<elorest> We'll any suggestions you have on docs would be appreciated. With SEO since it's using gitbook I'd think it would be indexed fairly well for search engines.
<elorest> Even with crystal you have to be really specific with google searches other wise you start finding magic crystals and meth and stuff.
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<kvirani> haha, fair re: crystal.
<kvirani> Any idea what is the cause of these error numbers for Amber in the benchmark comparisons (linked from Amber's README)? https://d.pr/i/Nis87m
<elorest> I've beat my head against that a lot. I've gotten way better numbers than that on a much weaker server. I don't have that issue in production.
<elorest> You'll also notice that rails unicorn has tons of errors despite being pretty great in production on thousands of servers. We were able to run the benchmark setup in vagrant without the errors as well. On my imac I actually got better scores running techempower benchmark for amber in their vagrant setup that their getting on their super computer.
<elorest> I'd prefer we didn't even show those benchmarks on the site.
<kvirani> Oh wow okay. Good to know. The benchmarks do look great. This is just one issue if you really dig in. Overall the ranking is still good, no? ⏎ ⏎ Perhaps where the benchmark is linked, we could summarize them so that the reader doesn't have to invest time in determining Amber's generate performance comparison to other major contenders like Rails?
<kvirani> If you agree, I can open a PR. Looking for things to tackle that are easy for new comers, and docs are fine too, to start :)
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<waghanza> hi, could a route be constraint by a param type ? like `match 'maps/:id', to: 'maps#show' ,constraints: { id: /\d+/}, via: :get` in `rails` ?
<Blacksmoke16> the router supports it, however im not sure if amber team added a way to set it
<Blacksmoke16> im not super familiar with amber itself
<Blacksmoke16> but yes its possible, should be an easy addition, if its not already a thing. just need a way to define the constraints hash
<waghanza> `rails` ways is 👌 for me
<Blacksmoke16> syntax would be more like `{"id" => /\d+/}` tho, as in crystal land `{ id: /\d+/}` is a NamedTuple and we wont know the keys ahead oftime
<waghanza> sure
<Blacksmoke16> 👍
<Blacksmoke16> ill create an issue for that
<Blacksmoke16> oh i lied
<Blacksmoke16> it actually supports `{"id" => /\d+/}`, `{id: /\d+/}`, and `{:id => /\d+/}` syntax :S
<Blacksmoke16> kinda sad considering i was the one who added that feature ha
<Blacksmoke16> oops
<waghanza> 😛
<waghanza> do you have an example of the route ?
<Blacksmoke16> sorry?
<waghanza> `get "/user/:id", ApplicationController, :get, contraints: {"id" => /\d+/}` lead to a *no argument named 'contraints'*
<waghanza> and there is not doc for this