nebkat changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: WITAMY NA KANALE WSPARCIA TEAMHACKSUNG ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | DON'T ASK TO ASK | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | <> zŁoTy CrEw <> | STATZ AT | LOGZ AT | CM11 info
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<jomp16> frankdrey, sup ma boy
<frankdrey> jomp16, taking pictures
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<joe______> hello
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<joe______> first time here, big problem with SGS3
<joe______> cyanogenmod that was not installed by me, (I paid a company 6 months ago to do it) just froze upon me
<frankdrey> You paid a company to install
<frankdrey> Well reboot it?
<joe______> i have no idea on any of this stuff
<joe______> cannot reboot it now
<joe______> when it comes on, it goes into a boot up cycle and stays stuck in it.
<joe______> the front glass was cracked so I sent it in to get it fixed. they charged an extra 20 dollarsor so to add the cyogen mod to it. worked well for 6 months then today it started going down hill
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<joe______> first, it stopped ringing, so I tried searching to fix that. people said to turn off profiles
<joe______> that did nothing. then someone mentioned that updating it would help. that is when I think I f'ed it up.
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<jomp16> frankdrey, strange ^
<jomp16> six months, dunno if with same version, or updating
<frankdrey> Well duh
<frankdrey> Upgrading after 6 months will break it -.-
<jomp16> yep
<jomp16> six months, what stable version was?
<jomp16> cm10?
<frankdrey> Dunno
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<jomp16> bye guys
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<|_dan_|> hi all
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<frankdrey> Sup
<|_dan_|> ^^
<|_dan_|> frankdrey: what time is it for you? :D
<frankdrey> Almost 11pm
<frankdrey> You?
<|_dan_|> 07.54 AM
<|_dan_|> :D
<|_dan_|> i'm on office
<frankdrey> Nice :p
<|_dan_|> eheh
<frankdrey> Where do you work?
<frankdrey> Meh
<frankdrey> Sleep time
<frankdrey> Will read tomorrow xD
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<|_dan_|> huahauha
<|_dan_|> I' m in Italy, and I'm an IT
<|_dan_|> :D
<|_dan_|> good night xD
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<Dreamscape74> hi guys, I am trying to upload custom firmware into samsung GT-I9035
<Dreamscape74> NEver done it with S3 before
<Dreamscape74> any links to how to flash custom firmware?
<Dreamscape74> I am already at download mode
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<keldwud> hello
<keldwud> I'm in the middle of modding my sprint galaxy s3
<keldwud> first attempt was replicant, but #replicant tells me that it's not compatible with the sprint model
<keldwud> which I found out the hard way by loading the recovery.img with heimdall only to find out it wouldn't boot
<keldwud> I can get into download mode, so I am going to maybe try cyanogenmod
<frankdrey> Get official cwm
<keldwud> what is cwm?
<frankdrey> Download recovery for your device
<keldwud> ok, clockwork, I was thnking that was maybe what you were referring to
<keldwud> ok thanks
<frankdrey> But
<frankdrey> Best to go here
<keldwud> this is my first attempt to mod a phone
<frankdrey> And find your device
<keldwud> yeah I've the wiki up :)
<frankdrey> And follow those instructions
<frankdrey> Cool
<keldwud> d2spr
<keldwud> that's my device
<frankdrey> For recovery image use the latest image from my first link
<keldwud> cool, thanks.
<keldwud> have any of you guys gotten replicant working on a samsung?
<keldwud> just wondering in general
<frankdrey> Don't even know what that is :p
<frankdrey> And I only have Nexus S
<keldwud> it's supported
<keldwud> but I think the deal is that replicant doesn't work with LTE network devices
<keldwud> replicant is a free/free mod
<keldwud> whereas cyanogenmod still has a few non-free sources
<frankdrey> Ah
<frankdrey> So stallmanmod?
<keldwud> haha :)
<frankdrey> I just almost fell down the stairs reading about it -.-
<frankdrey> Anyway bbl going home
<keldwud> just used heimdall to load clockwork recovery image.
<keldwud> worked :)
<keldwud> maybe I will still try and see if I can get replicant loaded since I already have the files on an SD card in the phone :)
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<frankdrey> Won't work
<keldwud> yeah just found out in #replicant :)
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<frankdrey> Lol
<keldwud> they confirmed for me not to waste my time
<keldwud> I was going to continue modding my phone, but then I got an email from google telling me that they are ready to install fiber
<keldwud> so I kind of wet my pants a little
<keldwud> and got distracted
<frankdrey> XD
<frankdrey> Lucky...
<keldwud> been waiting a whole year :)
<keldwud> and especially have been waiting with baited breath since the beginning of the month
<keldwud> OP definitely delivered
<frankdrey> I dont get this...
<frankdrey> CM sucks on crespo :p
<frankdrey> I was using slimkat a few days ago
<frankdrey> Battery would last a day
<frankdrey> CM its been on battery for about 4 hours and 36%
<frankdrey> Hella laggy too
<frankdrey> Fine on other devices though
<frankdrey> 5 hours actually
<frankdrey> I had to go back to CM because part of SlimKat's AccountManager are broken
<frankdrey> I should check logs, see if something is up
<frankdrey> Hmmm
<frankdrey> Might be GEL
<frankdrey> Oh woe
<frankdrey> Wow*
<frankdrey> Switched back to regular and everything is so much faster
<frankdrey> Moral of the story, don't use GEL on crespo
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<_95A31_> HI guys
<_95A31_> There is a friendly dev that can help a colleague ?
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<ciya> hi is the version 11 officiel for s2?
<keldwud> woohoo :) got cyanogenmod running on my S3.
<keldwud> this is my first time modding
<ciya> what is the best version for s2
<ciya> ??
<ciya> ........
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