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<PaulTroon> Does anyone know if the order of aggregation matters when verifying an BLS aggregate signature?
<PaulTroon> eg. agg sig = sig(m1,P1) * sig(m2,P2) =? sig(m2,P2) * sig(m1,P1)
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<sipa> PaulTroon: multiplication is commutative
<PaulTroon> Thanks sipa, this stuff seems like such a free lunch, hard to wrap my head around it
<PaulTroon> Boneh has a free coursera coming up which I plan to attend, might be interesting to anyone else who wants to get up to speed on the basics
<sipa> i took his first online course in 2011 or so
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<waxwing> i'm currently reading (Boneh and Shoup, last updated september, not entirely finished) on nickler 's recommendation. or parts of it. good stuff.
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<PaulTroon> looks good; I'll add that to my reading list.
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<wumpus> waxwing: seems interesting, thanks
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<ruby32> does grin have an IRC channel?
<kanzure> their altcoin pump requires them to not use IRC, i think
<andytoshi> yes, it's on
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<ruby32> andytoshi: does gitter by default have an IRC interface for all of its chatrooms?
<sipa> yes it does
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<waxwing> huh, bulletproofs are already mentioned in the wikipedia article on non-interactive zero knowledge proofs
<waxwing> btw i've been struggling today to understand how you get zero knowledgeness with non-interactivity, since you can't fake transcripts when you hash the prover's commitment (i.e. random oracle model). feel free to ignore if too off-topic here :)
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<nsh> waxwing, that's where the forking lemma comes into play in ways i can't even quite handwave yet
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<waxwing> thanks nsh
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<andytoshi> waxwing: in the ROM you can fake transcripts by programming the hash function to output whatever you want (and choosing this beforehand)
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<Alanius> nsh: the forking lemma does not have to do with forging transcripts; it has to do with extracting the witness given black-box access to a successful prover (subject to: IF the successful prover is actually a forger (ie. no interaction with the witness) THEN the extractor gets to control the random oracle)
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<Alanius> and the forking lemma is really quite simple: the extractor runs the prover and forks right after his first commitment; "forking" in this context means running two different executions with different random coins
<Alanius> if the different random coins generate different challenges from the adversary, fine by me; or in the rom if the random coins generate different responses from the random oracle, also fine by me
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<Alanius> the clue is that given a first message (commitment), and pair of distinct completions into valid transcripts should enable the extractor to compute the witness; this property is called special soundnes
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<Alanius> any* pair
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<nsh> thanks Alanius!
<Alanius> no problem :)
<Alanius> oh and: different challenges from the verifier* (not from the adversary)
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