ChanServ changed the topic of #zig to: zig programming language | | be excellent to each other | channel logs:
_whitelogger has joined #zig
<aiwakura> andrewrk: congrats on issue #666
<aiwakura> andrewrk turns out I was using the "last expression with no semicolon is return" thingy somewhere
<aiwakura> it was handy in some cases
skyfex has joined #zig
<skyfex> @andrewrk: I got a RISC-V dev board from a collegue for christmas. So maybe in a couple of week I can have Zig running on a real RISC-V processor
<skyfex> lowRISC i think
<andrewrk> skyfex: exciting
<andrewrk> aiwakura: you can still get what you want by labeling a block and using `break :block_name value`
<andrewrk> skyfex: did you see that the bit fields issue is resolved?