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<soundbear> Downloading stable 10.2.1 galaxysmtd!
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<sean-sad> hi, is this a place where I can get help regarding my phone's missing baseband and IMEI ?
<jomp16> Maybe yes, maybe no
<soundbear> I was just told that all of the team members quit working on Samsung devices....that can't be true can it?
<sean-sad> Well... I'll just state my problem. I'm using a Samsung S3 GT-I9300 model that I bought in Malaysia. I flashed the latest nightly of CM and for some reason it corrupted my efs files I think. I'm trying to flash the modem hoping that it would fix the problem but I'm not sure which modem version I should flash. I also can't seem to find information on what's the difference between ICS modem and JB modem. I hope someone
<sean-sad> sadly I don't have backup for my efs files...=9
<sean-sad> =(
<soundbear> Wow nightlies are risky without full backup for restore
<sean-sad> learnt that the hardway =(, been looking for a solution for hours, just gonna keep trying till something works.
<soundbear> Perhaps back up data and factory data reset and write down modem info from terminal, start over with a stable for your device.
<sean-sad> I have a nandroid backup but I don't know how to get the modem info...
<soundbear> Do you have terminal emulator?
<sean-sad> No
<sean-sad> Unfortunately, I have no idea how to use a terminal= =... I'm a noob with really technical stuff, but I can follow instructions pretty well
<soundbear> Looking up your device
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<sean-sad> whats that
<sean-sad> omg I fixed my phone = =
<sean-sad> i just flashed a modem nearest to my region and I can finally get a signal now
<soundbear> That's 10.1.3 STABLE version for your phone
<sean-sad> ooh
<sean-sad> Thank you for your help !
<soundbear> Nice!
<sean-sad> I was horrified when I looked up forums on how to get your IMEI and baseband back. without EFS file backup..Very complicated and probably really time consuming
<soundbear> 10.2 stable is out for your device as well
<sean-sad> luckily flashing the modem did the trick
<sean-sad> I tried 10.2 stable
<sean-sad> but the problem was still there= =
<soundbear> No dice on 10.2? I am going to try tomorrow
<sean-sad> I restored to a stable version of aokp that I was working before
<sean-sad> gonna try 10.2 now
<sean-sad> tht was*
<soundbear> Do I need efs file backup?
<sean-sad> I think you should do it... to avoid a problem like mine
<sean-sad> I've been flashing a lot of nightly builds
<sean-sad> aokp and CM
<soundbear> Thanks will do that
<sean-sad> so probably something went wrong while I did all that
<sean-sad> and here I though nandroid backup would save my ass everytime
<sean-sad> thought*
<soundbear> Yeah I am doing the same crap with ROM manager
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<sean-sad> decided to try cm11 nightly instead, working great so far, no more network problems.
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<RossWell98> What'll happens if I rm -rfv /* --no-preserve-root on my phone ? :O
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<sergiodj> hi there. I'm flashing my galaxy s2 with the last stable release of CM, but I'm unable to mount my sdcard
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<sergiodj> I already installed the recovery image and it went OK. now I'm trying to mount the internal sdcard (I don't have a real sdcard here), but it's not working
<sergiodj> when I enter adb shell and type "mount sdcard/", I receive a "mount: mounting /dev/block/mmcblk1p1 on /sdcard failed: No such file or directory"
<sergiodj> I'm wondering whether the device name should be different
<sergiodj> after all, I don't have /dev/block/mmcblk1* devices, only /dev/block/mmcblk0*
<n-iCe> hi
<sergiodj> hi :)
<sergiodj> am I understanding it wrong? now that I re-read the instructions on the wiki, maybe I don't have to mount anything at all...
<jomp16> RossWell98, are you crazy?
<RossWell98> nooooo
<RossWell98> BUt I want to "clear" mo phone
<RossWell98> my*
<RossWell98> :)
<jomp16> try it and see
<RossWell98> I tried
<RossWell98> He crashed
<jomp16> fully brick, or soft?
<RossWell98> BUT on android terminal
<RossWell98> but If I try on adb shell :3
<RossWell98> noo
<RossWell98> nothing bricked :P
<jomp16> maybe SELinux thing
<RossWell98> He rebooted and I was on stock android
<jomp16> we can do rm -rf / in PC, even with x mounted partitions?
<RossWell98> don't mount your /home :P
<RossWell98> he'll be removed too
<RossWell98> BUT
<jomp16> that
<RossWell98> for my phone
<jomp16> I know
<RossWell98> The bootloader is safe ? recovery too ?
<jomp16> maybe some protections
<sergiodj> so, to rephrase my question: if I don't have an sdcard, do I need to mount anything before transferring the CM rom, or do I just have to transfer it to sdcard/ ?
<jomp16> sergiodj, just transfer it, every recovery always mounts the internal storage
<sergiodj> jomp16: ok, thanks
<jomp16> I think it's like /home, if they are mounted, good bye partition
<RossWell98> mhhh
<RossWell98> after ...
<RossWell98> if recovery is dead
<RossWell98> dont care
<RossWell98> Download mode
<jomp16> flash it again TM
<RossWell98> yeah
<RossWell98> but i'm afraid for the bootloader x)
<RossWell98> I want to execute in the adb shell on recovery
<RossWell98> too clear old stupid files of old kernels
<jomp16> well, what name is called the tool which writes partition image directly to the chip?
<jomp16> I think the old kernel stuffs isn't here, just like real Linux, a bootstrap root, and then mount it
<jomp16> franco Kernel read their settings in /proc, every reboot lost it
<sergiodj> jomp16: when I select "install zip from sdcard" -> "choose zip from sdcard", it gives me an error saying that it cannot mount sdcard, even though the zip file is there
<jomp16> custom libraries is in /system
<RossWell98> jomp16: dd
<RossWell98> and the old stuff is here
<sergiodj> and I of course don't have an sdcard/, so I was not expecting it to try to mount
<RossWell98> sergiodj: mount internal sdcard
<jomp16> RossWell98, correct me, if device doesn't has a bootloader, will not start, even in download, charge mode, or wtf
<sergiodj> RossWell98: that is my question since the beginning: how do I do that? it's not working
<jomp16> i.e, fully brick, so, need a tool whicj writes to chip directly
<sergiodj> the instructions on are not very descriptive about what's happening with me
<sergiodj> btw, I'm doing all this while booted on recovery mode (not sure it matters)
<RossWell98> jomp16: charge mode = kernel, download = bootloader (I think) , other download = kernel (I think again)
<RossWell98> and no... he never restart
<jomp16> for me, everything is bootloader
<jomp16> could you wipe kernel and see if appears charge mode? =P
<jomp16> IF YOU DARE!
<jomp16> bootloader and recovery has it's own kernel
<sergiodj> hm, I see there is an option "choose zip from internal sdcard"
<jomp16> sergiodj, CHOOSE THAT OPTION!
<sergiodj> yeah, but how do I transfer things to the internal sdcard? is it /data?
<jomp16> not sure, in my Nexus 4, /sdcard symlinks to /data/media
<jomp16> is common /data/media = internel sdcard
<sergiodj> my /data is empty
<sergiodj> however, my internal sdcard has files
<jomp16> if I remember, you has pushed the .zip, just choose the flash zip from internal and choose the .zip
<sergiodj> ok, I will see what I can do. first time I mess with android
<jomp16> i'm dead now, watch a TV show
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<sergiodj> the internal sdcard is called emmc/, and you need to mount it through the recovery interface (not adb) in order to have access to it
<sergiodj> very confusing. I will update the wiki with those new instructions
<RossWell98> jomp16: ah ah ah
<RossWell98> dude
<RossWell98> I'm dead :D
<RossWell98> my /efs :D
<RossWell98> I have a backup but OMG
<RossWell98> it's maybe why I have bid network problem since my last rm XDDD
<RossWell98> big*
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<jomp16> RossWell98, WAT
<jomp16> done with rm -rf ?
<RossWell98> yeah it'll remove my /efs
<RossWell98> :P
<RossWell98> I backup up
<RossWell98> but omg this partition sox
<jomp16> bootloader and recovery is fine?
<RossWell98> I have like 10 files in .bak -_-
<RossWell98> I'll clear it too
<RossWell98> ONLY .bak and useless té XDD
<jomp16> not the bootloader?
<jomp16> i'm pretty sure neither Android or kernel has access to bootloader
<jomp16> away again, watch the rest of TV show
<RossWell98> :/
<RossWell98> I'll ask to xplod
<RossWell98> goto eat now
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<RossWell98> jomp16: LOL! My Bluetooth MAC Addr is on a text file, if I modify it, my BT MAC Addr will change ? :D
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<ez0lv> does anyone know a up to date "simple" rooting kernel for SGS2?
<ez0lv> I've been looking around xda but all that comes up are really outdated stuff
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<jomp16> RossWell98, I dunno, just try and see.... '-'
<RossWell98> no no no :P
<RossWell98> I had idea
<RossWell98> IF I rm my /*
<RossWell98> it'll rm /dev
<RossWell98> and rm /dev/block/mmcblk0*
<RossWell98> so the bootloader too
<RossWell98> but idk if it's possible to rm a block device :/
<RossWell98> Ahh I'll try on my PC
<RossWell98> Ohhh my fuckin
<jomp16> good luck
<jomp16> it rm block device too?
<RossWell98> It deleted my ANDROID part XD
<RossWell98> Maybe I should replug the device
<jomp16> why you don't created a stub block device?!
<RossWell98> Error mounting: mount: le périphérique spécial /dev/sdb3 n'existe pas
<RossWell98> D:
<jomp16> RossWell98, FUCKED!
<RossWell98> no
<RossWell98> reconnected my HDD and the /dev/sdb3 is here :)
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<jomp16> RossWell98, LUCKY GUY
<RossWell98> no ...
<RossWell98> I'm just preventive
<RossWell98> ;)
<RossWell98> I know how the system will ract
<RossWell98> but I'm not 100% sure :P
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