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<Luke_> hey i want to install cyanogenmod on my samsung galaxy sII but dont know where to start, ive read the tutorials but i just get confused? can someone help?
<Luke_> anyone there?
<Luke_> please help
<frankdrey> what part confuses you?
<Luke_> i dont understand basically the whole process. i do not know if it drains your battery faster, how to updatecyanogen mod will i have toflash again to update? and i dont know how to get rid of it
<frankdrey> 1. it *should* give you better battery life because it's much cleaner than stock, but there are sometimes issues
<frankdrey> 2. do you want to use stable or the more experimental nightly?
<Luke_> stable and there is a stable release
<frankdrey> yup
<frankdrey> download it
<Luke_> ok
<frankdrey> now go to and find your device
<frankdrey> there should be a "how to install"
<frankdrey> start on that, ask questions :p
<frankdrey> actually
<frankdrey> before you start on that, wait for files to download
<Luke_> im just confused on how to get rid of it if it is dodgey
<Luke_> whats that?
<frankdrey> how to get rid of it?
<frankdrey> there should be guides on xda
<frankdrey> how to restore to stock
<frankdrey> and it's definitely not dodgey...
<frankdrey> that's google apps
<frankdrey> Google play, etc.
<Luke_> sorry, and also what do i use to backup everything. or will ihave to start from scratch when CM installs
<Luke_> no im confused on how to get rid of CM if its dodgey
<Luke_> ohhh
<frankdrey> you can use titanium backup, helium/carbon/whatever it's called now
<frankdrey> but you will need to wipe, so back up
<frankdrey> CM is not dodgey
<Luke_> hm so what about this clockwork mod recovery, some people say its not needed but some say it is
<Luke_> and which version of CM is based on KitKat?
<frankdrey> cm11
<frankdrey> but it's gonna be buggy
<Luke_> whats 10.1.2 based on
<Luke_> 10.1.3*
<frankdrey> yes you need clockworkmod, and the guide shows you how to install it, all you need is the guide
<frankdrey> 4.2
<Luke_> but there is no CM 11 version for s2 not even in nightly
<frankdrey> then it's not officially supported
<Luke_> argh, if i install a stable which is 10.1.3 then how do i update it? just like normal updates or do i have to flash again
<frankdrey> well, there won't be any updates ;)
<frankdrey> but there's an updater in settings
<Luke_> so when CM 11 becomes stable, will i just update it via settings
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<Luke_> feankdrey
<Luke_> i have to go but thanks for all your help
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<frankdrey> lol
<frankdrey> " when CM 11 becomes stable"
<xLa> screw that, we'll have cm12 nightlies by then!
<frankdrey> :D
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<tweetergal> Hi will it be better to purchase apps from developer website?
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<pingu> hello
<pingu> i install cyanogenmod 10.1.3. i can't connect sgs2 to pc with usb cable
<pingu> any idea? :(
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<tweetergal> would it be better to purchase google apps from developer websites instead of googleplay store? since I don't trust google account and might delete it every few months.
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<tweetergal> what is the most powerful popular beautiful, came with nice tweak feature and uses the least battery rom for intl i9505 now?
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<frankdrey> tweeter, not all developers sell their apps on their website. Why don't you trust Google?
<frankdrey> Also, you can ask waratte next time he's around
<frankdrey> He doesn't use Google Play either
<frankdrey> Also there's Amazon app store
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<McNetic> well; if you buy directly from dev google wont take away their 30%
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<frankdrey> Take away...
<frankdrey> I think 30% is very fair
<frankdrey> For all the play services they provide
<frankdrey> Anyway, don't let the tinfoil hat cook your brain!
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<McNetic> I think 30% is what a monopolist can ask
<McNetic> however; the question was, what is better for the developer
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<frankdrey> Monopolist?...
<frankdrey> No, what is better for everybody.
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<mcayland> hi all! is there a stable CM 10.2 release for i9100? AFAICT the latest stable is still 10.1?
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<n-iCe> hi
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<TheUnnamedDude> !changelog I9305
<TheUnnamedDude> D:
<TheUnnamedDude> Anyways, have a problem with MMS not working on my I9305/S3 LTS, is this a know problem?
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<plastikman> I am not having issues on my t0lte
<plastikman> are you rocking nightlies?
<plastikman> i havent updated in about a week
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<plastikman> im waiting for to be fixed before i update again
<plastikman> the only thing that is still fucking broken for me
<TheUnnamedDude> Yeah, nightly, running the latest
<plastikman> have you tried turning wifi off?
<plastikman> i have seen some issues where MMS tries to go out wifi and it gets upset
<TheUnnamedDude> I'll try
<plastikman> also are your APN's correct?
<plastikman> perhaps the APN got updated in the latest nightly and broke for your carrier
<TheUnnamedDude> APN should be right, its the same as telenor provides
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<TheUnnamedDude> Nope, not working with wifi
<TheUnnamedDude> I run cm-11-20140129-NIGHTLY-i9305
<plastikman> probably an issue with the niglty, try the 28 nightly
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<plastikman> im rocking hangouts for SMS/MMS
<TheUnnamedDude> Tried like 5 different builds
<TheUnnamedDude> Using hangouts too
<plastikman> and it is working on my t0lte
<TheUnnamedDude> Might be the telenor page thats outdated or something
<TheUnnamedDude> I don't think so though
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<TheUnnamedDude> Should I post a post on the forums or a issue on the issue tracker?
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<TheUnnamedDude> E/Babel_RequestWriter( 4533): SendMmsRequest: failed to send message Mobile data is disabled and can not connect MMS
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<TheUnnamedDude> So data has to be enable D:
<TheUnnamedDude> Well, found the source at least
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<TheUnnamedDude> Thanks for the help though
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<ndrscharitysvcs> so... hello
<ndrscharitysvcs> I installed PhilZ on a i9100, which gave root (among other things), but was still the original samsung release of android. Then I just now installed cyanogenmod 10.1 stable on a i9100 (samsung galaxy s 2 international), and there were no google apps. (noob). So then I installed
<ndrscharitysvcs> from a torrent, as much as I could figure out how to from the wiki etc. Basically, the same process as installing cyanogenmod initially? Reboot with vol up, home and power, and select the ZIP file from the SDCARD??
<TheUnnamedDude> Yes
<TheUnnamedDude> Make sure its the right gapps version
<ndrscharitysvcs> TheUnnamedDude: yeup i believe it is
<ndrscharitysvcs> TheUnnamedDude: The CM version was:
<ndrscharitysvcs> The GAPPS version was: for 10.1
<ndrscharitysvcs> "20130812"
<ndrscharitysvcs> When I restarted just now, it's going through the google account setup and seems to be restoring the phone's apps
<ndrscharitysvcs> :)
<ndrscharitysvcs> Generally, is there more space for apps? I had managed to get apps installed to the sd-card to allow more room on that critical 2GB partition, so there was about 450MB remaining. This seemed to improve the phones stability and performance, but I wasn't completely happy with it yet.
<ndrscharitysvcs> TheUnnamedDude: I don't need or want 'Samsung Push Service' anymore, do I?
<TheUnnamedDude> Idk
<ndrscharitysvcs> isn't it just if the i9100 is running the stock samsung firmware?
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<ndrscharitysvcs> Is there a reason for a 920 error and why GMAIL TWITTER and a few other apps will not download?
<ndrscharitysvcs> I tried clearing cache and data of the google store, and removing and re-adding the google account.
<ndrscharitysvcs> help!
<frankdrey> Did you delete this push service?:p
<ndrscharitysvcs> IDK how to do that... looking.
<frankdrey> Probably shouldnt
<frankdrey> Cm is as light as you should go
<ndrscharitysvcs> it's just something for samsung apps like ChatOn (which I don't use)
<ndrscharitysvcs> from reading the description in the play store
<frankdrey> Wait why is it in CM o.o
<ndrscharitysvcs> frankdrey: because
<frankdrey> Did you wipe everything before flashing?
<ndrscharitysvcs> oh you are an OP okay I was wondering what the @ was
<ndrscharitysvcs> yes I did a wipe and flash
<ndrscharitysvcs> before that the phone was running PhilZ. I image the google account was making a backup of the phone, which apps were installed, and so samsung push app was already installed from before
<ndrscharitysvcs> PhilZ being identical to the original samsung firmware almost (as far as I can understand)
<frankdrey> Philz is just a recovery
<frankdrey> OK if its not a system app you can uninstall it normally
<ndrscharitysvcs> i9100 original samsung 4.1 JB -> PhilZ -> Cyanogen 10.1.3 stable (now)
<ndrscharitysvcs> yeah I just did
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<ndrscharitysvcs> it is MUCH faster nice :)
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<ndrscharitysvcs> CM generally.
<frankdrey> Yup
<frankdrey> Well
<frankdrey> Not compared to AOSP :p
<ndrscharitysvcs> Gmail, Twitter and Google+ aren't installing.
<frankdrey> Though I am comparing nexus S 4.1 to 4.4 :p
<frankdrey> Um
<ndrscharitysvcs> IDK the first smartphone we ever used was an iPhone 3GS 6 months ago, then we both had i9100's up till now, and only the Samsung original firmware.
<frankdrey> !Google play store 920
<frankdrey> Haha I used to have a 3GS
<frankdrey> fried it swapping a motherboard for one that could run iDroid -.-
<ndrscharitysvcs> well, the 3gs plays cricket noises in the bedroom now as a sleep aid.
<frankdrey> Lol
<ndrscharitysvcs> oh...
<ndrscharitysvcs> yeah it's stuck on 6.1.3... I didn't know about the thing about not being able to do anything with it once it got 6.1.3 on it.
<ndrscharitysvcs> until I already upgraded it to 6.1.3.... well, iTunes 'said' that's what I should do..
<frankdrey> Try rebooting your phone
<ndrscharitysvcs> and silly me.
<frankdrey> Sounds like a cache full thing
<frankdrey> Lol
<ndrscharitysvcs> frankdrey: Okay, this is what I did so-far to fix the 920 error. I forced stopped Google Play, then cleared cache then data. Then I rebooted. No work.
<frankdrey> Mine had blobs for 4.0, 5.0 and 6.1.2 :D
<ndrscharitysvcs> Then I removed and readded the google account, still doesn't work
<frankdrey> Huh
<ndrscharitysvcs> frankdrey: Yeah I didn't know about blobs
<frankdrey> Shoot dunno, maybe someone else does. I gotta gooo
<ndrscharitysvcs> To install CM originally from PhilZ, I had done a wipe from the recovery screen then flashed the CM-10.1.3 stable zip. So whatever full cache must have resulted from something recent?
<ndrscharitysvcs> frankdrey: Oh ok.
<ndrscharitysvcs> thx
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<ndrscharitysvcs> frankdrey: hey, after numerous clearings of the cache etc, it
<ndrscharitysvcs> it's working
<ndrscharitysvcs> Does the phone *need*
<ndrscharitysvcs> crap lemme try again
<ndrscharitysvcs> Does the phone *need* Browser (app), if its already got Chrome?
<ndrscharitysvcs> I assume that's like the Internet app on the samsung rom.
<frankdrey> Think it does
<frankdrey> some apps depend on it
<frankdrey> And I'm back :D
<ndrscharitysvcs> ok cool
<ndrscharitysvcs> at least those apps got installed, finally.
<ndrscharitysvcs> Nother question: Root Uninstaller Pro is saying that USB Debugging needs to be turned-on, and in the original Samsung firmware, i could go to Settings, and then Developer options, but I don
<ndrscharitysvcs> 't see Developer Options in CM
<ndrscharitysvcs> Date & Time, Accessibility, SuperUser and About Phone are the only options in that section...
<ndrscharitysvcs> googling...
<frankdrey> Tap build number 7 times
<ndrscharitysvcs> woot
<ndrscharitysvcs> found it
<ndrscharitysvcs> yes!
<ndrscharitysvcs> ok I will stop asking stupid questions now
<ndrscharitysvcs> and start googling if at all possible
<frankdrey> Not stupid :D
<ndrscharitysvcs> If we used Atom Launcher on the phone in the past, with the Samsung OS, is there a reason to switch to this Trebuchet? It's the first time I've seen it.
<ndrscharitysvcs> and... is there any opinion on removing Exchange Services? We also don't use Google+ or Hangouts.
<frankdrey> Up to you
<ndrscharitysvcs> cool
<ndrscharitysvcs> thx
<ndrscharitysvcs> okay here is a question i didn't find on google:
<ndrscharitysvcs> Root Uninstaller Pro is showing several system apps listed twice.
<ndrscharitysvcs> Not all of them, several.
<ndrscharitysvcs> I'm wondering if I did something wrong.
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<ndrscharitysvcs> okay I cleared cache on it and that seems to have fixed it. Wonky.
<ndrscharitysvcs> Was there something I should have done to make sure these apps work correctly the first time on CM-10.1.3 stable?
<ndrscharitysvcs> I did the Wipe from recovery before installing CM-10.1.3
<n-iCe> 's back
<ndrscharitysvcs> hello
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