eev🅱log forums might be another good place to ask
Thanks for the tups, but, the instrument is fixed now. So I'll leave it at that.
pie_ has joined #glasgow
_whitelogger has joined #glasgow
that rules out a lot of things
[Glasgow] smunaut opened issue #144: Microwire and 93xx EEPROM support - https://git.io/fjiGd
ok, turns out it's just a 2's complement sum so that the total sum of all 16bits word is 0. But you need to do an endian swap on each 16-bit words you get from the EEPROM ... (you get them as a 16-bit value out of the EEPROM).
If it’s 16 bits wide, how does it have an endian
I guess they decided to swap the bytes for ... whatever reason ?
They do use it to store strings and to get the string in the "right order" you have to take the LSBs first.
Do you just mean the pinout is mislabeled and D0 is actually D8?