nebkat changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: WITAMY NA KANALE WSPARCIA TEAMHACKSUNG ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | DON'T ASK TO ASK | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | <> zŁoTy CrEw <> | STATZ AT | LOGZ AT | CM11 info
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<BukkakePizza> everyone! look at my weiner!
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<frankdrey> I'm scared to click...
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<|_dan_|> hi all
<|_dan_|> @codeworkx yuu are here?
<|_dan_|> you*
<frankdrey> Don't ping Cody D:
<frankdrey> :P
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<frankdrey> BTW imgur links are safe
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<frankdrey> In fact, that's one nice weiner
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<|_dan_|> :D
<Ravenheart> dackel waldi
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<|_dan_|> ZzZzZzz....
<|_dan_|> ronf ronf ...
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<Sinner666> ¡
<Sinner666> Hi there :)
<Sinner666> !supported
<|_dan_|> hi
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<|_dan_|> ZzZz...
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<|_dan_|> ZzZZz...
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<Flamefire2> I'm getting an SIGSEGV on I9100G CM 10.2 and trying to track it down. Any help possible?
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<RoxasTheNobody98> I am having problems with 10.2.0
<RoxasTheNobody98> can anyone help me with the problems on my S3 d2spr
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<RoxasTheNobody98> i need some help with cm 10.2.0 on d2spr
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