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<Syphyr> Hello
<Syphyr> I was wondering if someone could give me some help on fixing the gapps backup script so that it is able to restore apk files upon upgrading. It seems that the selinux permissions are preventing this from happening.
<Syphyr> Is there a way to temporarily disable the file permissions?
<frankdrey> there's an app that changes selinux mode
<frankdrey> but i have no idea if that will help
<Syphyr> when set_perm_recursive is used on android 4.4.2, then all the files are chmod 777
<Syphyr> it seems we need to use the newer method
<Syphyr> set_metadata_recursive
<frankdrey> i don't anything about it :p
<Syphyr> I think something has to change in the gapps backup script
<Syphyr> but im not sure
<Syphyr> its strange, because only the apk files dont get restored
<Syphyr> the other files do
<Syphyr> maybe the gapps backup script could change the file permissions and then set it back?
<Syphyr> its just that Im trying not to have to reinstall gapps every time i update
<Syphyr> shouldnt have to
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<frankdrey> where is this backup script?:S
<Syphyr> the backup script comes with the gapps package (/system/addon.d/
<Syphyr> but the installation script is what sets the file permissions
<Syphyr> updater-script
<Syphyr> im just curious if we could work around the permission thing by setting it off then on
<Syphyr> the older gapps packages use set_perm_recursive, but the newer gapps package uses set_metadata_recursive
<Syphyr> the set_metadata_recursive also sets selinux permissions that interfere with the gapps backup script
<Syphyr> but its strange that it only affects apk files and not the .so libraries or .odex files (if there are any)
<Syphyr> something about selinux that prevents executables from being replaced
<Syphyr> lots of people are using other gapps packages that still use the older set_perm_recursive method (ie; PA Gapps) so they dont notice that the file and directory permissions are all set to chmod 777
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<Syphyr> If I were to still use the older method of setting file permissions, then gapps is able to restore everything as expected. But, I dont want all my files to be chmod 777
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<Syphyr> For example, look in /vendor and you can see the permissions are all wrong after using the older method
<Syphyr> can someone explain to me how the backup script gets executed on an upgrade?
<Syphyr> where does it copy the files to
<Syphyr> ive always wondered what the difference is between manually formatting /system in the recovery or letting the updater-script do the system format
<Syphyr> when the updater-script does the format, it must run the scripts in addon.d first
<Syphyr> but not if you manually do it in the recoveyr
<Syphyr> i guess
<Syphyr> i guess i need to figure out how it works first
<Syphyr> im surprised nobody has complained yet about having to reinstall gapps every time you update
<frankdrey> because we don't update twice daily ;)
<frankdrey> wait
<frankdrey> wat
<frankdrey> what am I on
<frankdrey> i've never had to reinstall gapps :P
<Syphyr> which gapps are you using
<frankdrey> are you sure you're flashing right gapps?
<frankdrey> well, i'm on 4.1 :p
<frankdrey> but when i was on 4.4...
<frankdrey> i used the latest
<Syphyr> gapps-kk-20140105-signed
<frankdrey> oh, those look new
<frankdrey> i was using some from december
<Syphyr> there is another typo i found in the updater-script but thats not relative to what im talking about
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<Syphyr> -delete("/system/app/Provision.apk","/system/app/QuickSearchBox.apk","/system/app/priv-app/SetupWizard.apk","/system/app/priv-app/Velvet.apk","/system/app/Vending.apk","/system/app/BrowserProviderProxy.apk","/system/app/PartnerBookmarksProvider.apk");
<Syphyr> +delete("/system/app/Provision.apk","/system/app/QuickSearchBox.apk","/system/app/SetupWizard.apk","/system/app/Velvet.apk","/system/app/Vending.apk","/system/app/BrowserProviderProxy.apk","/system/app/PartnerBookmarksProvider.apk");
<Syphyr> this is a bug
<Syphyr> there is no /system/app/priv-app directory
<Syphyr> they got confused
<Syphyr> SetupWizard needs to be removed from /system/app and put in /system/priv-app
<Syphyr> but i digress
<Syphyr> would like to figure out the restore problem
<Syphyr> this is not a problem with cm 10.2 because first selinux is in permissive mode, and also, gapps is not setting selinux labels in the older versions
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<Syphyr> this is an example:
<Syphyr> set_metadata_recursive("/system/addon.d", "uid", 0, "gid", 0, "dmode", 0755, "fmode", 0755, "capabilities", 0x0, "selabel", "u:object_r:system_file:s0");
<Syphyr> i think the selabel might have something to do with it
<Syphyr> im not sure what "capabilities" does
<Syphyr> im not really familiar with selinux
<Syphyr> but i guess it wouldnt be very "secure" if we could just replace executables
<Syphyr> so, i was thinking we could somehow set the file permissions to something writable, then change it back again. But, I dont know if that can be done in a script. Does it have to be done manually in the recovery every time?
* frankdrey stares at wall of text :D
<frankdrey> wait, how are your gapps even being deleted?
<Syphyr> heh
<Syphyr> well when you install the rom, it does a system format
<Syphyr> but before it does that, it runs the backup scripts
<frankdrey> nu-uh
<frankdrey> :o
<frankdrey> hmmm
<frankdrey> blargh, meh, whatever
<frankdrey> i don't know anything about 4.4
<frankdrey> I'm trying to stick to stock on my Nexus S :p
<Syphyr> yeah selinux is hard to deal with
<Syphyr> and i dont think selinux would be very secure if a script could turn it off/on
<Syphyr> so you are saying that I just have to deal with it
<Syphyr> :-P
<Syphyr> would a script have permissions to change selinux security ?
<frankdrey> with root, I think yes
<Syphyr> ok
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<Syphyr> so in or maybe in the function that references
<Syphyr> i wonder if chmod has capabilites to set selinux labels and stuff
<Syphyr> or how its even done from the command line
<Syphyr> i guess i will have to experiment with it
<frankdrey> setenforce 0
<frankdrey> ?
<Syphyr> hm
<Syphyr> that sounds like what we need
<Syphyr> is setenforce in busybox or something?
<Syphyr> where do you see that
<frankdrey> it's what the apps use :p
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<frankdrey> it's probably not in recovery's /bin
<frankdrey> check /system/bin
<Syphyr> hmm
<Syphyr> echo 0 >/selinux/enforce
<frankdrey> :o
<Syphyr> is there a /selinux in 4.4?
<Syphyr> ill have to check
<Syphyr> hmm
<Syphyr> but it wont work
<frankdrey> why not?
<Syphyr> you have to reboot and relabel all the files that were changed when selinux is disabled
<Syphyr> so it is the label
<Syphyr> If you've disabled SELinux as in the section above, and you want to enable it again then you've got a bit of work to do. The problem will be that files created or changed when SELinux was disabled won't have the correct file labels on them - if you just reboot in enforcing mode then a lot of stuff won't work properly.
<Syphyr> so maybe the files do get copied over by the gapps backup script, but selinux is deleting them because they dont have the right labels anymore
<Syphyr> when we boot into recovery, its just like booting into safe mode on linux sorta, right? and the recovery is not enforcing selinux.
<Syphyr> so if the files are copied back in recovery mode, they must be removed when we boot up in normal mode
<Syphyr> it would appear
<Syphyr> if the recovery is not enforcing selinux
<Syphyr> but im guessing
<Syphyr> so then the question is can the gapps script set the selinux labels when its running in a recovery that isnt using selinux
<Faris> hello i have a problem with my galaxy s2 with CM 10.2 nightly build, i went to sleep the other night without doing anything unusual on my phone, and woke up to see most of the apps (including all gApps i.e. Play store, youtube, gmail... etc) just disappeared from my drawer, and even when clicking one of their icons on the home screen, a toast message shows up saying "App is not installed",
<Faris> i re-flashed gApps with no luck, i've tried updating to a newer nightly build but that didn't help, so i went back to the previous build, i wiped Dalvik cache & cache partition and problem persisted
<Faris> please can anyone help me ?
<frankdrey> try wipe system, reflash cm and reflash gapps
<Faris> the thing is i don't wanna lose my data & personalization on the phone, it'd be great if i can fix it without a complete wipe/reinstall
<Syphyr> well, thanks for bouncing ideas, frankdrey.
<Syphyr> maybe someone else will read this and have an idea
<Faris> the phone is operating well and reciving calls and connecting to wifi (with wifi indicator in grey and not turning into blue)
<frankdrey> Faris, not complete wipe
<Syphyr> your gapps isnt installed right, Faris
<frankdrey> just /system
<Faris> so i figured i could fix it without going through the whole reinstall process
<frankdrey> so don't touch data and don't do factory reset
<Faris> no they are installed, but not showing in drawer, as i mentioned i reflashed gApps with no luck
<Faris> i checked and came to found all missing apps folders in /data/data
<Syphyr> Gapps can also be a problem if you are switching from different versions of gapps. The backup script can conflict with eachother... This is what I suggest:
<Syphyr> 1) boot to recovery 2) format /system 3) install rom 4) install gapps
<frankdrey> just like I said xD
<Syphyr> make sure you do the manual format /system to remove any older gapps backup scripts that might be conflicting
<frankdrey> whooo
<frankdrey> got my Google+ url thingy
<Faris> no am sure they're for android 4.3
<Syphyr> doesnt matter, the manual format will make a differenfce
<Faris> so if i format /system doesn't i have to reinstall CM from scratch and lose allof my customizations ?
<Syphyr> nope
<Syphyr> all your personal data is on /data not /system
<Syphyr> dont touch /data
<Syphyr> and make sure you are using a good recovery
<Syphyr> cwm i suggest
<Faris> sure ? even my settings and all personalizations ? and i'm currently using CWM
<Syphyr> yep
<Syphyr> your /system is read only
<frankdrey> do a nandroid if you're scared
<Faris> ok thnx, but any idea how did this happen ?
<Faris> problem cause ?
<Syphyr> bad flash
<frankdrey> magic
<Syphyr> voodoo
<Faris> man i've been using the same build for 3 weeks problem-free now
<frankdrey> 3 weeks is about when stuff goes wrong :D
<Faris> it happned overnight
<Faris> lol i c
<Faris> ok then, voodoo it is :D
<Syphyr> do a md5sum check on your zip
<Syphyr> on your
<Syphyr> verify its integrity
<Faris> thnx alot guys
<Syphyr> np
<Syphyr> im in a quandary
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<Syphyr> well, i think echo 0 >/selinux/enforce and echo 1 >/selinux/enforce is the solution to my question
<Syphyr> just to figure out how to implement it now
<Syphyr> i need to cat /selinux/enforce to see if it even exists on my fs
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<Syphyr> hmm no /selinux on android 4.4
<Syphyr> i just see /sepolicy but thats a binary
<Syphyr> if there is an app that turns it off and on, then it must be somewhere
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<Syphyr> ahh...
<Syphyr> you were right frankdrey
<Syphyr> setenforce exists
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<Syphyr> i noticed that restorecon was added to cm11
<Syphyr> maybe i can use that
<Syphyr> restorecon -Rv /system/app
<Syphyr> I think this should work:
<Syphyr> --- 01:21:34.000000000 +0100
<Syphyr> +++ 70-gapps.sh2014-01-31 00:49:41.297998251 +0100
<Syphyr> @@ -99,11 +99,13 @@
<Syphyr> done
<Syphyr> ;;
<Syphyr> restore)
<Syphyr> + setenforce 0
<Syphyr> list_files | while read FILE REPLACEMENT; do
<Syphyr> R=""
<Syphyr> [ -n "$REPLACEMENT" ] && R="$S/$REPLACEMENT"
<Syphyr> [ -f "$C/$S/$FILE" ] && restore_file $S/$FILE $R
<Syphyr> done
<Syphyr> + setenforce 1
<Syphyr> ;;
<Syphyr> pre-backup)
<Syphyr> # Stub
<Syphyr> but still need to set the labels back
<Syphyr> would be nice if we could use restorecon right after enabling it
<Syphyr> but then the policies of every directory would need to be set
<Syphyr> oh wait
<Syphyr> wrong place
<Syphyr> there is a pre-restore and post-restore stub
<Syphyr> this seems better
<Syphyr> --- 01:21:34.000000000 +0100
<Syphyr> +++ 70-gapps.sh2014-01-31 00:53:17.381998082 +0100
<Syphyr> # Stub
<Syphyr> @@ -112,9 +112,9 @@
<Syphyr> ;;
<Syphyr> pre-restore)
<Syphyr> - # Stub
<Syphyr> + setenforce 0
<Syphyr> ;;
<Syphyr> post-restore)
<Syphyr> - # Stub
<Syphyr> + setenforce 1
<Syphyr> ;;
<Syphyr> esac
<Syphyr> ok thanks, ill test it out
<Syphyr> later
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