nebkat changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: WITAMY NA KANALE WSPARCIA TEAMHACKSUNG ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) | DON'T ASK TO ASK | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | <> zŁoTy CrEw <>
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<akfaew> hey, i'm not sure if this is the right channel for this
<akfaew> im trying to build cm-11 for i9070p
<akfaew> from team canjica
<akfaew> but i'm getting an error: make: *** No rule to make target `device/samsung/janice/rootdir/init.samsungjanice.usb.rc', needed by `/ssd/android/out/target/product/janicep/root/init.samsungjanice.usb.rc'. Stop.
<akfaew> this file does exist on the device, which i flashed with teamcanjicas image
<akfaew> and the build for i9070 seems to run fine so far
<akfaew> the file init.samsungjanice.usb.rc does not exist in the source tree
<akfaew> and it's mentioned only in ./samsung/janicep/rootdir/init.samsungjanice.rc and ./samsung/janicep/ (i9070p)
<akfaew> i'll see how the build for i9070 goes, but maybe anybody here knows how to solve this problem?
<akfaew> ok, i now see someone made some changes there just two days ago and didn't fix i9070p. i decided to build it at an unlucky time
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<zOriGinHD> Helo
<zOriGinHD> I have a bug with my network
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<frankdrey> Too bad you're too impatient to fix it
<waratte> frankdrey: how's working tech support?
<frankdrey> Great
<akfaew> the website advertized by this channel is dead
<frankdrey> Yup
<frankdrey> teamhacksung is dead IMO :p
<frankdrey> We just do Samsung CM support basically
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<akfaew> can you tell me if gcc 4.6 is required to build cm11? i have these random errors with gcc 4.7
<frankdrey> Hmmm
<frankdrey> I think it pulls it's own toolchain
<frankdrey> But its been a while since I messed with it
<akfaew> ok, i'll see if this was the issue soon, i'm compiling again
<hfinch> every phone support channel is dead...
<hfinch> since, like, last year?
<hfinch> and since cody died
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