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<Zarutian_HTC> doesnt eForth or variant fit into something like 8k of rom or such?
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<KipIngram> How's everyone doing during all this crazy stuff? I've been out of pocket for a while.
<KipIngram> But, I haven't been doing any Forth work anyway, so...
<KipIngram> Still stuck at "next step = meta-compilation."
<KipIngram> But at least it's from being busy rather than not knowing what to do.
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<tabemann> back
<tabemann> hey guys
<tabemann> MrMobius: the real concern here is one that is embeddable
<tabemann> because neither mecrisp-stellaris nor my stm32 forth, zeptoforth, is meant to be embedded
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<MrMobius> crest, tabemann, hi
<MrMobius> right. the point is embedding it in the C program
<MrMobius> I was thinking about firing an interrupt any time a key press comes in over uart
<MrMobius> so C code runs more or less normal but can be halted and play with memory
<MrMobius> crest, seems like you wouldnt need the register allocator if youre just using it to debug not write the main code
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<crest> MrMobius: you don't need any the fancy register allocator but i don't know how much flash is saved by removing it
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<MrMobius> crest, good point
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<MrMobius> the other thing I'm not sure about is how you could get the addresses of C global variables to the embedded Forth
<crest> do you want to provide the forth with its own console connection?
<crest> C normally lacks such reflection at runtime
<MrMobius> crest, I imagine having it hooked up over its own UART if that's what you mean
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<crest> because i'm working on a different hack:
<jackdaniel> runtime interactions with c code may be achieved with dlopen
<crest> jackdaniel: which isn't available on bare metal
<MrMobius> how do you mean? not sure about gcc but other compilers will give you a list of fixed global variable addresses with assembly output
<crest> unless you implement it
<jackdaniel> fair enough
<crest> it would probably be easier to generate forth code from the symbol file
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<MrMobius> ya maybe
<crest> the build system would have to build the C code, generate forth code from the C symbol file, build the forth system, combine both in a single image
<MrMobius> hmm ya. that's a bit complicated for most people I think
<crest> make build
<crest> make flash
<MrMobius> better alternative might be to compile C and Forth all at once so you don't have to change any make files then run something to extract global addresses and transfer that over serial to the forth
<crest> do you want to write compiler for C and forth?
<MrMobius> definitely not for C. maybe enough of a forth for debugging but hopefully not that either
<MrMobius> crest, is the 20k for mecrisp stellaris what runs on the parent board?
<crest> thats for mecrisp stellaris running selfhosted on a stm32f103
<crest> it has to be rounded to full 2048 byte flash pages
<MrMobius> so it programs itself instead of a slave stm32?
<crest> yes
<crest> it's an untethered forth
<crest> picocom is enough to interact with it
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<MrMobius> they were discussing debug consoles on slack for C programs and someone suggested Forth
<MrMobius> so I was curious if anyone had implemented this for stm32 yet
<MrMobius> someone said Forth looks like a large programming environment and he prefers Circuit Python, lol
<crest> ROFL
<crest> you could write a very small token threaded forth on a cortext m3/m4
<crest> you could even support a mixture of 8bit and 16bit tokens
<MrMobius> thats exactly what I was thinking to keep it really small
<crest> and the inner interpreter could be short
<MrMobius> I was thinking 8-bit tokens and one token for user defined words
<crest> why so limited
<MrMobius> why would you need 16-bit tokens? you only need enough for built in words I think
<crest> because 256 tokens are an annoying limitation
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<MrMobius> why? you could implement a full Forth with less than 255 words and then you only need the one token to signify a user defined word and you can have as many of those as you like
<crest> okay so you want to encode longer tokens in 3 bytes e.g. 0xff <hi> <lo>
<crest> you can keep it all in a single jump table
<crest> your inner interpreter only has to expand short tokens into their index in the table
<MrMobius> ya that would work
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<MrMobius> the other problem besides getting global names from C into Forth is saving useful words between reflashing
<crest> that's not a problem
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<crest> keep them in different flash pages
<crest> after all TBH has a 128kB forward jump range
<crest> that should be enough to cover multiple flash pages on any sane microcontroller
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<MrMobius> for that you'd have to understand how the image created by the C compiler gets flashed
<MrMobius> so assuming it just starts at the first sector and goes in order
<MrMobius> thats also one more thing to go wrong if the person setting it up doesnt know which flash sector is the last one
<MrMobius> although I guess you could provide a header where all they have to do is indicate which stm32 they are using
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