whitequark: with the sram one, maybe it makes less sense.
For the flash one, I left it optional because I have at least one board where the "programming connector" doesn't have reset on it, I just press a button to hold it in reset while I use the applet ...
but realistically I could just use the spi-flash applet for that board ...
i sort of see it but also it sort of doesn't make a lot of sense
i have no real opinion on it i guess
whitequark: btw, selftest on my revC*0* complains now
marcan: complains how
pins shorted or something
let me try again
oh yeah that
it's extraordinarily sensitive to noise
marcan: yeah the heuristic for using selftest is "does it *ever* PASS?"
like i said, it needs improvemet
re: soft flush
I think I would prefer something like .flush(block=False) ?
the "soft" isn't super informative
sure, whatever works
that sounds good
or even wait=
btw I did give that glasgow talk. only had the ws2812 thing at hand for a demo, but I live-coded a shitty logic analyzer (just dumps samples into the fifo) and it worked
(and then just touched pins to test it, lol)
nice :D
how'd the response go
as expected I guess? interest, some decent questions
I think there were 20 or so people, IIRC
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[GlasgowEmbedded/Glasgow] whitequark pushed 3 commits to master [+0/-0/±3] https://git.io/fjyzC
marcan: think i pulled everything from your branches
[Glasgow] whitequark commented on issue #143: Spy-Bi-Wire support - https://git.io/fjyg8
whitequark: The MSP-EXP430FR2433 is the board I mostly use, it's 10$. Doesn't make much sense for me to ship one as it costs more in shipping than the board value, but I have no issue sponsoring a few of them for testing. Not sure what electronics distributors you usually use ?
tnt: local ones
mhhh let's see which preposterously expensive devboards they have.
oh yeah there it is, EXP430
except it's $22
which one ? (because there is a bunch of exp430xxxx models)
it has MSP430G2553IN20 and MSP430G2452IN20 in the box
does that work
Yeah, I have a bunch of those as well.
They use the same debug protocol.
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whitequark: yeah I have a bunch of MSP crap too but there's no point in shipping it
I got some of it for free even
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[GlasgowEmbedded/Glasgow] whitequark pushed 3 commits to master [+0/-0/±3] https://git.io/fjyrG
[GlasgowEmbedded/Glasgow] whitequark cea1ad8 - cli: simplify after 6315ec10. NFC.
[GlasgowEmbedded/Glasgow] whitequark 4fd2224 - cli: display a prominent warning in log for preview applets.