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<wolfspraul> do they plan to also change the schematics file format?
<wpwrak> i think so, yes. it would make sense anyway
<wpwrak> as long as it supports both the old and new format, we have a nice and unrushed migration path
<emeb> running MACHINE=beaglebone bitbake console-image. Why on earth is it building xorg & gtk?
<emeb> whoops - wrong chl. srry...
<GNUtoo-desktop> emeb, because some console software are built with Xorg use flags
<emeb> yep - figured it was some sort of silly dependency thing.
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<qi-bot> [commit] Wolfgang Spraul: upleveled cmdline patches to kicad bzr 3493 (master)
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<wolfspra1l> yes, I know
<wolfspra1l> but thanks for reporting!
<kyak> no problem :)
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<mirko> wolfspra1l: got the patches from xiangfu - however i'm a bit confused about them
<mirko> they now just affect the xburst-target - i thought the wpan-stuff should be moved into the generic part and be available for all targets?
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<wolfspra1l> mirko: well one by one. the wpan hardware and drivers are separate pieces, so this is just a clean kernel update now, which builds fine
<mirko> wolfspra1l: ah, ok - got it
<mirko> wolfspra1l: that makes the review far more easy since you're the main user space and it's (just) you who will be affected by bugs :)
<wolfspra1l> speed & quality
<wolfspra1l> thanks for your time to review!
<wolfspra1l> there's only a small number of Ben users now, so if that breaks use cases of far more widely available devices: bad
<qi-bot> [commit] kyak: gcc-mips: correct md5sum (master)
<mirko> wolfspra1l: commited (
<mirko> i'd really love to get the wpan stuff upstream
<mirko> so don't hesitate to send me related patches for review
<wolfspra1l> oh sure, definitely. but there was some movement in too I think, related to wpan
<wolfspra1l> let me dig a little - plus some testing on non-xburst targets...
<wolfspra1l> it's easy to plug an atusb into a router with usb support, so that should definitely work first - then patch
<kyak> mirko: why did you decide not to commit some patches (like for modifier keys or for fbcon color fonts)?
<mirko> kyak: most likely because they didn't go into my inbox? :)
<kyak> ah! :) i thought you based your work on what's in openwrt-xburst repo
<kyak> so maybe xiangfu knows why
<mirko> kyak: probably - at least he's the person i got the patches from
<wolfspra1l> kyak: what is ready for upstream?
<kyak> wolfspra1l: if you mean openwrt upstream - i think all of them are ready (we use them for Ben image releases after all). If we speak about kernel upstream - i have no idea
<wolfspra1l> the case with this patch was special because mirko said he wanted to get the xburst kernel updated and xiangfu sent a patch for just that directly to mirko by mail
<mirko> kyak: we (openwrt) are going to release in june/july and we want to get rid of old kernel versions, since currently we have to maintain generic patches for 8 kernel versions
<kyak> so maybe xiangfu decided some patches are not ready for openwrt upstream (or maybe he thought it would be more convenient to leave them at openwrt-xburst repo and have control over them)
<mirko> all targets not levelled up to a current version will get dropped therefore
<wolfspra1l> I would love to upstream more, but there seems a bottleneck in the review process
<wolfspra1l> I would think a good way are attachments in the bug tracker, or patches sent to the mailing list
<wolfspra1l> but I regularly hear and see them being ignored...
<kyak> mirko: yea, i got you. I hope 3.2.1 version is sufficient not be get dropped? :)
<mirko> you can still try to get them upstream via me - will try to give feedback asap then
<wolfspra1l> mirko: do patches to the openwrt mailing list work?
<mirko> wolfspra1l: should
<wolfspra1l> ;-)
<mirko> wolfspra1l: you might also ping me additionally in irc/jabber
<kyak> i agree with wolfgang - it is really hard to get response in openwrt ticket systems even with patches, unless i contact mirko or jow directly
<wolfspra1l> kyak: I think if you have a high quality piece that you are reasonably sure will not break other targets, email mirko directly
<mirko> i agree as well, that's why i tried to get most OpenWrt devs together in athens
<mirko> to talk about that
<mirko> the meeting went quite productive and we're kina restructering and realizing agreed solutions
<kyak> wolfspra1l: yep, i usually ping or pm in IRC :)
<mirko> wolfspra1l: kyak: ack - if you think review overhead might be small send it to openwrt-devel / attach the patch to a ticket and ping me
<kyak> mirko: thanks!
<mirko> welcome, we know about the openwrt patch situation and its perceived image, however there's no simple, immediat and satisfying solution
<mirko> that's why we met in greece 2 weeks ago :)
<kyak> how many people were there? and how many openwrt devs are there overall?
<mirko> will definitely spend more time reviewing the mailing list and tickets from now on
<mirko> kyak: there were 7 (and therewith most of the core team) present in greece
<mirko> kyak: about the people having commit access take a look here:
<kyak> i see, so probably not so many developers visited
<mirko> as said, most of the core-team did
<mirko> lemme re-phrase: most of the currently active devs participated
<mirko> people get added to the wiki-page, however not removed :)
<kyak> you should call it "hall of fame" then ;)
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<jow_laptop> kyak: your gettext patches look fine, did you compile test them?
<jow_laptop> I have to hunt down another regresion atm so I don't want to recompile gettext just now because it takes ages
<kyak> jow_laptop: sure, recompiled and tested
<kyak> jow_laptop: however, note the comment about DISABLE_NLS - you shouldn't apply the patch
<jow_laptop> yes, seen it
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<kyak> did you set the nonexistant variable name CONFIG_ENABLE_LOCALE for the same reason, i.e. explicit --enable-nls brakes some packages?
<jow_laptop> I don't know the background
<jow_laptop> I inherited lots of it and cleaned it up step by step
<jow_laptop> I believe --disable-nls is one of the first optimization attempts, before we started punching autofail into obedience
<kyak> leaving like it is now is pretty safe; then i just add DISABLE_NLS:=--enable-nls in the package's Makefile, if i really want NLS
<jow_laptop> yes, bringing solid nls support is an equally big task as introducing libtool 2.x into the tree
<jow_laptop> so we cannot do it globablly for now
<kyak> and there is actually just one package so far where i really wanted NLS.. probably there are more to come
<jow_laptop> yeah. Point is it should work equally well with both nls on and off
<jow_laptop> so there needs to be an automagic way to package up *.mo files
<kyak> hm right..
<kyak> probable a job for
<jow_laptop> yeah, we could add another hook which does find $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR) -name '*.mo' | xargs cp somewhere
<kyak> this reminds me our discussion about automagical creation of *-dev packages :)
<jow_laptop> right, me too
<kyak> jow_laptop: do you know why the toolchain in staging_dir/toolchain-* requires STAGING_DIR env variable to be set?
<kyak> it wasn't like that some time ago
<jow_laptop> yes, I changed gcc to require it
<jow_laptop> I got tired of the -I and -L crap
<jow_laptop> and the brainfuck -sysroot is
<jow_laptop> so its now all inferred from the STAGING_DIR env var
<jow_laptop> and not even libtool and autofail are able to break it
<jow_laptop> or other retarded build systems unable to deal with cross compilation
<kyak> hm ok! i only used the toolchain to build external kernel, so i luckily never hit these problems
<jow_laptop> the theory is that you define STAGING_DIR to the dir where your target-libraries and includes are
<jow_laptop> then you stick gcc in PATH and maybe set CROSS_COMPILE and it all works
<jow_laptop> openwrt's versions of automake, autoconf, cmake, flex, bison, libtool etc. are respecting STAGING_DIR as well
<jow_laptop> so the SDK becomes fully relocatable
<jow_laptop> not tied to specific absolute pathes anymore
<jow_laptop> however I have some patches in the queue to make a missing STAGING_DIR env var nonfatal in gcc
<jow_laptop> just haven't had the the time to test it
<kyak> if there was a way to figure out the STAGING_DIR path from the compiler path
<jow_laptop> kyak: no there is no way, we had a somewhat related discussion about that here a while ago
<jow_laptop> the problem is that on openwrt one toolchain may serve multiple targets
<jow_laptop> so you cannot infer the target path from the toolchain
<jow_laptop> the toolchain may be even externally provided, in this case there'd be no connection to the target at all
<kyak> yeah.. but what if there is just one staging_dir/target-* directory? then we coudl safely assume that this is the STAGING_DIR. In many cases there is just one target directory
<kyak> external toolchain - yeah, that's the problem..
<jow_laptop> then some gcc version switch occurs, you got two and get unexpected behaviours and angry users complaining about how "hard" and "unintuitive" it is to compiel C on openwrt ;)
<kyak> you are right :) btw, is the STAGING_DIR set automatically when using prebuilt Toolchain?
<jow_laptop> its set whenever you compile using openwrt makefiles and -targets
<jow_laptop> the prebuilt one is bare, no setup or wrapper scripts
<jow_laptop> so the answer is no, not set automatically
<jow_laptop> but I was thinking about shipping a
<jow_laptop> which exports some needed env vars to the current shell
<jow_laptop> so the workflow would be like ./; make whatever
<jow_laptop> or ./; mips-openwrt-linux-gcc -o test test.c
<kyak> ok, i got you.. one of my small projects ( is using gcc from toolchain directly, so i might have to adapt
<whitequark> kyak: better add autocrap
<whitequark> ow
<whitequark> just imagine
<whitequark> flash has OPCODES for dealing with XML.
<whitequark> wpwrak: consider adding xml opcodes to M1 SoC!
<whitequark> just for lulz
<DocScrutinizer> yeah, and a java p-code core
<DocScrutinizer> wait, ARM already got that?
<DocScrutinizer> jazelle
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<whitequark> damn
<whitequark> I found _another_ flash compiler bug
<kyak> jow_laptop: just to confirm - are you waiting for gettext rebuild after the changes before you can accept it?
<jow_laptop> kyak: no, I have to review some gsoc stuff currently
<kyak> jow_laptop: ok, sorry for bothering and thanks!
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<whitequark> I never laughed so hard like at the "RATIONALE" section in Flash compiler sources
<whitequark> they should have called it "IRRATIONALE"
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<rjeffries> Even though I'm aware that there's apparently little interest here in tablet form factor devices. ...
<rjeffries> and stipulating that indeed, this is not an OpenHardware device, even so it is interesting (to me) what $100usd buys today.
<rjeffries> A couple of weeks ago I purchased the Lenovo 7 inch tablet for $200. It is a solid performer, in some ways better than this one (e.g. has Bluetooth, has two cameras)
<rjeffries> I find the 7 inch screen quite useable. Fine for email (my main use case) fabulous as a way to view photos. $99 is the new black. ;)
<rjeffries> Note that from a specs POV, the Lenovo ideaPad A1 trumps the Polaroid as it should for double the price. Biggest Lenovo advantage: screen resolution of 1024x600
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<Aylax> zear, ghex
<Aylax> (Sorry, wrong chan)
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<DocScrutinizer> wrong planet? sounds like klingon
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