i can't even open a pull request to fix the logging problem on FreeBSD
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i send my patch via email to one of the two members of the stlink github organization because nigthwalker 87 hasn't provided a public email address
and my google foo isn't strong enough reliably connect an email address to him/her
anyway there is a workaround to silence the exessive usb logging even in the stlink 1.6.1 release
the freebsd libusb looks for a magic env var that overrides all other ways to configure the log level
so a simple setenv() should be enough to allow swdcom to work if the headers are installed
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hey guys
hey tabemann
* tabemann
is trying to think of what to implement other than porting zeptoforth to numworks, as that would be a major pain
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tabemann, do you own one of them? there are a lot of other calculators that would probably be easier
unless a lot of your source is in assembly
the advantage of the numworks calculator is that it's Cortex-M, and zeptoforth targets Cortex-M
makes sense
the main problem is that I own one of the newer numworks calculators, and it switched from relying upon onboard flash to (mostly) relying upon external flash (which I have to figure out the memory controller for)
thats a pain
if you could modify the OS though it would be cool to switch into FOrth when you need it then back to the regular OS
like some way to escape and execute arbitrary code
this calculator has only 64K of internal flash
that would require a complete rewrite of zeptoforth
hmm, doesnt it execute code from the external flash though?
I presume so
oh i forgot this is java right? I didnt think it might be interpretting byte code from the external flash
no, numworks is written in C++ aside from code executed by micropython which is in, well, python
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