nebkat changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: WITAMY NA KANALE WSPARCIA TEAMHACKSUNG ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | DON'T ASK TO ASK | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | <> zŁoTy CrEw <> | STATZ AT | LOGZ AT | CM11 info
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<Yaksman> is it necessary to build cm from source or are there pre-compiled versions available?
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<andrewj> hi gys
<andrewj> guys
<andrewj> I've uploaded kernel with heimdall to an i9100 following this guide
<andrewj> but the blue bar doesn't disappear, is that normal? can I reboot?
<andrewj> I got "KERNEL upload successful" and heimdall exited succesfully
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<alex88> hi guys, I'm trying to flash cyanogenmod on a i9100 but from clockworkmod I can mount only /emmc not sdcard
<alex88> any idea in how to mount sdcard or at least mount emmc on it?
<Ravenheart> is your sdcard formatted properly
<Ravenheart> fat32
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<alex88> I don't have the sdcard, I thought I can use the internal memory for doing that
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<alex88> I thought system partition and internal emmc partitions are separated
<alex88> sideload should work too?
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<a-st> sideload worked for me last time
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<alex88> a-st: from stock?
<alex88> reading about the bug I think I should flash cm, restart recovery, wipe, flash cm/gapps, restart
<a-st> yeah. first flash cm
<alex88> thanks
<alex88> so adb sideload zipfile
<alex88> I forgot to backup the stock samsung memo app, someone know where it places the files?
<alex88> nm found it
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<alex88> damn, getting error: closed :D
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<alex88> ok tried to accept sideload from cwm and adb sideload exits on 1%
<alex88> damn it!
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