Yes, I haven't figured out the new RS supertiling yet, but things work with some small adjustments and supertiling disabled for now.
Do you have a 8MP-EVK?
lynxeye: yep, so I obviously wanted to try etnaviv, I got the GPU to bind to etnaviv and started poking around
but since you're already on it, maybe neverball logo transparency is another thing I can look at
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marex: What's wrong with the logo? TBH all those neverball issues did mostly just scroll by me...
lynxeye: it is supposed to be transparent, but it is not transparent
lynxeye: seems gl1/gles1 is a source of fun
lynxeye: some alpha/depth test voodoo again
marex: If it's alpha testing then GC7000 (at least most of them) is currently broken.
lynxeye: its broken on mx6q too, so no
lynxeye: I need to look into how its implemented and then figure out whats wrong with it
Seems Vivante removed the fixed-function alpha-test unit and replaced it with a shader variant. There's a feature bit for called PE_NO_ALPHA_TEST
Oh, okay. GC2000/3000 still has the alpha test unit.
lynxeye: the shader based gles2 depth/alpha stuff works fine, the deqp tests pass and all
this is again some weird ff stuff
marex: alpha-test isn't in gles2, so deqp isn't testing it
flto: depth stencil is
flto: alpha is only in gles3 ?
marex: alpha testing is a desktop GL feature