ChanServ changed the topic of ##yamahasynths to: Channel dedicated to questions and discussion of Yamaha FM Synthesizer internals and corresponding REing. Discussion of synthesis methods similar to the Yamaha line of chips, Sound Blasters + clones, PCM chips like RF5C68, and CD theory of operation are also on-topic. Channel logs:
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* cr1901_modern
did some advertising today lol. Limit to once every few months
So command format proposal: One channel only, and for now you can play a single tone (set FNUM manually). The format will be [REG]: [Hex number without leading "$" or "0x"], >>
All fields must be filled in, but order doesn't matter
maybe I missed soething earlier, but why not make it a binary format and save some space?
needs to be xferred directly to an IRC bot
Idk how to make IRC bots accept binary data
oh right, I'm an idiot
I've never actually downloaded using CTCP
* cr1901_modern
is checking something
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whitequark: That application manual is a lifesaver, if hard to read
I would say "I hope you get angry more often" but that would be mean :P
(which connects the Carrier (C) and Modulator (M) either in series (FM) or parallel (AM))
cr1901_modern: hah
Oh, and perhaps WS{C, M} for "Wave select" to change the shape of the sine wave input to the Carrier/Modulator
I'm thinking of omitting AM mode because you can get the same effect w/ FM (except one tone instead of two) by completely attenuating the output of the Carrier operator
... wait, no. AM is still useful for constructing waveforms w/ feedback
cr1901_modern: okay sure
can you give me an example string that should produce eg A440
Carrier and Modulator separated by 1 I/O address each for each set of registers if memory serves
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twitter said to find you here
Yay, advertising worked :P
tho, I'm just some guy :)
I live over in #robotics
<cr1901_modern> Page 16 of the user manual. I have no idea what it's talking about, considering that the Rate registers are only 4 bits wide. So what's the point of splitting them into two like that?
rue_mohr: Cool :D!
whitequark: I'm about to call it quits for tonight. If you get around to trying my parameters and they don't work, just yell at me. I didn't test them in emulation or on an old system (didn't feel like setting one up)
yea I gotta go do real things
TLC:8 instead of TLC:18 (typo above with "0x") might be better. Total Level of 0 is a good way to piss off headphone users :)
Oh, and WS:0 (the default for the chip)
cr1901_modern: ok
I'll have to test this myself, but my advice would be "don't allow a user to set TL to 0 in the Modulator in FM (composition mode) or Carrier/Modulator in AM mode (sum mode)". TL is essentially a volume control in those instances.
And it is L.O.U.D.
Lemurs Of Unusual Depth? I don't believe they exist.
* Wohali
gets ravaged by a very angry lemur
It is pitch black. You are very likely to be eaten by a lemur.
>walk north
You see two large eyes starting at you.
> use torch
The large-eyed entity swipes the torch away and you are ripped to shreds
Game over
This reminds me of the Shadowgate ending w/ self-immolation
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cr1901_modern: TL 0 isn't really that loud if you play it on one channel only.
In VGMMM it's enough to make me unhappy :P
TL 0 is fine especially for drums.
For melodic voices, yeah, it's usually too loud, at least on the YM2612.
In mid2smps I have the maximum volume set to TL 8, because that's approximately the highest volume you can get with a PSG channel.
OPL chips feel more quiet though. Maybe it's that, due to them having more channels, the overall volume of the OPL emulators is lower.
the subject of TL is a bit complicated because depending on the design of the analog output circuitry the waveform may clip
on a X68000 for example you can have no attenuation, have the chip "sing" at it's loudest and it won't clip no matter what
some designs using opamps on single rail power supply will clip the audio at the same volume values
YM2612 is a different case due to the different DAC, too
the ym2612 analog multiplexer (all slots seem to tap a 'common' dac for the fm stuff EXCEPT the pcm dac which is an entirely separate dac?)
while the ym3438 analog multiplexer slots all connect to the same dac, which is shared betwene FM and PCM
ym3438 is a better design
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but in terms of yamaha chips which do multiplexing instead of actual mixing, theres the ym2612 and ym3438, then the entire OPLL series including the VRC7, and that might be it, although i have a suspicion the 'SSG++' from the PSS-80 and PSS-100, and maybe a few other oddball chips like the OPK and OPQ)
the digital output ones can't do temporal mising, only the analog output ones
SSG++ i have a suspicion is basically two SSGs attached back to back, plus PWM control, so basically an ay-8930 clone but with one analog output pin
and no i/o pins
I am willing to desolder the mcu from my pss-80 if kevtris or someone is willing to dump it. it is an hd6301V0 which i believe has no protection at all
that keyboard should be pretty easy to get going if we can figure out the register order on the ssg++, which hopefully matches the real SSG or is close enough to figure out