the last part is about the bitstream, and I thought it would be fun to show the example working on lots of the dev boards
I've recently got a glasgow but so far not been able to install the Python tools
is there a way I can just load a bitstream with iceprog or similar?
can anyone point me to documentation that covers this and the PCF?
the way to load a bitstream is the python tools ...
the ice40 is connected only to the fx2, there is no onboard spi configuration flash.
the python tools generate and upload a bitstream made exactly for the task specified
ok, so I have to fix my Python issues first
so you need the fx2 fw to program the ice40. And the fx2 fw is also uploaded dynamically by the python tools ...
(there are ways to make them 'resisdent' I think, but still need the python stuff to do that so that doesn't help you)
I was hoping I'd be able to just take an .asc file generated by nextpnr and get it on there somehow
ok, no probs. I have 6 other boards to demo!
whitequark: fyi I'm moving first week of next month and have a bunch of other things going on, so while I would like to get the glasgow things wrapped up I may have to prioritize other things first :(