<rmarronnier> @elorest Wow, that's great to hear :-)
<damianham> @elorest I agree it isn't that hard to deal with and it may not be worth adding the 'Model' suffix at this stage but a heads up on a possible future name clash might be useful. For example any name that is a built in object or standard library object of the main popular languages (and thus may become a builtin object of crystal in a future version), e.g. Generator (Javascript).
<jgaskins> Is there a way to get Granite to accept a full-text-search query? This doesn't seem to be a thing ⏎ ⏎ ```Model.where("to_tsvector('english', body) @@ to_tsquery('english', ?)", value)``` [https://gitter.im/amberframework/amber?at=5cc3f93a3d78aa6c03a17699]
<jgaskins> I guess I'm more wondering if there's a way around `where` requiring you to pass a field, comparator, and value.
<jgaskins> Like, I need to pass an expression rather than a value.
<damianham> Model.all("where body = ?", [value])
<jgaskins> @damianham That doesn't seem to work with other `WHERE` conditions, unfortunately.
<jgaskins> It does seem that it would work if the FTS was the only part of the `WHERE` clause, but the FTS is only part of the query :-\
<elorest> @alex-lairan We're really close to getting amber to work with 0.28.0.
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<alex-lairan> @elorest ok, I will use the docker image until it release :)
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<Blacksmoke16> @jgaskins you could try like `Model.all("to_tsvector('english', body) @@ to_tsquery('english', ?)", value)`
<Blacksmoke16> or even `Model.exec SQL` which would directly run the sql