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Qi Hardware: @qihardware <xiangfu> Ben NanoNote oscsend message to @milkymistjv ( 186305038984036354@qihardware - 24s ago via qi-bot )
he, i even dint knew about oscsend on the ben
kristianpaul, I have a typo again. :( milkymistvj not milkymistjv
what is the admin account good for? :)
wolfspraul: we are looking for speaks/workshop about open & mobile platforms and Open Source Hardware
and Qi project is very interesting
!seen wolfspraul
DocScrutinizer, please look a bit closer at the memberlist of this channel.
~seen wolfspraul
wolfspraul is currently on #qi-hardware (1d 7h 25m 1s). Has said a total of 4 messages. Is idling for 1d 7h 15m 55s, last said: 'I hope he makes it to this channel, that'd be cool'.
wolfspraul: DocScrutinizer anyway I added this channel to my favourites, but feel free to contact me via e-mail when I am offline, soon as possible :-)
I have to reply to the guy who recently asked about the vienna open source days, urgh
going backwards in my todo list as usual :-)
in the end it comes down to how much effort you yourself are going to make
a lot of conferences are run on the premise that there are many hungry marketing departments of large cash-rich tech corps out there looking for opportunities to show their skills
so you ping them, then they check the cool factor, and if it's cool enough, they move their machine
that is not going to happen with Qi
wolfspraul: do you have any contact on Jirka?
can you contact him over his blog?
he is a customer but for privacy reasons I cannot give you the contact info I got from there. I can google though, same as you. or go via the blog.
I can, but I would like to use more direct approach...googling anyway
sorry this may appear so unfriendly, but I have to protect customer data, in fact I am deleting most of it as soon as I can :-)
I know :-)
yes understand, well normally 100% of everything is open, but not that one
there is an implicit confidentiality in a buyer-seller relationship
but he is blogging :-)
if the buyer wants to be open about what he bought, he will do so himself, as Jirka did
I found his last name inside sources hosted on github :-)
if there would be a totally anonymous way to buy, then we could consider someone who is buying non-anonymously to implicitly accept that the transaction is (semi)public
but there is not, and even if there were everybody would need to be aware of it
so no
and I think, I know him from somewhere :-)
unfortunately buying something and paying for it requires you to strip yourself quite a bit
what about using Bitcoins?
not my system, but that's how it is. and then I cannot turn around and use that data, anywhere. it's unfair.
sure I'm for it
but then you still have the shipping address problem
and returns/warranty
wolfspraul: understood :-)
we have some customers who go pretty far on this
they use pre-paid credit cards, and product delivered to one-time po boxes
but 99% will open up all their data as required by 'the system'
and I will delete that asap...
so yeah, I'm sure you will get in touch with him
Martix: do you have a url for the event?