er, i'm going to need a more detailed mechanical drawing than that :P
they do have a datasheet, right?
They have more drawings on the item listing
And here's an AliExpress pro-tip: Even if they don't have the drawings (source code, datasheets, etc.) on the page, you can message the seller before they order--if they have it, they'll either send you a mini-CD with your item or send you a link after you buy it.
s/before they order/before you order/
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whitequark: I'm curious if you know what the debian texlive-lang-<foo> packages actually do?
(other than "be transitive dependencies of something else and take forever to install" :P )
rqou: it literally says it in the description
"Support for (and documentation in) <language>"
why do I need that?
"This package includes the following CTAN packages: "
I also have no idea why I need that
it's an amalgamation of several CTAN packages
well, why do you need a texlive-lang-X package?
it was a transitive dependency of something else?
then look at that
why do I have to tell this to you
I thought you might know off the top of your head since you seem to know how tex actually works?
I don't see what's unclear here in the first place
wait, there are people who know how TeX works?
(knuth doesn't count)
huh, it isn't even a transitive dependency of anything apparently
the only reverse depnedency of e.g. texlive-lang-cyrillic is texlive-full
if you ask texlive-full to be installed, it will obviously drag in everything else.
I didn't. I guess apt was just being dumb
there's the Install-Recommends setting.
I guess that must be it
great, debian just majorly broke something in my system
what do I need to downgrade today?
(if somebody knows how XeLaTeX works I'd love to understand why an empty delimiter that starts mathmode is scaled differently from an empty delimiter later in mathmode, whereas this isn't the case in LaTeX)
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I don't even know how xelatex is different from "normal" latex :P
Unicode \o/
great, debian is dumping me in "emergency mode" and I have no idea why
in particular you can use the unicode math characters from the SMP
e.g. "Let 𝜆 be a crossing-free left-alignment of 𝒮 on 𝑉."
(that's from my MSc. thesis, the version compiled with XeLaTeX)
OK apparently the initrd is somehow hosed
whee bisection time!
followed by filing bugs that are probably going to get ignored
also why does latex need to do anything special with Unicode?
can't it just dump the input codepoints/bytes straight to the output?
wasn't it whitequark who tweeted something about TeX's oooold swich from 7-bit?
or is that not how PDF works?
that's not how LaTeX works though
rqou: wat.
tex is a layout engine.
it has to handle fonts. (in fact it has its own font format, METAFONT, among others)
wait it does?
sure it does
also XeLaTeX has (or has packages that have) support for modern font thingies
(my experience with latex was limited to "hack this template until I can turn in my problem sets")
occasionally latex-compatible math markup would be used in other tools as well
I keep being weirded out at Unity not having a type for a (position, velocity) pair, nor a type for instantaneous rigid motion; is this common in phyiscs engines? or is it just a special case of me being weirded out by lack of strong typing?
probably the latter
its just a tuple!! :P
err 4-ple
that's still a tuple
"tu" in "tuple" is not for "2"
in french couple means ordered pair, and paire means unordered pair \o/
egg|egg: why do you even have separate words for ordered and unordered pairs
are you STL
whitequark: because Bourbaki?
its a couple of paires!
pie_: it would be either a 6 or a 2 tuple anyway (6 dof, 2*3)
no, it's a couple of triples :-p
whitequark: which was a Principia version btw :D
well i was assuming a point for the forer, though for a rigid body ok
i cant find the "pay for everything you havent paid for yet" button on aliexpress
whitequark: Bourbaki also gave us the words injective, bijective, surjective; probably an improvement other the weird terminology that existed before (old german books have eineindeutig D:)
eindeutig means unique; eineindeutig would be... ununique?
more like uniunique?
maybe :D
idk what deutig means but ein is one
so im guessing thats supposed to be injective
latin 'copula' based on 'co-' meaning together; see also co-ordinate
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I feel bad that this is what I had off the top of my head for an example of co-
feels like there's a hell of a lot of offtopic here these days
* egg|egg
egg|egg: I want to do one of those lesbian couple jokes but I don't know enough french to do it correctly >_>
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whitequark: hmm, what would that be like?
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egg|egg: there's the trope of someone asking a lesbian couple something to the extent of "which of you is the husband and which is the wife", which spawned a number of increasingly abstract parodies
ah, I had seen instances thereof, but I was unaware of the origin
"which one of you is the lower bound and which is the upper bound" would be appropriate for an ordered set but I don't know enough french to translate that
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well not really lower and upper bound, it's not a range or an interval or somesuch, it's just that it has a first and a last element... hmm
aaah but maybe we can do something with a Kuratowski couple
`define NO_INFER_GP_SHREG_AT_ALL... I must've been creative with the defines that day
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cr1901_modern: lol
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egg|egg is french ? oO
and lives in zurich
azonenberg: btw, could you do me a favor and test that -DNO_INFER_GP_SHREG_AT_ALL still fails in your copy of yosys (currently am unable to test)?
cr1901_modern: Busy right now, poke me later in the day
(It should fail b/c yosys will infer one GP_SHREG anyway despite me instantiating two; and only two GP_SHREGs exist)
Hmm yeah, i need to figure out how to cap shreg infrence
There should be some way to say, once you've inferred X shregs stop inferring them
or alternatively, do a 2-pass technique
first, find all the shregs
sort by size
then infer gp_shreg cells for the largest 2
(if you do it greedy you might extract two 2-cell shregs and not an 8-cell later on in the netlist)
azonenberg: Not saying this is a good usage of a gp4, but it can *physically* support up to a 16-bit shift reg. That's what my examples are testing
What i mean is
shreg extraction should prioritize large shregs over small ones in the event there's not enoguh gp_shreg cells
And should leave smaller ones as discrete DFFs
then if you run out of DFFs, sorry the design doesnt fit
At some point down the road i want to add more aggressive techmapping
Lol... indeed
i think you can use some of the hard IP as flipflops and logic
i have some dirty ideas on how to abuse unused GP_COUNTx cells into logic functions
the counters can be used as FSMs, correct?
(or the "state" register of an FSM)
they're up-down counters
you cannot jump to arbitrary states
you can reset to one specific state of your choice
and you can advance or backtrack, or remain in the current state
And you have to use the DCMPs to check which state you're in
That is actually probably fine for my purposes, maybe? Not sure
As of now i've had better luck doing FSMs with fabric logic
Over time i plan to add more support for inferring complex counter structures, DCMPs, etc
i have a PCB i want to get taped out in the next few days and might work on it after that
Short version, I wonder if a minimal uart (even half duplex) can fit into a GP4
that would be interesting
And i still wanna try and fit more 10baseT into one
You have been warned: the retro part of my plans follow:
I still want to do a retro 8-bit SBC, and GP4 would be good for glue logic and a UART
ha. nice.
b/c well 16550 kinda sucks to program
* qu1j0t3
also wants to build some sbc's
One GP4 would do address decoding, interrupt source "wired-OR", and the other would be the UART. And maybe a third for a small bootstrap program so I could avoid having to put ROM on the board at all.
* cr1901_modern
^ The retro part is above. You can uncover your ears now, azonenberg
hey, i was implementing 10baseT in a gp4 a while ago
that probably qualifies as retro :p
that qualifies as a perversion
How many GP4s does it take to screw in a lightbu- err, to implement 10baseT MAC?
well it's not really a MAC
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Yeah i was barely able to do a PHY
and not a full PHY either
a full PHY would probably need two
one for the autonegotiation and bringup side, and one for the MII and manchester side
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whitequark: one day if i ever have the time
i want to try to figure out some way to automatically partition logic across many greenpaks
(like the big asic emulators do)
and make like a 6502 or something in a bunch of greenpaks
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someone will dump assets.nexperia.com/documents/ :D ?