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<micahjohnston> what was that one webcomic with lots of dicks in it
so, I realize I am late to the party
but how many of you have seen urbit?
I did
I think it's an incredibly elaborate trolling attempt
I thought the same thing about this channel
whitequark: it's very bizarre and definitely impractical but it has some neat aspects
it's a trolling attempt
devyn: that's fine actually
honestly I'm treating it as a work of artistic expression
and it's pretty neat as one
what's not fine is that the whole thing is written with zero regard to the reader, all while pretending right the opposite
explain. I haven't gotten very far lol
well, for example it claims to be simpler [to understand] than contemporary functional languages
yeah, while the author claims that it would have been impossible to write had he learned Haskell or Lisp
yet it's in practice much more complex, 20% because it is turing tarpit-ish, and 80% because the terminology is deliberately chosen to be confusing
he obviously is familiar with haskell, lisp, etc
yes, I found that to be a weird claim
I don't very much like the idea of making every single component a four letter nonsense word
so what i predict is:
the majority of people is going to dismiss this as an insane weird thing
and there'll be a minority of incredibly arrogant nerds running around and claiming it's the best thing since sliced bread
well you can predict that one of two things will happen with every thing released in the software world
1) it becomes a gigantic marketing thing and everyone must learn it (ruby, node.js, etc.)
2) it becomes a fringe and everyone who knows what's up must learn it
categorize: linux, libxml2, qt, ...
okay. never mind. that was a bad claim. it just seems like anything hyped these days is like that
it's some kind of cognitive bias. no one is going to be butthurt because qt is too fringe/not fringe enough
so you don't notice it
oh, hm
I think that things which are deliberately marketed by someone tend to polarize people
and infrastructure stuff which just takes over by default does not, at all
it just seems like a bunch of random words that don't mean anything
never seen any forth? or apl?
no, no
I have
but... using nonsense words instead?
there's ruby gem names
but that is a creative way of avoiding namespace collisions
it's not like you can have collisions when you directly control the namespace.
* whitequark
he just wants to fuck with you.
on the more serious side, there's primitives
which are implemented in urbit "for correctness"
and then pattern-matched by the C runtime "for speed"
so he claims to have the advantages of both and disadvantages of none
but it's actually the opposite lol
1) how do you verify C code which is actually used? you don't
yeah, so there goes the correctness claim
2) how do you ensure sensible portability of primitives? you tie yourself to a fucking implementation
but then he would just dismiss interpreters that did things wrong as, well, wrong
because if you don't and it falls back to urbit, it is *not* usable
is the implementation not portable?
I'm not certain
it doesn't matter
but I get the point
he claims that the implementation is not a part of the language, but it totally is
so no, it's not those 300 lines
this kind of reminds me of toki pona somehow
I see zero difference with using, say, lambda calculus, which is a turing tarpit
and extending it with stuff when you need it
it's literally the same approach, except with more weird names
guess he should have read that lisp manual :]
the weird names really are stupid
every single piece of code looks like some weird piece of Vogon poetry
I would totally be for them, *if* he actually invented some really new stuff, calling which "function" or "closure" or whatever would actually be confusing
but it's, again, just the opposite
vogon poetry lol.
this is probably the best description i heard
you know I feel like the names are actually taxonomic somehow
right? I feel like he's trying to build some kind of MUD...networked machine thing
; ~podlyr-ralsev-picben-laglus--silsep-holnup-rigmud-sitfet: cgyarvin said on IRC that %mint-coke is the most obscure error
what even
an error named mint-coke
it really seems like he's trying to build something similar to, well, a hack lab, but over the internet... I get the feeling that this is all meant to be considered one uniform machine, basically
to me it looks more like an OS where distributed computing is builtin
sort of like plan9
but I think it's more than that - yes, that's a feature but I think it's a side effect of something bigger
it's basically got community interaction features built into the core OS
hell as I'm on IRC here, in the window where I'm running urbit
I can see people talking
he is fucking obsessed with four letter names
weev = 'web event'
cron = 'wakeup' (heh)
but the whole four letter thing like
this is all so OCD
and then less important things, temporary variables or something
seem to be three letters
fuck it, I'm looking at his C code. hold on.
was that you talking
joelteon: ?
oh, the guy talking about mint-coke wasn't you
that was podlyr-ralsev-picben-laglus--silsep-holnup-rigmud-sitfet
what even
commit message: "Revise some bowl handling."
holy shit
his C code is just as ridiculously structured