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<FromGitter> <GildedHonour> Is a compilation time of Crystal horrible?
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<FromGitter> <eliasjpr> Is rather slow compared to other compiled languages (Rust, GO, OCaml) I would say
<FromGitter> <eliasjpr> @andrewc910 when do you think the Motion library will be ready? I would like to use it in a project I am working on
<FromGitter> <andrewc910> @eliasjpr Define done. The initial release would probably be in 1-2 weeks. I want to do another pass on all the code this coming week. ⏎ ⏎ However, i wouldn't recommend putting it in a production application. It is definitely still alpha. The initial release will only have invoking motions from frontend interactions. It won't have timers or model broadcasts for some time if those are the features you are
<FromGitter> ... looking for.
<FromGitter> <eliasjpr> timers = interval refresh?
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