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<icecream95> ankh: Minetest should be fixed now with latest Mesa from git
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<ankh> icecream95, good to know, ty
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<macc24_> hey icecream95
<macc24_> wanna hear a joke?
<macc24_> suspending on duet xDD
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<macc24_> hey ankh
<macc24_> i don't really see a point in having more than 4g of ram in arm device
<macc24_> but it's me and there are people who would like to have more
<ankh> yea
<ankh> i see you are adding phosh, that will be much nicer for tablet type mode
<macc24_> yeah phosh works almost perfectly
<macc24_> but it needs some configuration, have to add the config file to installer
<ankh> do those android patches need to be bypassed to build Cadmium on the duet itself? My attempts on my thinkpad just led to frustrations with the qemu part of the build.
<ankh> I gave up 100%
<macc24_> iirc theyre fixed now
<macc24_> >qemu part of the build
<macc24_> why qemu?
<ankh> it was erroring out with bootstrap if i recall. this was a couple of weeks ago. I should pull it and try again.
<macc24_> iirc config options aren't enabled for duet yet
<ankh> oh
<macc24_> anbox modules by default will only be modules due to security reasons, and i test them only as modules
<ankh> using iio-proxy-blahblah package I was never able to autorotation to work, is it only under gui and was there any other tricks. I rebooted and took off the keyboard etc and there was no auto rotation. The sensors was working but the screen didn't.
<macc24_> for iio-sensor-proxy you need a daemon compatible with your compositor
<ankh> well that would explain it. :P
<ankh> yea same qemu thing
<ankh> 2021-03-09 11:41:24 URL: [87944/87944] -> "/home/ankh/Cadmium/tmp/r$
<ankh> Segmentation fault
<ankh> qemu: uncaught target signal 11 (Segmentation fault) - core dumped
<ankh> i think my qemu is borked
<macc24_> are you building on debian stable?
<macc24_> and if you need only kernel built just run ./kernel/build ~/path-to-cadmium
<macc24_> with correct device set in config
<ankh> mxlinux buster
<macc24_> yeah, qemu is probably too old
<ankh> qemu-aarch64 version 3.1.0 (Debian 1:3.1+dfsg-8+deb10u8)
<macc24_> oh boy that's ancient
<ankh> sigh!
<macc24_> this is output from my computer: qemu-aarch64 version 5.1.0 (Debian 1:5.1+dfsg-4+b2)
<ankh> backports has 5.2
<ankh> fixed, qemu-aarch64 version 5.2.0 (Debian 1:5.2+dfsg-3~bpo10+1)
<ankh> I put my c101 up for sale today. battery is 81% and the 16gig storage is the reason.
<macc24_> cool
<ankh> I like the c101 but I think the duet is a lot better
<macc24_> i wanted a c101pa or someone with it
<macc24_> yeah but c101pa has more mature hardware support, and doesn't have the giant screen of kevin
<ankh> true
<ankh> and more ports
<ankh> if it was 32gig model I probably would have kept it. not many battery manufacturers and the one found in canada wanted like $100 for it.
<ankh> hmm, Info: Mounted device!
<ankh> Error: Not available on mounted device!
<macc24_> yeah, cadmium doesn't umount the rootfs when it fails
<ankh> oh yea just remembered the screen on kevin was a negatice due to the pixels needed to be pushed. poor little cpu
<macc24_> yeah i wish i had a c101pa
<ankh> omg I think the build is working
<macc24_> is anbox working?
<ankh> well it is installing packages with the hash bar on the bottom of the screen.
<ankh> setting up base system
<ankh> sync
<ankh> Done!
<ankh> echo "Done!"
<ankh> woot!
<ankh> time to test
<ankh> argh!. lol you are trying to copy 'sway-config' in the install-to-emmc but the filename in root is swayconfig . oooops
<macc24_> oops
<ankh> it worked
<macc24_> good
<macc24_> you see the 5.10.20 kernel? ;)
<ankh> yes
<macc24_> ;)
<ankh> todo, mesa git, and tons of other stuff
<ankh> hmm also change console font size. my poor eyes
<macc24_> you get used to it
<macc24_> i got used to 10px terminus font :D
<ankh> well the fhd screen helps
<ankh> is it better to apt-get mesa then build git just for the dependencies?
<macc24_> apt build-dep mesa will be just fine
<ankh> ah
<macc24_> and mesa gets installed anyway when you install anything opengl
<macc24_> i bet you are already running panfrost
<ankh> yep
<ankh> hmm maybe default to installing alsa?
<macc24_> alsa?
<macc24_> you didn't mean pulseaudio?
<ankh> or pulse yea
<macc24_> yea i guess it can be useful
<ankh> audio - check! , fullscreen youtube - check!
<macc24_> >audio
<macc24_> hahahahahahahahha
<ankh> there is some slight jittering in youtube fullscreen, slight tearing I guess
<macc24_> PRs for hardware decoding are welcome
<ankh> auto-rotate - check!
<ankh> icecream95, yup minetest looks good with mesa-git
<ankh> you guys are rockstars
<ankh> hmm mouse pointer is a lil glitchy. seems to disappear sometimes when going from text input areas to other areas. panfrost I suspect?
<macc24_> i guess
<macc24_> or you touched the screen