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<waxwing> tromp, yes, of course (CT is that :)) ... i need to find a way to express the idea that a single challenge can be computationally enough to fix a vector based on m roots amongst p numbers (m/p chance to hit), but this example doesn't make sense (for your reason and perhaps others -- no bandwidth required to communicate a 0 vector!)
<waxwing> that's one of 2 or three things in the doc i wasn't happy with; i'll be sticking it on github shortly (some annoying conversion ongoing). then can make changes there.
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<tromp> m/p is also the odds of randomly guessing the discrete log of any of the m generators
<waxwing> sure, that's good :) trying to argue it's not computationally feasible to get P(e) to be zero
<waxwing> afk
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<musalbas> kanzure, what aj said basically. see this thread for more: I want to be able to commit to a set of values to append to a tree, while proving that i've only appended and not removed anything from the tree, in O(log n) time for n elements added, while supporting non-inclusion proofs
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<kanzure> i can do you for a drop O(log n) requirement then we talk
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<musalbas> well we already know how to do it for O(n)
<musalbas> the question is, if we it can be done for O(log n) for merkle trees that don't support non-inclusion proofs, can it can be done for trees that do, or is there something inherently impossible about it
<musalbas> if we know it can be done*
<musalbas> i mean non-membership proofs, not non-inclusion proofs
<musalbas> well, they're the same thing
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<waxwing> tromp, i think the best way to state it is something like: you can use a single challenge scalar to assert that two differently constructed commitment sets (or vectors) are actually to the same set of values, by the reasoning that P_1(x) = P_2(x) is an identity, using the commitments as coefficients in P_1, P_2, with the probability argument already mentioned.
<waxwing> for example you see it play out at the end of sec 4.5, the first inner product proof, where you have (ex+d_x) dot (ey+d_y) = ze^2 + z_1 e + z_0 and you use it to assert z = x dot y
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<yoleaux> [Lightning-dev] Post-Schnorr lightning txes
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<kanzure> musalbas: you can't get better than O(n) because sorting
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<stevenroose> Where can I find resources about how Schnorr signatures are being explored in relation to Bitcoin?
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<guna> hi freinds
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<Guest28544> hello freinds
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<Guest28544> why market is going down
<stevenroose> Is there a fork of libsecp256k1 that has it implemented?
<sipa> stevenroose: yes, but there are many moving parts
<sipa> especially with taproot and graftroot recently
<musalbas> Guest28544 => #bitcoin-pricetalk
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<Guest28544> any updates on market
<Guest28544> do you people think crypto market is going to die ?
<sipa> Guest28544: not here
<sipa> this channel is for discussion of theoretical ideas, not markets
<Guest28544> what do you mean ideas
<sipa> novel cryptography, consensus algorithms, zero knowledge proofs, ...
<rabidus> like topic says
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<musalbas> Guest28544, if you want to discuss markets, go to #bitcoin-pricetalk
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<stevenroose> sipa: I read about taproot, let me check out graftroot
<stevenroose> So it's still up for a lot of changes?
<stevenroose> the musig paper was kinda general
<sipa> the musig paper has very little to do with the schnorr proposal
<sipa> it's more a "here's a nifty thing we discovered during our research, may be useful"
<sipa> it solves the problem of how to combine plain public key security (=no need for a setup protocol) with key aggregation (=ability to make the combined signature look like a single single on a combined key)
<sipa> for multisig in bitcoin we need key aggregation, but no plain public key security
<sipa> for cross-input signature aggregation we need plain public key security, but not key aggregation
<sipa> so the two problems can be solved perfectly fine without musig, if they use different solutions
<sipa> musig is just a nifty way to deal with it if you insist on solving both with the same scheme
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<stevenroose> sipa: you know any resources that explain how Schnorr signatures can be implemented over an EC?
<sipa> k = random
<sipa> R = k*G
<sipa> P = x*G (x = private key)
<sipa> m = message
<sipa> s = k + H(R,P,m)*x
<sipa> sig = (R,m)
<sipa> eh
<sipa> sig = (R,s)
<naribia> hello wizards, where should I begin if I want to understand and play with crypto primative stuff (like what you're describing sipa)
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<stevenroose> Hmm, ok, that seems like what I expected. Let me try that.
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<stevenroose> Wait, sipa, does graftroot allow any M-of-N with constant overhead??
<sipa> yes
<stevenroose> N-of-N in the normal signature and any other combo using the surrogates
<stevenroose> Wow
<stevenroose> It's funny somehow to hear so many people complain about innovation going slow in Bitcoin, but it also makes sure you don't get a ton of features that get rendered useless by strictly better ones later :p
<stevenroose> It's basically strictly better than MAST right?
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