Wow, Google is making really strange things
<BullSherd> funny haha xD
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<plastikman> fucking spammer
<waratte> lol
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<frankdrey> What was that link?
<frankdrey> It's down now
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