austriancoder changed the topic of #etnaviv to: #etnaviv - the home of the reverse-engineered Vivante GPU driver - Logs
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<cphealy> I noticed with etnaviv that EGL_ANDROID_native_fence_sync extension is present while it is not present with other Mesa drivers. Are there any special requirements for this extension to be exposed?
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<austriancoder> cphealy: depends on PIPE_CAP_NATIVE_FENCE_FD and is supported by other drivers in mesa .. e.g. iris, freedreno, lima, ..
<cphealy> austriancoder: what does PIPE_CAP_NATIVE_FENCE_FD do or what are the requirements for it to be enabled?
<austriancoder> cphealy: explicit fencing needs to be supported in the kernel and mesa makes use of it
<cphealy> Ahh, got it. So, this means the kernel must be at least 4.10, IIRC.
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<austriancoder> cphealy: and the gpu driver needs to support it and expose an interface to use it in the user space side .. so..
<marex> austriancoder: seems like etnaviv claims to support a couple of things which it really does not support, like the gles1 depth (pntc and texcoord) ;-)
<austriancoder> marex: as you are working on that topic I can't wait to review your patches ;)
<marex> austriancoder: I have the traces now at least ...
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