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andrewrk: Do you have any microcontroller devkits?
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skyfex, I do not
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andrewrk: I'm thinking of sending you a micro:bit. I might I have a spare. It's one of the simplest devkits out there.
neat! does that include hardware?
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It's basically a debugger and nrf51 chip on a tiny board with an LED matrix, two buttons, and accelerometer+compass
The debugger can be connected via USB, and shows up as a USB disk. You just put a .hex or .bin file there and that programs the nrf51 microcontroller
The debugger can also be used for proper debugging with ARM Kiel uVision
and probably GDB etc.
that sounds intruiging
if you sent me a kit I'd definitely get a demo project going
It's meant for teaching kids to program, but I find it's really good for more advanced hobby projects too
I'll check and get back to you if I find a spare. I bought 10 a while back
Oh, also the debugger has a UART connection to the nRF51 microcontroller too. It shows up as a plain USB COM port
So that's how I did Hello World
I've made some progress with the demo. I've gotten interrupts to work, and have improved the UART driver to use interrupts
nice! I still need to work on the compiler-rt issues and bit fields
Is there support for inline assembly?
I still need to add docs for that, but you can grep the compiler source code for "asm" and ask any questions