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<aiwakura> andrewrk, hi!
<andrewrk> aiwakura, amazing
<andrewrk> you are alive
<aiwakura> I am
<aiwakura> very much so :D
<aiwakura> error.OutOfMemory doesn't work either
<aiwakura> also next commit on master will be #2000
<aiwakura> cheers to that
<aiwakura> var block = searchFreeBlock(size) ?? return error.OutOfMemory;
<aiwakura> undeclared error value 'OutOfMemory'. maybe it's not defined in kernel space? should I define my own?
<aiwakura> also, signature for fmt.format has changed, correct?
<andrewrk> one moment
<aiwakura> fmt.format I solved, I just need to solve the OutOfMemory thingy
<GitHub191> [zig] andrewrk pushed 1 new commit to master:
<GitHub191> zig/master 3f65887 Andrew Kelley: fix std.mem missing error.OutOfMemory decl...
<andrewrk> what a boring #2000 commit
<aiwakura> hahahaha
<aiwakura> well it's the thing that fixes my build
<andrewrk> no worries, because #2001 is so far: 43 files changed, 877 insertions(+), 868 deletions(-)
<aiwakura> wow
<aiwakura> what is that?
<andrewrk> exporting things is going to get a little more verbose and a lot more powerful
<aiwakura> I see
<aiwakura> (zen builds now!)
<andrewrk> great, and the behavior is ok too?
<aiwakura> yeah everything looks good
<aiwakura> the big task ahead is to add zen support to the standard library
<aiwakura> I wanted to hack on that for my week at RC, but I still haven't heard from them
<aiwakura> thinking of buying the tickets for NYC anyway and just work the nights there anyway, lol
<andrewrk> :D
<andrewrk> a prerequisite for zen support in the std lib is
<andrewrk> because right now we have a 1:1 mapping with @import("builtin").Os and LLVM's OS enum
<aiwakura> yeah, I remember you sending me this link before
<andrewrk> and we need to make it not a 1:1 mapping
<aiwakura> I see
<andrewrk> aiwakura, I have a request for zen's kernel API
<andrewrk> never use null terminated buffers for anything
<andrewrk> always accept a length parameter
<aiwakura> sounds reasonable
<andrewrk> I'm about to push this export change
<aiwakura> is it gonna cause breakage?
<andrewrk> I'm going to submit a pull request to you that fixes the breakage before I push
<aiwakura> oh sweet, thanks
<andrewrk> trying to make your code work with this commit revealed that I need to make a few more changes and add a few more tests before it's ready
<andrewrk> I'm going for dinner, back in a bit
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