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<alexgordon> ELLIOTTCABLE
<purr> ELLIOTTCABLE: hi!
<alexgordon> HI ELLIOTT
<ELLIOTTCABLE> incomprehensibly: all A's
<alexgordon> I'm back from the ricelands
<incomprehensibly> ELLIOTTCABLE: hell yea
<incomprehensibly> hi alexgordon
<alexgordon> sup micah
<incomprehensibly> ELLIOTTCABLE: I got two A-, a B+, and a D- (lol)
<purr> lololol
<incomprehensibly> D- was in embedded systems, even though I poured probably more hours into that class than the other ones
<ELLIOTTCABLE> incomprehensibly: policy gradients
<incomprehensibly> ELLIOTTCABLE: policy gradients
<incomprehensibly> ?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> monte carlo trees
<ELLIOTTCABLE> terse. phone. one-handed.
<incomprehensibly> i do not know dqn
<alexgordon> incomprehensibly: haha it's like me and mechanics
<ELLIOTTCABLE> pizzaaaaaaaaaa in ither
<alexgordon> for my AS level. A, A, fucking C wtf
* alexgordon cannot do physics
<ELLIOTTCABLE> deep Q network
<alexgordon> went to indonesia, saw a wizard i.imgur.com/D22hIQA.jpg
<ELLIOTTCABLE> did u becom frog
<incomprehensibly> In this demo, instead of Atari games, we'll start out with something more simple: a 2D agent that has 9 eyes pointing in different angles ahead and every eye senses 3 values along its direction
<ELLIOTTCABLE> ahhhhhhhhhh phone autocompleted becom
<ELLIOTTCABLE> u no me so well iOS
<alexgordon> become frog?
<incomprehensibly> LOOK AT HIM MOVING
<alexgordon> I have no idea what is going on now
<ELLIOTTCABLE> vaguely reminiscent of Roomba
<ELLIOTTCABLE> that probably tell you something about Roomba
<ELLIOTTCABLE> what is roomba's reward-state
<ELLIOTTCABLE> 'sucked up some dirt'
<ELLIOTTCABLE> thats the problem with eh eye
<ELLIOTTCABLE> one day ur like 'find the dirt' and next thing u no roomba's going outside and tracking it inside just so it can clean it up
<ELLIOTTCABLE> like this smartcar bs for instance
<ELLIOTTCABLE> ur teslas eventually gonna b like 'okay u don't want to run into things, clearly the smartest choice is to not turn on'
<ELLIOTTCABLE> incomprehensibly: I want to post a gif of that animation, a few frames where he picks up a red blob and doesn't like it, and caption it "this is why"
<incomprehensibly> ELLIOTTCABLE: i was going to post a clip "my son has 9 eyes"
<ELLIOTTCABLE> yesssssss
<incomprehensibly> with 9 eye emoji
<ELLIOTTCABLE> don't you ever talk to my 9-eyed son or his nine 9-eyed sons again
<ELLIOTTCABLE> i herd u liek 3 eyes so I put 3 eyes in ur 3 eyes so you can train algorithmically while u train algorithmically
<purr> ELLIOTTCABLE: Learned `
<ELLIOTTCABLE> -find Atari
<purr> ELLIOTTCABLE: Found:
<alexgordon> incomprehensibly: so are you in your final year?
<alexgordon> hold on let me work it out
<alexgordon> we started paws in 2009? micah was 14. it's now 2016. 2016 - 2009 is 7. so micah is 14 + 7 = 21
<incomprehensibly> 21 in less than a month!
<incomprehensibly> alexgordon: yeah, except since i'm doubling in CS and math I'll have an extra semester or maybe 2
<alexgordon> so 2 more years?
<incomprehensibly> yeah, 1 1/2 or 2
<alexgordon> incomprehensibly: what are you studying in math at the moment?
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<incomprehensibly> alexgordon: last semester I did "foundations of analysis II"
<incomprehensibly> so basically the multivariate stuff
<alexgordon> wow sounds boring :D
<incomprehensibly> lol yeah it's required
<purr> LOL
<incomprehensibly> so now i officially have a math minor
<incomprehensibly> 3 more classes for major
<alexgordon> that is real analysis?
<incomprehensibly> since some cs classes I've taken counted as applied math electives
<incomprehensibly> yeah
<incomprehensibly> there's analysis I and II
<incomprehensibly> which is basically real analysis in 1 and then N dimensions
<incomprehensibly> next semester I'm doing I think numerical analysis
<incomprehensibly> after that, either complex variables/analysis, or um
<alexgordon> fourier?
<incomprehensibly> yeah I know none of it is really excited
<incomprehensibly> exciting*
<incomprehensibly> lol
<incomprehensibly> I am doing an NLP class and a programming languages class this fall though
<alexgordon> that sounds better!
<incomprehensibly> but yeah I just have 2 more required math classes and then 1 elective
<incomprehensibly> last semester I did a computer vision class, embedded systems (woof, D-), analysis II, and algorithms
<incomprehensibly> but yeah so not a lot of room for really crazy math but tbh I've always been better at armchair wikipedia higher math than like
<incomprehensibly> doing it at college
<incomprehensibly> last semester fucking
<incomprehensibly> KILLed me
<incomprehensibly> so I need to take it easy and get out with a degree and an OK gpa
<alexgordon> I was reading the princeton guide to mathematics on the flight. it's really good! wish I'd know about it earlier
<alexgordon> it's like 1000 pages
<incomprehensibly> oh cool
<alexgordon> introductions to most disciplines of mathematics by famous people in those disciplines
<incomprehensibly> should I do intro to topology, or fluid dynamics, or what
<incomprehensibly> for my elective
<incomprehensibly> alexgordon: cool
<alexgordon> it's on libgen, download it :D
<alexgordon> incomprehensibly: well do whatever you find easiest :P
<alexgordon> fluid dynamics sounds difficult
<incomprehensibly> gotta know how navier stokes equations work
<incomprehensibly> or what they are
<incomprehensibly> do you know what they are
<alexgordon> and probably just a lot of differential equations
<incomprehensibly> I really enjoyed my diff eqs class but yeah they're fucked
<incomprehensibly> alexgordon: can't find on libgen
<incomprehensibly> how to i libgen
<incomprehensibly> alexgordon: thanx
<alexgordon> I think _computational_ fluid dynamics would be interesting
<alexgordon> but theoretical fluid dynamics is probably really hard work
<alexgordon> so I would go for topology or something else
<incomprehensibly> mhmm
<alexgordon> what are the other options?
<incomprehensibly> alexgordon: http://www.math.utah.edu/ugrad/appmaj.html
<alexgordon> oh quite a lot
<alexgordon> hahaha Actuarial Mathematics
<alexgordon> well if you want to sell your soul then do stochastics and mathematical finance and get a job at a bank :P
<alexgordon> if you want to have a more complete mathematical education then do number theory / topology / modern algebra
<incomprehensibly> haha
<incomprehensibly> no chance i would be doing actuarial jesus
<incomprehensibly> insert a comma before jesus
<incomprehensibly> if it makes parsing that message easier
<incomprehensibly> modern algebra seems cool
<alexgordon> actuarial jesus
<alexgordon> :D
<alexgordon> he died to collect the life insurance premium
<incomprehensibly> lolol
<purr> robotlolita
<incomprehensibly> purr: omfg
<alexgordon> you have summer holidays now right?
<alexgordon> incomprehensibly: I dunno what "modern algebra" refers to actually. groups and rings?
<incomprehensibly> alexgordon: yeah but i'm doing a full time internship
<incomprehensibly> plus, for the moment, 2 hours each way commute on trains
<incomprehensibly> until i have a car again
<incomprehensibly> alexgordon: yeah probs
<alexgordon> man two degrees and a full time internship o_o
<incomprehensibly> well it's just for the summer
<incomprehensibly> 12 wks
<incomprehensibly> doing web dev
<alexgordon> found someone's site for it http://www.math.utah.edu/~hacon/5310/5310.html
<alexgordon> seems like mostly group theory
<incomprehensibly> looks scary
<incomprehensibly> haha
<alexgordon> dunno why they called it modern algebra if there's no rings!
<incomprehensibly> analysis II I was sure I was going to fail
<alexgordon> incomprehensibly: topology is probably the easy option
<alexgordon> if you want an easy option :P
<incomprehensibly> because the teacher didn't use the internet whatsoever or provide a syllabus
<incomprehensibly> alexgordon: ok, it seemed like it'd be hard but maybe not
<incomprehensibly> and my friend and i skipped class 2 days in a row and ended up missing a midterm, though he did let us take it
<incomprehensibly> and i got like 75% on all 3 midterms and probably a little better on the final
<incomprehensibly> but he gave me an A-
<alexgordon> Lipschitz
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<pikajude> i don't know what's better: the job interview i just scheduled, my new LCD-2Fs, or the fact that the caterer today was the one decent Chinese place
<pikajude> everything's coming up pika
olakukielko has joined #elliottcable
<olakukielko> is there a mobile client o
<olakukielko> r
<ELLIOTTCABLE> there's an app, yeah, but, woah, you've been on your phone this whole time
<olakukielko> im really bad at typing i apologize in advance
<ELLIOTTCABLE> doesn't matter
<olakukielko> no ive been on pc
<ELLIOTTCABLE> irc is very informal lol
<purr> loling
<pikajude> the bass on these headphones is fucking bonkers
<ELLIOTTCABLE> pikajude: whatcha got
<pikajude> LCD-2F
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I had Beats for a hot minute last month, after losing my Momentums
<pikajude> hooked up to an audiogd nfb-15
<ELLIOTTCABLE> got very very frustrated, very very fast, and returned them.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> shelled out for replacement Momentums.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> olakukielko: check out #scala, though, for your issue.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> and you might want to containerize your solution, once you figure it out: install Docker, and set up <whatever commands set up the working scala environment> as a Dockerfile.
<olakukielko> thanks
<pikajude> or use nix!
<ELLIOTTCABLE> that way, since it sounds like you'll have to use this often, you'll end up w/ a reproducible, reliable platform to work on top of.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> pikajude: she's dealing with some 3-year-old Google product that's unmaintained, and doesn't work with current Scala or Java or … something.
<pikajude> nix has older versions of stuff
<ELLIOTTCABLE> hm, does it have a Java 7 OpenJDK? o_O
<pikajude> uh, sure
<pikajude> i mean, if it doesn't, you can just write an expr for it
<pikajude> it won't hurt anything
<pikajude> but i know for a fact that jdk7 is in nixpkgs
<ELLIOTTCABLE> olakukielko: good luck! and stick around IRC: there's thousands of channels, with hundreds of thousands of devs. This (Freenode) is my first stop to solve basically any tech-related problem.
<olakukielko> thanks!
<pikajude> if stack overflow doesn't work
<ELLIOTTCABLE> stack overflow is a huge cesspool of misinformation
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I died, I died
<pikajude> it was super cute
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I knoooowwwww
<ELLIOTTCABLE> my heart hurts now
<ELLIOTTCABLE> that could also be cholesterol tho.
<pikajude> incomprehensibly, where did you get the otter
<pikajude> can i have one
<ELLIOTTCABLE> incomprehensibly, *are* you the otter
<ELLIOTTCABLE> pikajude: you been playing Stellaris?
<pikajude> i don't know what that is
<ELLIOTTCABLE> do you like Civ, etc?
<pikajude> civilization? the game?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> also: Civ 6 has me all in tatters, I'm so goddamn excited
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I tried EU4 a couple days ago, too, but jesus, that's too much for me
<pikajude> i never played any of those games
<ELLIOTTCABLE> you've never played civ
<ELLIOTTCABLE> jude how, jude why, jude you poor thing
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I'm not even a gamer but fuck that game is so much fucking fun
<pikajude> i didn't play games as a kid and i kind of never got interested in them as an adult
<pikajude> wasn't allowed any games growing up
<ELLIOTTCABLE> there's like. 2-hour games, 10-hour games, and 40-hour games … but Civ is one of the rare 250-hour games. Like Minecraft, the Sims, SimCity …
<pikajude> ok i lie
<pikajude> i did play ratchet and clank growing up
<pikajude> 30 minutes a week
<pikajude> i savored it
<cloudhead> ELLIOTTCABLE !!
<ELLIOTTCABLE> cloudhead!
<cloudhead> I'm also excited about Civ
<ELLIOTTCABLE> it's been a hot fucking second
<cloudhead> I know my friend
<ELLIOTTCABLE> pikajude: I remember when I would *viciously* anticipate the 1 hour a day I was allowed to play video-games, growing up
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I'd go over to my (probably only-)friend's house, and we'd get the egg-timer from his mom
<pikajude> yeah
<pikajude> i got 30 minutes on saturdays
<cloudhead> I always had infinite video game time, now look where I ended
<ELLIOTTCABLE> the time booting up the computer and putting the disk in didn't count and that was a big deal
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Red Alert would start up, and we'd spin the timer around to 60m
<ELLIOTTCABLE> and then take turns playing
<ELLIOTTCABLE> ahhhhhhhh, good times
<cloudhead> haha
<cloudhead> omg red alert!!
<ELLIOTTCABLE> literally every single day after school for like an entire year, that was my life
<ELLIOTTCABLE> dude have you tried booting it up
<cloudhead> that was the best dude
<cloudhead> not recently
<ELLIOTTCABLE> game mechanics are tied to clock-speed.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> it like fucking runs on Windows 8 man
<ELLIOTTCABLE> but you can't play
<cloudhead> hahaha whattt
<ELLIOTTCABLE> because the game loads, and then boom you're dead, the enemy has built fifty buildings and destroyed you with a blitzkrieg of tanks
<ELLIOTTCABLE> in a millisecond
<cloudhead> lol!
<purr> trololol
<ELLIOTTCABLE> it's hilarious
<ELLIOTTCABLE> cloudhead: wanna see some gifs
<cloudhead> yeah
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Ahhhhhhhhhhhh I can't find it
<ELLIOTTCABLE> so disappointed
<ELLIOTTCABLE> but somebody modded Red Alert to turn the bombers into Santa Claus, and the parachute troopers into parachuting gift-boxes, last year for christmas
<ELLIOTTCABLE> it was fucking epic
<ELLIOTTCABLE> there's a great .gif of it that's like, ALL of the nostalgia
<cloudhead> haha
<cloudhead> :(
<ELLIOTTCABLE> cloudhead: are *you* Stelladdicted yet?
<cloudhead> What's that!?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> if you *haven't* played it: do you like the civs?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> stellaris
<cloudhead> I love them
<cloudhead> :o
<ELLIOTTCABLE> omg you fuck come play stellaris w/ me
<ELLIOTTCABLE> what's your steam name
<cloudhead> but the problem is when I start playing civ I play like, 16h/day
<cloudhead> that's a real problem
<cloudhead> omg
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I haven't showered today
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I'm a fucking gross mess
<cloudhead> gonna look this up
<cloudhead> hahaha
<ELLIOTTCABLE> but I'm master of like a third of the galaxy so w/e
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I'll literally buy you a copy right now COME PLAY W/ ME
<cloudhead> omg but
<ELLIOTTCABLE> okay 1/3rd may be a stretch.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> http://ell.io/i1gjBx
<cloudhead> I don't have a pc anymore
<cloudhead> does it run on osx
<ELLIOTTCABLE> do you irc from, like, an iPad?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> lol are you kidding me, would *I* play a game that's windows-only
<cloudhead> no I mean, windows pc
<purr> lololol
<cloudhead> oh yeah I guess not heh
<ELLIOTTCABLE> (actually yes, okay, fine, I would. fucking Banished is beautiful.)
<ELLIOTTCABLE> but yeah lol it's OS X-compat
<ELLIOTTCABLE> it's a Paradox game
<ELLIOTTCABLE> have you played Cities: Skylines? Or Europa Universalis? or Crusader Kings?
<cloudhead> shit this looks serious
<ELLIOTTCABLE> (haven't played the last, and I suck at EU, but Cities is fucking amaaaaazing)
<cloudhead> not really no
<cloudhead> I know about them
<cloudhead> and EU especially
<ELLIOTTCABLE> how about Endless Space or Endless Legends?
<cloudhead> yeah I played endless legends
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Stellaris is everything Endless Space *should* have been.
<cloudhead> but was a bit too unpolished
<ELLIOTTCABLE> it's like Endless Space and Civ 5 had babies
<ELLIOTTCABLE> it has a lot of the non-combat mechanics of EU.
<cloudhead> :o
<ELLIOTTCABLE> diplomacy in particular is very similar
<cloudhead> this looks like homeworld
<cloudhead> + EU
<ELLIOTTCABLE> and the ethos shit, where your population will develop their own feelings and opinions and disappear right out from under you, is very similar
<ELLIOTTCABLE> ehhhhh vaguely, but not really
<ELLIOTTCABLE> it's Endless Space combat.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> OMG the coolest thing tho, is how they've innovated on *movement*.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> it's not a traditional here's-some-hexes,-let's-pretend-this-is-a-board-game thing
<ELLIOTTCABLE> there's *three* completely fucking different movement systems, and different alien species use their own
<cloudhead> :O
<ELLIOTTCABLE> so you may be using ‘warp’, where your ships just point themselves at a star-system and slowly zoom across interstellar space towards it over like months, but you have complete freedom of movement, strategically speaking,
<cloudhead> that's crazy
<ELLIOTTCABLE> whereas the people you're fighting are using ‘hyperspace lanes’, where they can zoom around real fast, but are limited to pre-existing lanes in the universe, kinda like ley lines
<ELLIOTTCABLE> so if you can block their movement by squatting on hub-systems where lots of important lanes intersect, you have a significant tactical advantage;
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I always play as ‘wormhole’ races: you can go anywhere, and *instantly*, but one end of your transit *has* to start, or end, at a wormhole-station you build / maintain / protect
<ELLIOTTCABLE> but once you have a station somewhere, and the means to protect it, your ships can instantaneously jump basically anywhere in its radius: even through / across rivals' territory.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> ANYWAY LOL i like this game. >,>
<purr> lolol
<cloudhead> it looks quite good :D
<cloudhead> how many hours do you have on it already?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> cloudhead: steamname?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> wite goo dreeping down my steam-a
<cloudhead> greyface
<ELLIOTTCABLE> there's … several of those
<ELLIOTTCABLE> whatchoor icon
<cloudhead> james joyce
<cloudhead> wait, my steam name is "Buck" currently
<cloudhead> but username is greyface
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<pikajude> i'm on a gallon of milk a day diet
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<incomprehensibly> pikajude: wait who are you on twitter again
<pikajude> i bet you can guess
<incomprehensibly> ah
<incomprehensibly> where did you see me with otter
<incomprehensibly> ELLIOTTCABLE: the otter was at the zoo
<pikajude> i got mentioned on facebook
<pikajude> have you guys seen that new ipad app that simulates a vagina
<ljharb> i don't even know how to unpack that sentence
<pikajude> it's designed for people that don't know anything about vaginas
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<incomprehensibly> ah facebook
<incomprehensibly> AH i hadn't seen the comment yet
<incomprehensibly> he he
<ljharb> pikajude: republicans?
<pikajude> sure