lkcl changed the topic of #arm-netbook to: arm-netbook: Don't ask to ask. Just ask! - EOMA68 spec - ML - Logs or - For Allwinner/sunxi discussions prefer #linux-sunxi - iMX6 Card - Flying Squirrel - Allwinner A10/A20 Card -
TorC is now known as Marqueteur
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<bkero> Heya, for the EOMA68 spec I was curious why only the thinner form factor supports 1080p while the others are limited to 1366x768. The pinout is the same, so shouldn't the capabilities be the same?
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<Marqueteur> bkero: I've got to run, but in short: There is nothing that says the thick cards *can't* support 1080p, but all thick cards *must* support 1080p. The reason the thin ones have the higher resolution is because you can't put a thick card in a thin slot, but you can put a thin card in a thick slot.
<bkero> Marqueteur: Yeah, I read the spec, I was just confused why they would be different
<bkero> (Why one would require 1080p and the other 2 not)
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<Marqueteur> bkero: Because the thick card can't be inserted into a thin housing, the lower specs are in those. A thin card housing *must* support 1080p, whereas a thick card housing is only *required* to support 1366x768. A thick card housing *may* support 1080p, but if it does, it *must* support being fed 1366x768. This is to ensure that *any* card can be inserted into *any* housing it fits into and it will work, without requiring low-resource (read low-cost
<Marqueteur> There was a thread on this on the list back in December, where this was hashed out in more detail.
<bkero> I can go find that
<Marqueteur> Back to work for me (AFK)
<bkero> I'm understanding that the thicker cards are lower cost
<bkero> so they might have (for example) a single LVDS channel equivalent
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