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<tabemann> crest: do you know where tp is off to?
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<veltas> Today I keep thinking "what if we did not have X in Forth" and realising it's better to have it
<veltas> Like the return stack, I think "what if we did not have return stack ops" and then I realise that's *how* you add control flow, and so we may as well expose the return stack for saving stuff anyway, it's free
<veltas> Or "what if we didn't have immediate words" and only supported one effectively immediate word [ , well then you would have to make many words much larger to accomodate this switching of state
<veltas> Just some car thoughts
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<X-Scale> "Programming languages should be designed not by piling feature on top of feature, but by removing the weaknesses and restrictions that make additional features appear necessary." - Scheme R5RS
<crest> tabemann: i don't
<crest> tabemann: did you read my updates on stlink (1.6.1)
<crest> oh they fixed the permission issue
<crest> so maybe the lockdown wasn't intentional
<crest> i added a pull request to reduce the logging on FreeBSD something reasonable
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<crest> tabemann: i'm installing a debian VM to test swdcom on linux
<crest> asking you to rebuild one commit at a time is just annoying for both of us
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<tabemann> hey
<crest> tabemann: i fixed the swdcom build on debian
<crest> the code is on github
<crest> would you mind testing it on your system?
<crest> if it works please update your pull request to just include the zeptoforth specific parts
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<crest> tabemann: my freebsd usb logging fixes got merged as well
<crest> that takes care of all regressions in stlink 1.6.1 from my point of view
<crest> the next release should be useable on linux and freebsd unless something breaks again
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<tabemann> back
<crest> tabemann: hi
<tabemann> just got home
<tabemann> you mean the stlink code?
<tabemann> in the devel branch?
<crest> in the develop branch
<tabemann> swdcom now compiles without any changes
<crest> the most important change was a single line #define
<crest> #define _XOPEN_SOURCE 500
<tabemann> yeah, I remember seeing that one out there
<tabemann> why must they make it hard to use headers like that (GNU I'm looking at you)
<crest> it stops glibc headers from pretending to be even stupider than they are
<tabemann> in the name of "standards compliance" of course, I presume
<crest> because the gnu tools are portable to different operating systems and each one is its own kind of stupid
<tabemann> so they seek the lowest common denominator in stupidity
<crest> the *bsd avoid a lot of this pain because they are complete operatings systems developed as a single project in a single repo
<crest> e.g. in *bsd, solaris and macos the "official" interface to the system is API (and ABI)
<crest> not the syscalls
<crest> which is annoying for languages that target the syscall interface directly like go and rust
<crest> e.g. rust was broken on freebsd 12.0 for months because rustc couldn't support changes to the syscalls and structs
<crest> porting rust from the freebsd 11 syscall interface to the freebsd 12 syscall interface wasn't hard
<crest> but expanding rustc's concept of a platform to allow code reuse between them was a long debate
<tabemann> back
<crest> do you want to touch up your swdcom pull request to include (just) what's still missing from my swdcom repo?
<tabemann> I'm making a few changes right now to eliminate things like the definition of b+!
<tabemann> which is now going into the zeptoforth kernel
<crest> i just wanted to keep you up do date
<crest> because i know how annoying it is to get ignored by opensource projects/developers
<tabemann> is there any way you can drop the pull request and I can submit a new one with *just* my bootstrap_zepto.fs? I don't really know how to change pull requests after the fact
<crest> afaik the pull request is the diff between the two branches
<crest> so you could rebase your branch
<crest> or just add new commits
<crest> or abandon your original pull request and start a new one
<crest> i wouldn't mind given the current state of swdcom
<crest> the next two features i want to add are simple file uploads and stopping at string match in the output
<crest> afterward i want to split swdcom into a daemon and clients
<tabemann> how do you with github merge changes from an original branch under one user into a forked branch in another repository?
<crest> i have no idea
<crest> just start a new pull request if it's easier for you
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<crest> and i ordered two stm32l476 disco boards as well
<tabemann> kback
<tabemann> I updated my branhc
<tabemann> I had to make a change to the Makefile as it otherwise wasn't going to commit on my debian
<tabemann> namely I had to add -I/usr/include/libusb-1.0
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<crest> i added $(shell pkg-config --cflags libusb-1.0) to deal with that to the GNUmakefile
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<tabemann> back
<crest> please leave the Makefile for BSD make variants and make your changes to the GNUmakefile
<tabemann> okay, I accidentally deleted GNUmakefile and was unable to get it back for some reason, so I copied it directly from the checkout of your code
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<crest> if i squash all your changes into a single commit it doesn't matter how we got there
<crest> please respond to the comment on the pull request when you're satisified with your changes
<tabemann> don't merge the code yet
<tabemann> I rean into a bug
<tabemann> *ran
<tabemann> back
<tabemann> crest
<tabemann> should I have closed the pull request or not?
<tabemann> okay, I reopened it
<crest> does zeptoforth support keeping the base address in r11?
<tabemann> yes
<tabemann> swdcom works with swd2 and bootstrap_zepto.fs without any hitches now
<tabemann> *zeptofort works with
<tabemann> *zeptoforth
<crest> my stm32l476 discovery boards are in the mail
<tabemann> cool
<crest> i'll give zeptoforth a spin on one of them
<tabemann> I assume the other is for mecrisp-stellaris?
<crest> they aren't dedicated to one forth system or the other
<crest> i just wanted two to have identical hardware for experiments e.g. if I get the CAN controller working
<tabemann> ah
<crest> (and as backup if i fry one)
<crest> i already ripped of a solder pad on one of the nucleo boards
<tabemann> egad
<crest> i was fixable
<crest> *it
<crest> the damn pad came of while adding some solder to it
<crest> either the board as a lot more thermal capacity than i thought or it's a low quality pcb
<crest> the fix isn't pretty but it works
* tabemann can't solder, as he discovered at a tech camp in high school (I soldered together a radio - it actually worked, but the soldering wasn't pretty)
<crest> if it works...
<crest> i squashed all your changes into a single commit to hide the long-winded path you took
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<tabemann> thanks
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<crest> what features would you like to see in swdcom?
<tabemann> crest: I would like e4thcom-style #include and #require, including with nested source files
<tabemann> I would also like to see a proper line editor
<tabemann> with history and like
<tabemann> note that these should not go in the swdcom core, but rather in a client application
<tabemann> if anything, this functionality should not even know about swdcom
<tabemann> but rather swdcom should expose itself as a device file
<crest> exposing a device is hard to do cross platform
<crest> is there even a linux userspace device driver kernel module?
<crest> i do know that freebsd has cuse4bsd
<tabemann> well there's gotta be a way, since things like xterm are crossplatform
<crest> what does xterm have to with this?
<crest> oh you don't want a general purpose device
<crest> just a ptty
<tabemann> yes
<crest> good idea
<crest> but how would you attach to it?
<tabemann> donno, I don't know enough about pttys
<crest> it's a nasty api but posix does say enough on it
<tabemann> but you'd also want to keep a "raw" interface as well where you can just transfer arbitrary bytes to and from the MCU
<crest> i overlooked the pseudo ttys
<crest> and wanted to start from scratch
<crest> but actually my idea for the daemon was to use unix domain sockets
<tabemann> for the core layer, yeah, that's a good idea - where one is just dealing with bytes alone
<crest> unix stream sockets are fast and reliable
<crest> but file descriptor passing over them is a pain in the ass
<crest> because the stream abstraction breaks down
<tabemann> yeeeah
<crest> and each unix has its own intersting interpretation of what should happen in corner cases
<crest> for decades freebsd had a really, really nasty bug
<crest> if the sender passed more file descriptors than the receiver could receive all file descriptors got passed
<crest> there was just no way to learn their file descriptor number
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<tabemann> okay, I'm gonna have dinner now - bbl
<crest> i should go to bed
<tabemann> back
<tabemann> g'night