<tp> proteusguy, "clone" ?
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<rdrop-exit> records
<tabemann> hey guys
<tp> hey tabemann
<tabemann> I need to write a proper line editor
<tabemann> will be the third I have written
<tabemann> but first
<tabemann> I need to figure out how to make the numworks calculator's flash work properly
<tabemann> because it turns out that the numworks calculator has two sections of flash
<tabemann> a 64K internal flash
<tabemann> and a 8MB external flash
<tabemann> the only solution I can think of is to put the kernel in the internal flash
<tabemann> and the user-compiled code in the external flash
<tp> yet Mecrisp-Stellaris runs on the Numworks ?
<tabemann> which is kinda a waste of internal flash
<tp> Mecrisp-Stellaris wont run code from the external flash
<tabemann> as I figured
<tp> I asked Matthias once about using external flash and he said 'nope'
<tp> Mecrisp-Stellaris is afterall a Forth for cortex-m small embedded and 8MB external flash is something else alltogether
<tabemann> the problem is that zeptoforth as it is on the F407 goes above the $FFFF mark
<tp> perhaps Zeptoforth's mission should be 'a Forth for large memory systems' ?
<tabemann> one solution I thought of is this
<tabemann> there are 256K of RAM
<tabemann> that is more than plenty
<tabemann> I could copy the lower 192K of flash ROM into RAM
<tabemann> and still have 64K of RAM left
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<proteusguy> tp, think concert tickets for reserved seats.
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<tp> proteusguy, serial,batch,lot,controlled
<proteusguy> lot is actually pretty good because it's in reference to auctioning such things.
<proteusguy> I think I'll use that. thanks.
<tp> np, glad to assist :)
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<proteusguy> Anyone been paying attention to this cool retro project that seems to be gaining traction? https://rc2014.co.uk/
<tp> it's amazing how programmers love retro projects. As a electronics tech I had to build and fix gear with Z80's in the early 1980's and I'd perfer to not see another one. To me it's like buying a Stanley Steamer instead of a Tesla
<tp> Ive fully embraced the latest MCU's with Forth and I feel like I'm living in the Golden Age of Microprocessors now
<siraben> proteusguy: Seems interesting, haven't heard about it.
<siraben> The BASIC must surely be interpreted.
<proteusguy> yes of course - as it was back then.
<proteusguy> siraben, you should get your forth running on that z-80. :-)
<proteusguy> tp, someone did a 6809 board for it. Nothing about it is specific to z-80.
<siraben> Haha, wouldn't be hard to port my Forth at all.
<tp> proteusguy, it's just me and the fact I was there then and had to work with them. Same with the 6809
<tp> for those that only know then from history I understand there may be some retro alure
<tp> it's probably the same with everything
<siraben> Wait a few decades and we might see retro projects on x86
<tp> i remember the 6809 came out in the more advanced commercial video games like 'defender'
<tp> I guess the games manufacturers were waiting on something more advanced than the z80 for those kind of games
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<proteusguy> I loved the 6809.
<proteusguy> I really didn't like Z80. 6502 was ok but funky but I was an Apple ][ hacker. 68000 was pretty nice but 6809 was the sweet spot for 8 bit for me.
<proteusguy> siraben, no one feels nostalgic for any of the x86 machines...
<proteusguy> nasty instruction set architecture.
<siraben> proteusguy: Indeed
<siraben> ARM's pretty nice IMO, the three argument instructions are good for compilers to work with.
<proteusguy> I just never could like ARM. RISCV is a serious improvement but I still don't love it. I also loathed PIC & 8051 but liked Atmel a lot.
<proteusguy> Naturally much of that is personal taste.
<boru> Agreed regarding RISC-V, althought it still needs to mature a bit more.
<proteusguy> boru, I'm slightly concerned that they're standardizing a bit too soon - before they've had enough development experience to know it's right. but all in all it's fairly well done yet still a bit complex to be truly RISC.
<boru> Well, having gone through the specs, from a hw point of view, it's very well thought out, but I occasionally feel like the sw side is a bit of a poor relation; I would really like to see more traffic on standardising the EABI, for example, specifically interrupt requirements and whatnot. I understand that they're very busy, however, and it'll all come in good time.
<boru> Having said that, what implementations have taped out are fun to play around with.
<boru> As well as adding bits onto the softcores, that is.
<tp> proteusguy, I'm a 6800 lover as well
<tp> boru ! :)
<boru> Afternoon, tp.
<tp> afternoon boru, nice to see ya
<boru> Likewise. I am not on IRC a lot these last few weeks (and mostly on other nets, at that).
<tp> I'm here and on #mecrisp but the traffic is always minimal
<boru> Such is the price for high SNR, I guess.
<tp> boru, yeah, and in my old age I'm fine with quietitude
<boru> Fillies giving you a headache, eh?
<tp> boru, nah, Ive been a bachelor the last 5 years
<boru> What a productive life you must lead!
<tp> yes, it's nice to be free to follow ones own projects without interuption
<tp> my Forth progress has been pretty good, for a technician
<boru> Well, I'll have a porting project for you soon, I hope.
<tp> boru, I'm making up a jig for my next round of copper rivets tomorrow, then I can do a page on the project I'll build with it
<tp> basically it's hand wired, deadbugged,two pcb with milled cavities and copper rivets for wired connections
<tp> boru, interesting, I cant wait to see it
<boru> It'll be finished Soon™
<tp> heheh
<tp> yeah
<tp> the only thing about being old is it takes 10x longer to do the things I did in my youth
<boru> Well, no burning rush.
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<tp> yeah, all things in time
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<X-Scale> tp: you probably do them now with more quality than you did back in the day though, and that takes extra time and effort.
<tp> X-Scale, perhaps, I've been slowly improving all my life, but as a tech I never cut corners, time was always irrelevant to me
<tp> X-Scale, I'm sure I used all the thought available to me at the time ;-)
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