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<LesterDr01D> hi, may i know if Samsung Galaxy Ace is MDPI?
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<frankdrey> Uh
<frankdrey> If you had more patience
<frankdrey> yay
<frankdrey> cm sauce dl'ed
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<mejo> hey
<frankdrey> hey
<frankdrey> ooh a debian dev
<mejo> oh ;)
<mejo> hope that doesn't imply any expectations ;)
<mejo> I'm pretty new to all that smartphone stuff. Will get a cheap galaxy s2 next week and am reading about how to flash it right now
<frankdrey> heh
<frankdrey> at least you won't be "wat is terminal?"
<frankdrey> ...right?
<mejo> now after reading and links I'm wondering which recovery to use.
<mejo> I'm pretty confused by the release management in android/custom rom world.
<frankdrey> s2 is dumb
<frankdrey> because it combines recovery + kernel
<frankdrey> in one partition
<frankdrey> so if you're going to use stock cyanogenmod kernel, it's clockworkmod
<frankdrey> <mejo> I'm pretty confused by the release management in android/custom rom world. <- what's "release management"?
<frankdrey> lol, but yeah, for s2, the kernel and recovery are combined
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<mejo1> sorry, internet connection has reconnected after 24hours.
<mejo1> frankdrey: last I read was that s2 combines recovery and kernel. what does that mean?
<frankdrey> <frankdrey> s2 is dumb
<frankdrey> <frankdrey> because it combines recovery + kernel
<frankdrey> <frankdrey> so if you're going to use stock cyanogenmod kernel, it's clockworkmod
<frankdrey> <frankdrey> in one partition
<frankdrey> <frankdrey> <mejo> I'm pretty confused by the release management in android/custom rom world. <- what's "release management"?
<frankdrey> <frankdrey> lol, but yeah, for s2, the kernel and recovery are combined
<frankdrey> :p
<mejo1> thanks :)
<mejo1> ok I see
<mejo1> I'm fine with the stock cm kernel for now. will digg into custom kernels on phone later.
<frankdrey> alrighty
<mejo1> I meant the way releases of all these recoveries, custom roms, ... are made public and available.
<mejo1> honestly cm is the only "project" where I've the feeling that releases are maintained like I'm used to from most open source projects. with raising version numbers, one central place for latest and older releases, and all that kind of stuff.
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<mejo1> e.g. the clockworkmod releases seem to follow a different logic. You've different versions for all devices on sometimes/often newer releases than provided on that page are built for the devices and announced at xda forum or on cm wiki pages or whatever.
<mejo1> or am I wrong? maybe I just didn't get the picture yet ;-)
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<frankdrey> Basically, its because its pretty darn easy to build yourself
<frankdrey> And lots of people do their own builds, spinoffs, etc.
<mejo1> e.g. the clockworkmod recovery built for s2 and linked from cm wiki is cwmr6047.img. on the cmw webpage latest releases for s2 are (or for touch)
<mejo1> I see
<mejo1> so you would suggest to build cwm on your own?
<frankdrey> But as for cwm
<frankdrey> No idea
<frankdrey> :p
<frankdrey> Still haven't understood the cwm-cm relationship
<frankdrey> But it doesn't matter for s2 since cm will install its own (with kernel, which is installed with ROM)
<mejo1> I'm just wondering which version to use. usually I try to take the latest release as it has most features // most bugs fixed, but I simply don't get which one is the latest release for s2 ;)
<mejo1> So I need to install cwm for installation but cm flashing will overwrite it anyway?
<frankdrey> Yup
<mejo1> ah that's good to know
<mejo1> then I'll simply take the one linked from the wiki page.
<mejo1> and in general would you recommend to install latest cm11 on the s2, or better an older release?
<frankdrey> Hmmm
<frankdrey> Not sure
<frankdrey> I'd say try 2
<frankdrey> Because on my Nexus S its like this:
<frankdrey> CM10 - very usable
<frankdrey> CM11 - shit slow
<frankdrey> AOSP 4.1 official - shit slow
<frankdrey> AOSP 4.4 random guy's build - amazingly fast
<frankdrey> :p
<frankdrey> So sometimes those random builds work great, but if you do look into any, something like the following probably sucks:
<frankdrey> [Hyp3rX][Supers0niX][BOOSTED][HTCSENSEWIZ][OC+++]
<frankdrey> But if you're just thinking CM, Id say give 10&11 a shot
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<frankdrey> Awwww
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<mejo> argh, again connectivity issues. there's a thunderstorm here in germany right now, might be related :-/
<mejo> sorry for that.
<mejo> don't know whether you wrote anything in the meantime. last thing I wrote was: will try to keep google stuff away from the device. no google play etc.
<frankdrey> I said a lot of stuff but the tl:Dr; is try 10&11 :p
<mejo> all right :)
<frankdrey> Also, you remind me...I still haven't tried debian believe it or not o.o
<frankdrey> Well, Ubuntu...but that doesn't count :p I use Arch (and Windows, don't murder me) :p
<mejo> hehe, you should.
<mejo> I have to use windows from time to time as well (in a virtualbox on work ;)
<mejo> I'm using Debian, CentOS and Ubuntu. But Debian is where my heart is :D
<frankdrey> I'm not sure why I use Windows :|
<frankdrey> Probably cuz with school I don't have time to figure out why gvfs won't mount some flash drive or something :p
<frankdrey> Wait no, that was my truecrypt volume
<frankdrey> Speaking of which, I need to find a replacement ;_;
<frankdrey> Oh, but anyway, last final on Thursday and I'll install Debian :p
<mejo> ah you should try out cryptsetup - at least on linux. It supports truecrypt devices as well.
<frankdrey> Alright thanks
<mejo> and there's some gui for cryptsetup as well. zuluCrypt I guess. never tried that one though - I feel much more safe on the text console.
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<mejo> so I'll try out cm10 and cm11 and will try to use both without gapps. hope that this works out
<frankdrey> Should work fine without gapps
<frankdrey> Man, what's with all these Russian people commenting on Google's Instagram
<mejo> ?
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<frankdrey> Literally half the comments are Russian :p
<frankdrey> Unless Instagram is showing me just those on purpose -_-
<mejo> hehe
<mejo> do you know whether gsf (google service framework) is installed with cm10/11, or is this part of the gapps package that needs to be installed seperateley?
<frankdrey> I think its part of gapps
<frankdrey> The idea is that CM doesn't include closed Google stuff
* frankdrey can't go Google-free
<frankdrey> Working a project that needs google play services :p
<mejo> ok. the reason for my question was that I don't want my phone to talk to google services. at least not without me asking it to do so. so I'd like to avoid gsf.
<mejo> did you give µg (microg) project a try already?
<frankdrey> doesn't look very active ..
<frankdrey> Does it require changes in the project? Because I don't think the people I'm working with would agree :p
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<mejo> I don't know. Just read about it, but didn't try it out yet.
* frankdrey is installing cm11 dirty over his aosp rom
<frankdrey> sure hope it doesn't break :p
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<frankdrey> cool, it booted
<frankdrey> whoo all the gapp fc's
<frankdrey> seems to be fine after a minute tho
<akfaew> you compiled cm11?
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<frankdrey> akfaew, nope, installed to get blobs
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<frankdrey> wat
<frankdrey> did it really build that fast?
<frankdrey> okay, i think imma force myself to stick to CM
<frankdrey> and if I have any problems, help fix them
<frankdrey> hmmm maybe not I guess
<frankdrey> I guess it just needed zip early
<frankdrey> (my build)
<frankdrey> oh
<frankdrey> that explains a lot
<frankdrey> gapps was installed partially, as /data apps