my system for dynamic is completely weird.
high-level summary:
there's an additional step between “compile-time” and “run-time”
we'll call it transform-time
At transform-time, APIs are made available to your code that have mutation-access to Scripts
but all *externally-visible* APIs are no-ops.
then, at run-time, the Script-mutation APIs are no-ops, but the rest of the real-world-interaction APIs are available again.
the IPP *runs* your code, in that transform-time mode, completely normally: all functions, all branching, all what-the-fuck-ever you've implemented … as long as it isn't *dependent* on filesystem/network/console/whatever access … operate as per normal,
I have this in Foundry, heh
except that any time a call into the mutation API is completed, it immediately halts the world, and starts over with the mutated code.
so, syntax-modifying/“magic” code is interspersed *right alongside* all other code: you can define syntax right in the middle of the body of your function, based on the same heuristic the “run-time” branches of your code are using, or what the fuck ever …
… you can ship syntax for your library *inside* the library, so that when the library is required/included/whatever'd, the syntax is available as well …
… and any syntax involved in a higher-level language built on top of Paws (which is the entire point of Paws) can all be introspected through user's code, and modified, from within their own code
by design, if you're running some sort of *source-code* (i.e. cPaws, or another format similar thereunto, say a graphical code-representation in an IDE) for the first time,
it's actually likely to be *partially* run, hundreds of times. Or even thousands.
* whitequark
raises his hand
as each syntax-modifying section is reached in turn, and executed.
obviously, this can be largely optimized. but nonetheless, it's expected to be slow.
let's omit this part and implement every part of paws except syntactic shit
it's kind of cool but let's focus on massively parallel stuff
not holywar-inducing syntax rage
I'm doing exactly that
that's the entire point of cPaws and the IPP
it gives me two, really really nice cop-outs when discussing Paws:
A) “Don't worry! It'll be beautiful *later*.”
and B) “no, I won't listen to you argue with me about the syntax of cPaws. It's not even *intended* to represent all possible Paws programs, so it doesn't *need* to be robust/perfect/whatever.”
IPP's the next step after distribution, design-wise.
we've done everything up to concurrency; right now, the design work is all going into time-travel/bubbles/whatever-you-wanna-call-em
but this is why I want alexgordon's attention: I need his mindset, that is, the mindset of a boring programmer, *not* a batshit-insane-programmer *or* super-intellectual-PLT-nerd, to see how other boring people might design Paws implementations
that's the kind of thing I need to be thinking about for the upcoming work on distribution.
have to make sure the protocol, and any language-design-changes necessary for distribution, is flexible enough to support non-Elliott-insane implementations.