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<tobeey> I'm surprised that grin will be unlimited supply
<tobeey> won't there be a rush to create alts for it?
<tobeey> obviously I'd like to contribute hashing power to support the real grin
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<tobeey> are there Any oOOoooh... e'iz Ard ere?
<tobeey> i know i have ahh appiness
<tobeey> the grin is a pea
<tobeey> me want to take many a p
<tobeey> :|
<tobeey> grin will make me happy
<tobeey> :)
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<grzs> yeah grin looks great :)
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<maaku> tobeey: a fixed subsidy is indistinguishable from a fixed supply in the limit
<maaku> economically it's not really any different than bitcoin in the long term
<belcher> are they different in some other way? why choose one over the other
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<maaku> i don't know. i don't think what grin is doing has value, so I'm the wrong person to ask why they are doing it
<wumpus> apart from the practical consideration that, with an infinitely increasing supply, it needs to be able to handle arbitrarily large integer amounts
<sipa> you don't necessarily need to support arbitrarily large values within one output
<sipa> though having an inevitable exponential growth in utxos may also be undesirable
<wumpus> it does need to be able to verify that sum(inputs) >= sum(outputs)
<sipa> well, not in CT :)
<sipa> or rather, that's implied
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<wumpus> good point
<sipa> but it still has practical limits
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<sipa> the range proofs become larger if the supported ranges are largee
<sipa> and you need to make sure the sum of amounts within one transaction doesn't exceed 2^256
<sipa> (or whatever the curve order is)
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<maaku> it would take 700 years for the perpetual subsidy of grin to overflow 64 bits in total issuance, and probably a million years before that is of actual concern to utxos
<sipa> haha
<grzs> this sounds like the beginning of the most awesome sci fi novel ever
<maaku> not that it really matters, quantum computers will arrive way before then
<sipa> "if only we had known 700 years ago"
<maaku> grin makes a lot of weird choices anyway, including not supporting some of the fundamental features of mimblewimble like cut-through, block and blockchain aggregation, compact IBD, etc.
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<maaku> I hope that we can have an actual mimblewimble implementation based on elements that interacts with bitcoin instead of re-inventing the square wheel :\
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