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<david_boddie> vktec: Your question yesterday about shipping to the UK is answered in this mailing list thread:
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<vktec> david_boddie: Thanks. As far as I can tell from that thread, the answer is "yes, you will need to pay import charges". Let me know if I'm misinterpreting that.
<david_boddie> vktec: That's my understanding. If you order, the charges are included in the billing information.
<vktec> Okay
<vktec> Thanks david_boddie
<david_boddie> Actually, the site says $10 worldwide for various things. I think there are probably handling/service fees on top of that. I can try to give more info if you want. :-)
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<shymega> o/ pizzaiolo
<pizzaiolo> o/ shymega
<shymega> \o/
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